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2024-09-24 14:54:57 +02:00
#pragma once
#ifndef config_H_
#define config_H_
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <list>
#include <set>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "unicode/uniFile.h"
#include "stl/stringUtils.h"
#include "threading/thread.h"
#include "metrics.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#define DEFAULT_LOG "%temp%\\sc_serv.log"
#define DEFAULT_LOGW L"%temp%\\sc_serv.log"
#define DEFAULT_LOG "/tmp/sc_serv.log"
#define DEFAULT_FLASH_POLICY_FILE "crossdomain.xml"
Each option has a map associated with a member. Let's take an option called foobar
std::map<size_t,int> m_foobar;
For single options (non-multi options) the map only has a single element. We use a map
so we can treat all options, multi or not, in the same fashion
The value of the option is assigned via the assign_<name> method. subIndex is only used
for multi options (zero based). The value is always passed as a string and is converted
automatically internally
inline void assign_foobar(int subIndex,const uniString::utf8 &value)
The value of the option is retrieved as a string via the fetch_<name> method. The value
is fetched as a native type via native_fetch_<name> method. subIndex is used to select a
particular entry in a multi option. It's ignored for regular options
uniString::utf8 fetch_foobar(int subIndex)
int native_fetch_foobar(int subIndex)
A shorthand is provided via the _<name> method. It returns the same value as native_fetch_<name>
const int _foobar()
The number of elements for the option is returned by the count_<name> method. For single options
this is always one
size_t count_foobar()
The multi_<name> method returns true if the option is a multi option
bool multi_foobar()
The def_<name> method returns the default value for the option as a string
utf8 def_foobar()
All the proceeding options are private, and not protected by a mutex.
There are two public methods for accessing methods that provide mutex
protection. The value of the options is <name>() and the default value
is provided by <name>_Default()
const int foobar()
const int foobar_Default()
All of this is created automatically via the OPT and OPT_MULTI macros below
In the optMap table we associated all these functions with the actual name of the option
as it appears in the config file. In addition there is a change function associated with
each option that is fired when the option is changed.
///////// crazy macros to provide uniform assign/fetch functions for each option
Create a single option of type "tipe" with the name "name" and a default value of "def"
#define OPT(tipe,name,def)\
std::map<size_t,tipe> m_##name;\
inline void assign_##name(const uniString::utf8 &value, const size_t subIndex = DEFAULT_CLIENT_STREAM_ID) throw() { assignMulti(m_##name, subIndex, value); }\
uniString::utf8 fetch_##name(const size_t subIndex = DEFAULT_CLIENT_STREAM_ID, size_t *fetchByPos = 0) const throw() { return revert(fetchMulti(m_##name, subIndex, def, fetchByPos)); }\
tipe native_fetch_##name(const size_t subIndex = DEFAULT_CLIENT_STREAM_ID, size_t *fetchByPos = 0) const throw() { return fetchMulti(m_##name, subIndex, def, fetchByPos); }\
const tipe _##name() const throw() { return fetchMulti(m_##name, DEFAULT_CLIENT_STREAM_ID, def, 0); }\
size_t count_##name() const throw() { return 1; }\
bool multi_##name() const throw() { return false; }\
uniString::utf8 def_##name() const throw() { return revert(def); }\
const tipe name() const throw() { return fetchMulti(m_##name, DEFAULT_CLIENT_STREAM_ID, def, 0); }\
const tipe name##_Default() const throw() { return def; }
// for options that can have multiple instances (like encoders and broadcast points)
The option has the type "tipe" with the name "name" and a default value of "def"
#define OPT_MULTI(tipe,name,def)\
std::map<size_t, tipe> m_##name;\
inline void assign_##name(const uniString::utf8 &value, const size_t subIndex) throw() { assignMulti(m_##name, subIndex, value); }\
inline void native_assign_##name(const size_t subIndex, const tipe &value) throw() { native_assignMulti(m_##name, subIndex, value); }\
uniString::utf8 fetch_##name(const size_t subIndex, size_t *fetchByPos = 0) const throw() { return revert(fetchMulti(m_##name, subIndex, def, fetchByPos)); }\
tipe native_fetch_##name(const size_t subIndex) const throw() { return fetchMulti(m_##name, subIndex, def, 0); }\
const tipe _##name(const std::vector<tipe>::size_type i) const throw() { return fetchMulti(m_##name, i, def, 0); }\
bool multi_##name() const throw() { return true; }\
uniString::utf8 def_##name() const throw() { return revert(def); }\
const bool read_##name(const size_t subIndex) const throw() { return (m_##name.find(subIndex) != m_##name.end()); }\
void unread_##name(const size_t subIndex) { native_assignMulti(m_##name, subIndex, name##_Default()); }\
const tipe name(const size_t subIndex) const throw() { return fetchMulti(m_##name, subIndex, def, 0); }\
size_t count_##name() const throw() { return m_##name.size(); }\
const std::map<size_t, tipe>& name##_map() const { return m_##name; } \
const tipe name##_Default() const throw() { return def; }
// global configuration
class config
// stream specifications from config file.
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct streamConfig
#pragma pack(push, 1)
class urlObj
uniString::utf8 m_url;
uniString::utf8 m_server;
uniString::utf8 m_path;
u_short m_port;
static uniString::utf8 parse(const uniString::utf8 &url, uniString::utf8 &server,
u_short &port, uniString::utf8 &path) throw(std::exception);
explicit urlObj(const uniString::utf8 &url) throw(std::exception)
if (!url.empty())
urlObj& operator=(const uniString::utf8 &url) throw(std::exception)
return *this;
const uniString::utf8 &url() const throw() { return m_url; }
const uniString::utf8 &server() const throw() { return m_server; }
const uniString::utf8 &path() const throw() { return m_path; }
const u_short port() const throw() { return m_port; }
bool isSet() const throw() { return !m_url.empty(); }
void set(const uniString::utf8 &url) throw(std::exception)
m_url = parse(url, m_server, m_port, m_path);
void clear() throw()
m_port = 0;
#pragma pack(pop)
uniString::utf8 m_authHash;
uniString::utf8 m_urlPath; // url that clients use to connect
uniString::utf8 m_adminPassword; // per stream admin password
uniString::utf8 m_password; // per stream source password
uniString::utf8 m_publicServer; // per stream source public flag
size_t m_streamID;
int m_maxStreamUser; // per stream user limit
int m_maxStreamBitrate; // per stream max bitrate limit
int m_minStreamBitrate; // per stream min bitrate limit
urlObj m_relayUrl; // if this is a relay, then this is set to the source url
urlObj m_backupUrl; // if there is a backup, then this is set to the backup url
bool m_allowRelay; // per stream relay allowed flag
bool m_allowPublicRelay; // per stream relay public flag
streamConfig() throw() : m_streamID(DEFAULT_CLIENT_STREAM_ID), m_maxStreamUser(0),
m_maxStreamBitrate(0), m_minStreamBitrate(0),
m_relayUrl((uniString::utf8)""), m_backupUrl((uniString::utf8)""),
m_allowRelay(true), m_allowPublicRelay(true) {}
streamConfig(const size_t id, const uniString::utf8 &authHash, const uniString::utf8 &url,
const uniString::utf8 &relayUrl, const uniString::utf8 &backupUrl,
const int maxStreamUser, const int maxStreamBitrate, const int minStreamBitrate,
const uniString::utf8 &adminPassword, const uniString::utf8 &password,
const uniString::utf8 &publicServer, const bool allowRelay,
const bool allowPublicRelay) throw(std::exception)
: m_authHash(authHash), m_urlPath(url), m_adminPassword(adminPassword), m_password(password),
m_publicServer(publicServer), m_streamID(id), m_maxStreamUser(maxStreamUser),
m_maxStreamBitrate(maxStreamBitrate), m_minStreamBitrate(minStreamBitrate), m_relayUrl(relayUrl),
m_backupUrl(backupUrl), m_allowRelay(allowRelay), m_allowPublicRelay(allowPublicRelay) {}
#pragma pack(pop)
///// functions to convert types to and from unicode strings
template<typename T> inline static void convert(const uniString::utf8 &v,T &r) throw() { r = v; }
#ifdef _WIN64
inline static void convert(const uniString::utf8 &v,size_t &r) throw() { r = atoi((const char *)v.c_str()); }
inline static void convert(const uniString::utf8 &v, int &r) throw() { r = atoi((const char *)v.c_str()); }
inline static void convert(const uniString::utf8 &v, unsigned int &r) throw() { r = atoi((const char *)v.c_str()); }
inline static void convert(const uniString::utf8 &v, unsigned long &r) throw() { r = atol((const char *)v.c_str()); }
inline static void convert(const uniString::utf8 &v, unsigned short &r) throw() { r = (unsigned short)atoi((const char *)v.c_str()); }
inline static void convert(const uniString::utf8 &v, short &r) throw() { r = (short)atoi((const char *)v.c_str()); }
inline static void convert(const uniString::utf8 &v, bool &r) throw() { r = (atoi((const char *)v.c_str()) ? true : false); }
inline static void convert(const uniString::utf8 &v, double &r) throw() { r = atof((const char *)v.c_str()); }
template<typename T> inline static uniString::utf8 revert(const T &r) throw() { return r; }
#ifdef _WIN64
inline static uniString::utf8 revert(size_t r) throw() { return stringUtil::tos(r); }
inline static uniString::utf8 revert(int r) throw() { return stringUtil::tos(r); }
inline static uniString::utf8 revert(unsigned int r) throw() { return stringUtil::tos(r); }
inline static uniString::utf8 revert(unsigned long r) throw() { return stringUtil::tos(r); }
inline static uniString::utf8 revert(unsigned short r) throw() { return stringUtil::tos(r); }
inline static uniString::utf8 revert(short r) throw() { return stringUtil::tos(r); }
inline static uniString::utf8 revert(bool r) throw() { return (r ? "1" : "0"); }
inline static uniString::utf8 revert(double r) throw() { return stringUtil::tos(r); }
mutable AOL_namespace::mutex m_lock; // api may write to config, so we need a lock
//// tables and functions so we can read and write options in a generic manner based
/// on the names that are used in the config file
typedef void (config::*assignFunc_t)(const uniString::utf8 &, const size_t subIndex);
typedef uniString::utf8 (config::*fetchFunc_t)(const size_t subIndex, size_t *fetchByPos) const;
typedef size_t (config::*countFunc_t)() const;
typedef bool (config::*multiFunc_t)() const;
typedef uniString::utf8 (config::*defaultFunc_t)() const;
struct accessor_t
assignFunc_t m_assignFunc;
fetchFunc_t m_fetchFunc;
countFunc_t m_countFunc;
multiFunc_t m_multiFunc;
defaultFunc_t m_defaultFunc;
accessor_t(assignFunc_t af, fetchFunc_t ff, countFunc_t cf, multiFunc_t mf, defaultFunc_t df) throw()
: m_assignFunc(af), m_fetchFunc(ff), m_countFunc(cf), m_multiFunc(mf), m_defaultFunc(df) {}
accessor_t() throw() : m_assignFunc(0), m_fetchFunc(0), m_countFunc(0), m_multiFunc(0), m_defaultFunc(0) {}
typedef std::map<uniString::utf8,accessor_t> optMap_t;
// takes an option map (container) and returns the value at the index (i) if it exists,
// otherwise it returns the default value (defaultValue). Value returned as native type
template<typename T,typename D>
static T fetchMulti(const std::map<size_t,T> &container, const typename std::vector<T>::size_type &subIndex,
const D defaultValue, size_t *fetchByPos) throw()
if (!fetchByPos)
typename std::map<size_t,T>::const_iterator i = container.find(subIndex);
if (i != container.end())
return (*i).second;
// there's cases where we need to get the value
// effectively by it's position in the map so
// for the moment we'll just look through (bad
// for speed but it's not a commonly used mode).
typename std::vector<T>::size_type pos = 0;
for (typename std::map<size_t,T>::const_iterator i = container.begin(); i != container.end(); ++i, pos++)
if (pos == subIndex)
*fetchByPos = (*i).first;
return (*i).second;
return defaultValue;
// assign map index. Expand with default value as needed. Value is specified as a string and converted as needed
template<typename T>
static void assignMulti(std::map<size_t,T> &container, const typename std::vector<T>::size_type subIndex, const uniString::utf8 &value) throw()
T vtmp;
convert(value, vtmp);
container[subIndex] = vtmp;
// same as assignMulti, but you can provide the native type instead of a string
template<typename T>
static void native_assignMulti(std::map<size_t,T> &container, const typename std::vector<T>::size_type subIndex, const T &value) throw()
container[subIndex] = value;
// radionomy metrics
friend void metrics::metrics_apply(config &conf);
optMap_t m_optMap;
// we can't log during startup because the loggers don't exist
std::vector<uniString::utf8> m_deferredWarnLogMessages; // log warning messages from startup
std::vector<uniString::utf8> m_deferredErrorLogMessages; // log error messages from startup
// deferred options are those that weren't set because they can't take effect immediately
// they are used when writing out the new config file.
std::map<uniString::utf8,uniString::utf8> m_deferredOptions;
OPT(uniFile::filenameType,logFile,DEFAULT_LOG) // file for logging
OPT(uniFile::filenameType,realLogFile,DEFAULT_LOG) // file for logging
OPT(bool,screenLog,true) // log to screen
OPT(bool,log,true) // do I log?
OPT(int,logRotates,5) // hwo many backups to keep when doing a log rotate?
OPT(bool,logArchive,false) // backup rotated files which would otherwise be deleted
OPT(int,rotateInterval,86400) // interval between log file rotations (24 hours)
// if set to 0 then we won't rotate any of the files
OPT(int,portBase,8000) // listen port
OPT(int,publicPort,-1) // listen port for firehose - workaround for firehose hosts running on port 8000
// but need to effectively be seen as bound to port 80 - allowing all to work ok
OPT(int,portLegacy,-1) // legacy port override/disable
OPT(uniString::utf8,alternatePorts,(uniString::utf8)"") // alternate port(s) for client only connections - comma separated string
OPT(bool,nameLookups,false) // do internet reverse lookups
OPT(int,autoDumpTime,30) // how long before an idle connection is dumped (in seconds). Zero means no timeout
OPT(int,maxHeaderLineSize,4096) // maximum size of an HTTP header line. Default is pretty arbitrary right now
// but should be at least as big as a u-vox packet, since we have to anaylize
// initial data bytes to determine protocol and type of connectee (source or client)
OPT(int,maxHeaderLineCount,100) // max headers lines in HTTP style exchange
OPT(uniString::utf8,password,(uniString::utf8)""); // password for broadcaster to connect
OPT(uniString::utf8,adminPassword,(uniString::utf8)""); // administrator password
// buffer configuration options
OPT(int,bufferType,1) // 0 - fixed, 1 - adaptive
OPT(size_t,fixedBufferSize,524288) // size of buffer if fixed (gives ~32 seconds ~ 128kbps, 44.1kHz)
OPT(double,adaptiveBufferSize,16) // size of adaptive buffer in seconds
OPT(size_t,bufferHardLimit,16777216) // no more than this give or take a factor of two
OPT(unsigned short,metaInterval,16384) // metadata interval for shoutcast 1
OPT_MULTI(unsigned short,stream_metaInterval,16384) // per-stream override
// special intro and backup files
std::map<size_t, uniString::utf8> m_artworkBody;
// w3c logs
// relaying
OPT(bool,allowRelay,true) // can other servers relay us. Based on Shoutcast user agent, not reliable
OPT(bool,allowPublicRelay,true) // relays can list themselves in yp
OPT(short,maxHTTPRedirects,5) // max times we can redirect (http 3xx)
OPT(int,relayReconnectTime,5) // seconds to reconnect on relay failure
OPT(int,relayConnectRetries,0) // number of times we retry a relay request before throwing it away
// which if set as zero will keep retrying (excluding bitrate blocks)
////// stream configs
OPT_MULTI(uniString::utf8,stream_publicServer,(uniString::utf8)"") // if "always" or "never" overrides public flag from source
OPT_MULTI(bool,stream_allowRelay,true) // can other servers relay us. Based on Shoutcast user agent, not reliable
OPT_MULTI(bool,stream_allowPublicRelay,true) // relays can list themselves in yp
OPT_MULTI(int,stream_maxUser,0) // if set to a value greater than zero then we have per stream limits
OPT_MULTI(int,stream_maxBitrate,0) // if set to a value greater than zero then we have per stream limits
OPT_MULTI(int,stream_minBitrate,0) // if set to a value greater than zero then we have per stream limits
OPT_MULTI(bool,stream_ripOnly,false) // only addrs in rip file may connect
OPT_MULTI(int,stream_autoDumpTime,30) // how long before an idle connection is dumped (in seconds). Zero means no timeout
OPT_MULTI(int,stream_autoDumpSourceTime,7) // how long before an idle source connection is dumped (in seconds). Zero means no timeout
OPT_MULTI(bool,stream_autoDumpUsers,false) // if true, then users are dumped if source disconnects
OPT_MULTI(size_t,stream_listenerTime,0) // max time in minutes you can listen. 0 means no limit
OPT_MULTI(int,stream_songHistory,10) // max song history to preserve
OPT_MULTI(uniFile::filenameType,stream_logFile,""); // file for per mount logging
OPT_MULTI(uniString::utf8,stream_hideStats,(uniString::utf8)"") // hide /stats & /statistics as well as /index and /played public facing pages
OPT_MULTI(uniString::utf8,stream_redirectUrl,(uniString::utf8)"") // used with hideStats=all or if the stream version isn't specified
OPT_MULTI(uniString::utf8,stream_movedUrl,(uniString::utf8)"") // used to redirect a deemed dead stream (just in case)
OPT(bool,requireStreamConfigs,false) // if true, then sources can only connect if stream configs have been defined
// flash policy
OPT(int,flashPolicyServerPort,-1) // listen on port 843 for flash policy server request
uniString::utf8 m_crossdomainStr; // used to hold a cached copy of the crossdomain.xml file
uniString::utf8 m_crossdomainStrGZ; // used to hold a cached copy of the gzipped crossdomain.xml file
uniString::utf8 m_shoutcastSWFStr; // used to hold a cached copy of the shoutcast.swf file
uniString::utf8 m_shoutcastSWFStrGZ; // used to hold a cached copy of the gzipped shoutcast.swf file
uniString::utf8 m_usedAlternatePorts; // used to hold a copy of the valid alternate ports in use
////// yp
OPT(int,ypTimeout,30) // yp timeout interval for requests
OPT(int,ypMaxRetries,10) // number of times we retry a yp request before throwing it away
OPT(int,ypReportInterval,5 * 60) // never touch any slower than this
OPT(int,ypMinReportInterval,10) // never touch any faster than this
OPT(uniString::utf8,publicServer,"default") // if "always" or "never" overrides public flag from source
//// cdn behaviour
OPT(uniString::utf8,cdn,"") // if 'on' or 'always' then we enable all of the cdn modes (including YP pings for private streams)
// but use it to determine opt-in (via 'on') or opt-out (via 'always')
OPT_MULTI(int,cdn_master,-1) // this and the option below is used to control the behaviour of things
//// stats
OPT(int,maxUser,512) // max clients
OPT(int,minBitrate,0) // min bitrate of source connections - if zero / not set then there is no limit
OPT(int,maxBitrate,0) // max bitrate of source connections - if zero / not set then there is no limit
OPT(uniString::utf8,hideStats,"") // hide /stats & /statistics as well as /index and /played public facing pages
OPT(uniString::utf8,redirectUrl,"") // used with hideStats=all or if the stream version isn't specified
/// client behaviour
OPT(size_t,listenerTime,0) // max time in minutes you can listen. 0 means no limit
OPT(bool,autoDumpUsers,false) // if true, then users are dumped if source disconnects
OPT(uniString::utf8,srcIP,"") // bind addr for sources
OPT(uniString::utf8,destIP,"") // bind addr for clients
OPT(uniString::utf8,publicIP,"") // public address to use for the YP listing if the bind addr is not appropriate
OPT(uniString::utf8,titleFormat,"") // modifies icy-name
OPT(uniString::utf8,urlFormat,"") // modifies icy-url
//// banning
OPT(bool,saveBanListOnExit,true) // save on exiting
//// rip
OPT(bool,saveRipListOnExit,true) // save on exiting
OPT(bool,ripOnly,false) // only addrs in rip file may connect
/// agent
OPT(bool,saveAgentListOnExit,true) // save on exiting
OPT(bool,blockEmptyUserAgent,false) // if true, block the client connection if there is no user agent specified
//// debugging
OPT(int,songHistory,20) // max song history to preserve
/// misc nonsense
OPT(uniString::utf8,unique,"$") // subsitution string for file names to mimic old sc_serv conf file behaviour
OPT(uniString::utf8,include,"") // include file placeholder
OPT(int,cpuCount,0) // cpu usage. zero is default
OPT(bool,clacks,true) // need i say more...?
OPT(bool,startInactive,false) // used to not start the relays on startup
OPT(bool,rateLimit,true); // if we do frame rate limiting or not
OPT(int,rateLimitWait,5); // if we do frame rate limiting, how many seconds before we enforce it fully
OPT(bool,useXFF,true); // if we use XFF (if available) for the listener address (and related actions)
OPT(bool,forceShortSends,false);// used for debugging streaming issues by introducing forced delays into sends
OPT(bool,adminNoWrap,false); // used for defaulting the admin listener page mode for wrapping or not
// wrapping the listener output list which might be handy for some users
// used for customising the css of the index.html and admin pages
uniString::utf8 m_styleCustomStr; // used to hold a cached copy of the custom css file
uniString::utf8 m_styleCustomStrGZ; // used to hold a cached copy of the gzipped custom css file
uniString::utf8 m_styleCustomHeader; // used to hold a cached copy of the gzipped custom css file
uniString::utf8 m_styleCustomHeaderGZ; // used to hold a cached copy of the gzipped custom css file
time_t m_styleCustomHeaderTime; // used to control the cache handling
uniString::utf8 m_faviconBody;
uniString::utf8 m_faviconHeader;
uniString::utf8 m_faviconBodyGZ; // gzipped version
uniString::utf8 m_faviconHeaderGZ; // gzipped version
time_t m_favIconTime; // used to control the cache handling
// used for returning robots.txt
uniString::utf8 m_robotsTxtBody;
uniString::utf8 m_robotsTxtHeader;
uniString::utf8 m_robotsTxtBodyGZ; // gzipped version
uniString::utf8 m_robotsTxtHeaderGZ; // gzipped version
uniString::utf8 m_certPath;
uniString::utf8 m_certFileBody;
const bool _load(const uniFile::filenameType &file, const uniString::utf8 &uniqueStr, const bool parent) throw();
int promptConfigFile() throw();
bool editConfigFileEntry(size_t sid, const uniFile::filenameType &filename,
const uniString::utf8 &authhash, const uniString::utf8 &param,
bool add, bool &handled, bool &idHandled, bool parent) throw();
// used for legacy handling of the relayport and relayserver options to sid=1
uniString::utf8 m_legacyRelayPort;
uniString::utf8 m_legacyRelayServer;
streamConfig& getPerStreamConfig(streamConfig& stream, const size_t sid, const bool useParent = true);
config() throw();
~config() throw();
static std::string logSectionName();
uniString::utf8 getCrossDomainFile(const bool compressed) throw();
uniString::utf8 getIndexCSS(const bool compressed) throw();
uniString::utf8 getShoutcastSWF(const bool compressed) throw();
const uniString::utf8 getStreamRedirectURL(const size_t streamID, const bool isStats, const bool homeSet,
const bool compress, const bool force = false) const throw();
int getRateLimitWait(const size_t streamID) const throw();
const int isBitrateDisallowed(const size_t streamID, const int bitrate, int &streamMinBitrate, int &streamMaxBitrate) const throw();
unsigned short getMetaInterval(const size_t streamID) const throw();
int getBackupLoop(const size_t streamID) const throw();
size_t getSongHistorySize(const size_t streamID) const throw();
const int getAutoDumpTime(const size_t streamID = DEFAULT_SOURCE_STREAM) const throw();
const int getCPUCount() const throw();
const std::vector<streamConfig> getRelayList();
const std::vector<streamConfig> getBackupUrl(const size_t streamID) throw(std::exception);
const uniString::utf8 getStreamHideStats(const size_t streamID) const;
typedef std::map<size_t, config::streamConfig> streams_t;
void getStreamConfigs(streams_t& streams, const bool useParent = true);
const bool getStreamConfig(streamConfig& stream, const size_t streamID);
// handle updating stream configs on the fly (as applicable)
#define AUTH_HASH 0x1
#define URL_PATH 0x2
#define RELAY_URL 0x4
#define MAX_USER 0x8
#define SOURCE_PWD 0x10
#define ADMIN_PWD 0x20
#define PUBLIC_SRV 0x40
#define ALLOW_RELAY 0x80
#define ALLOW_PUBLIC_RELAY 0x100
#define RIP_ONLY 0x200
#define DUMP_TIME 0x400
#define DUMP_USER 0x800
#define LIST_TIME 0x1000
#define SONG_HIST 0x2000
#define CIPHER_KEY 0x4000
#define INTRO_FILE 0x8000
#define BACKUP_FILE 0x10000
#define BAN_FILE 0x20000
#define RIP_FILE 0x40000
#define W3C_FILE 0x80000
#define MAX_BITRATE 0x100000
#define BACKUP_URL 0x200000
#define HIDE_STATS 0x400000
#define MOVED_URL 0x800000
#define AGENT_FILE 0x1000000
#define CDN_MASTER 0x2000000
#define CDN_SLAVE 0x4000000
#define ARTWORK_FILE 0x8000000
#define BACKUP_LOOP 0x10000000
#define BACKUP_TITLE 0x20000000
#define MIN_BITRATE 0x40000000
#define AD_TEST_FILE 0x80000000
#define AD_TEST_FILE_LOOP 0x100000000ULL
#define RATE_LIMIT_WAIT 0x200000000ULL
#define METAINTERVAL 0x400000000ULL
#define AD_TEST_FILE_2 0x800000000ULL
#define AD_TEST_FILE_3 0x1000000000ULL
#define AD_TEST_FILE_4 0x2000000000ULL
void addStreamConfig(config &readConfig, config::streamConfig) throw(std::exception);
__uint64 updateStreamConfig(config &readConfig, config::streamConfig update) throw(std::exception);
void removeStreamConfig(config::streamConfig) throw(std::exception);
// deals with configuring all of the per-stream passwords, etc
static bool setupPasswords(const config::streams_t &) throw(std::exception);
void setOption(uniString::utf8 key, uniString::utf8 value) throw(std::exception);
bool load(const uniFile::filenameType &file, bool load = true) throw();
bool rewriteConfigurationFile(bool minimal = true, bool messages = false, bool setup = false) const throw(std::exception); // throw on I/O error
uniString::utf8 dumpConfigFile() throw();
const std::vector<uniString::utf8>& deferredWarnLogMessages() const throw() { stackLock sml(m_lock); return m_deferredWarnLogMessages; }
const std::vector<uniString::utf8>& deferredErrorLogMessages() const throw() { stackLock sml(m_lock); return m_deferredErrorLogMessages; }
void clearDeferredWarnLogMessages() throw() { stackLock sml(m_lock); m_deferredWarnLogMessages.clear(); }
void clearDeferredErrorLogMessages() throw() { stackLock sml(m_lock); m_deferredErrorLogMessages.clear(); }
/////////// interface for service templates
const std::vector<uniString::utf8> fromArgs(const std::vector<uniString::utf8> &cl) throw();
bool getConsoleLogging() const throw();
const uniFile::filenameType getFileLog() const throw();
static uniString::utf8 getSystemLogConfigString() throw();
static uniString::utf8 getVersionBuildStrings() throw();
#undef OPT
#undef OPT_MULTI