virtual | ~DynamicContext () |
virtual DynamicContext * | createModuleDynamicContext (const DynamicContext *moduleCtx, xercesc::MemoryManager *memMgr=xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager) const =0 |
virtual void | clearDynamicContext ()=0 |
| Resets the dynamic context, as if it had never been used. More...
virtual Item::Ptr | getContextItem () const =0 |
| Get the context Item. More...
virtual void | setContextItem (const Item::Ptr &item)=0 |
| Set the context item to item. More...
virtual size_t | getContextPosition () const =0 |
| Get the context position. More...
virtual void | setContextPosition (size_t pos)=0 |
| Set the context position. More...
virtual size_t | getContextSize () const =0 |
| Get the context size. More...
virtual void | setContextSize (size_t size)=0 |
| Set the context size. More...
virtual const VariableStore * | getVariableStore () const =0 |
| get the variable store More...
virtual void | setVariableStore (const VariableStore *store)=0 |
| set the variable store More...
virtual const VariableStore * | getGlobalVariableStore () const =0 |
| get the variable store for globally scoped variables More...
virtual void | setGlobalVariableStore (const VariableStore *store)=0 |
| set the variable store for globally scoped variables More...
virtual void | setExternalVariable (const XMLCh *namespaceURI, const XMLCh *name, const Result &value)=0 |
| set the value of an external global variable with the given uri/localname pair More...
virtual void | setExternalVariable (const XMLCh *qname, const Result &value)=0 |
| set the value of an external global variable with the given QName More...
virtual const RegexGroupStore * | getRegexGroupStore () const =0 |
| get the regex group store More...
virtual void | setRegexGroupStore (const RegexGroupStore *store)=0 |
| set the regex group store More...
virtual time_t | getCurrentTime () const =0 |
| Return the current time. More...
virtual void | setCurrentTime (time_t newTime)=0 |
| Set the current time. More...
virtual ATDurationOrDerived::Ptr | getImplicitTimezone () const =0 |
| Return the implicit timezone for this system. More...
virtual void | setImplicitTimezone (const ATDurationOrDerived::Ptr &timezoneAsDuration)=0 |
| Set the implicit timezone. More...
virtual void | registerURIResolver (URIResolver *resolver, bool adopt)=0 |
| Register a callback object for resolving URIs. More...
virtual URIResolver * | getDefaultURIResolver () const =0 |
| Returns the default URIResolver. More...
virtual void | setDefaultURIResolver (URIResolver *resolver, bool adopt)=0 |
| Sets the default URIResolver. More...
virtual void | setDebugListener (DebugListener *listener)=0 |
| Set the listener for debug messages. More...
virtual DebugListener * | getDebugListener () const =0 |
| Gets the listener for debug messages. More...
virtual void | setStackFrame (const StackFrame *frame)=0 |
| Sets the current stack frame whilst debugging. More...
virtual const StackFrame * | getStackFrame () const =0 |
| Gets the listener for debug messages. More...
virtual Node::Ptr | parseDocument (xercesc::InputSource &srcToUse, const LocationInfo *location=0, const QueryPathNode *projection=0)=0 |
| Parse an XML document from the provided InputSource. More...
virtual Sequence | resolveDocument (const XMLCh *uri, const LocationInfo *location=0, const QueryPathNode *projection=0)=0 |
| Resolve the given uri (and baseUri) to an XML document. More...
virtual Sequence | resolveCollection (const XMLCh *uri, const LocationInfo *location=0, const QueryPathNode *projection=0)=0 |
| Resolve the given uri (and baseUri) to a sequence of Node objects. More...
virtual Sequence | resolveDefaultCollection (const QueryPathNode *projection=0)=0 |
| Resolve the default collection to a sequence of Node objects. More...
virtual bool | putDocument (const Node::Ptr &document, const XMLCh *uri)=0 |
| Attempts to put the document specified to the given URI by calling the registered URIResolver objects. More...
virtual SequenceBuilder * | createSequenceBuilder () const =0 |
| Create a new SequenceBuilder, which is used to turn a stream of events into a Sequence. More...
virtual UpdateFactory * | createUpdateFactory () const =0 |
| Creates a new UpdateFactory, used for performing updates. More...
virtual void | testInterrupt () const =0 |
| Test if the query should be interrupted, and throw if so. More...
virtual | ~StaticContext () |
virtual DynamicContext * | createModuleContext (xercesc::MemoryManager *memMgr=xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager) const =0 |
virtual DynamicContext * | createDynamicContext (xercesc::MemoryManager *memMgr=xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager) const =0 |
virtual DynamicContext * | createDebugQueryContext (const Item::Ptr &contextItem, size_t contextPosition, size_t contextSize, const VariableStore *variables, const xercesc::DOMXPathNSResolver *nsResolver, const XMLCh *defaultElementNS, xercesc::MemoryManager *memMgr=xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager) const =0 |
virtual XQillaConfiguration * | getConfiguration () const =0 |
| Returns the configuration object for this context. More...
virtual XQilla::Language | getLanguage () const =0 |
| Returns the lanuage that this context is for. More...
virtual ItemFactory * | getItemFactory () const =0 |
| Returns the ItemFactory for this context, which is used to create XQilla items and other objects. More...
virtual void | setItemFactory (ItemFactory *factory)=0 |
| Sets the ItemFactory for this context. More...
virtual const StaticType & | getContextItemType () const =0 |
| Get the static type of the context item. More...
virtual void | setContextItemType (const StaticType &st)=0 |
| Set the static type of the context item. More...
virtual bool | getXPath1CompatibilityMode () const =0 |
| Get the current XPath 1.0 compatibility mode. More...
virtual void | setXPath1CompatibilityMode (bool newMode)=0 |
| Set the current XPath 1.0 compatibility mode. More...
virtual const
xercesc::DOMXPathNSResolver * | getNSResolver () const =0 |
| Get the NS resolver. More...
virtual const XMLCh * | getUriBoundToPrefix (const XMLCh *prefix, const LocationInfo *location=0) const =0 |
| returns the URI that is bound in prefix in the current scope or zero length string otherwise More...
virtual const XMLCh * | getPrefixBoundToUri (const XMLCh *uri) const =0 |
| returns the prefix that is bound in uri in the current scope or zero length string otherwise More...
virtual void | setNSResolver (const xercesc::DOMXPathNSResolver *resolver)=0 |
| Set the NS resolver. More...
virtual void | setNamespaceBinding (const XMLCh *prefix, const XMLCh *uri)=0 |
| Binds a prefix to a namespace URI. More...
virtual const XMLCh * | getDefaultElementAndTypeNS () const =0 |
| get the value of the default namespace for elements and types More...
virtual void | setDefaultElementAndTypeNS (const XMLCh *newNS)=0 |
| set the value of the default namespace for elements and types More...
virtual const XMLCh * | getDefaultFuncNS () const =0 |
| Return the default namespace for functions. More...
virtual void | setDefaultFuncNS (const XMLCh *newNS)=0 |
| Set the default namespace for functions. More...
virtual DocumentCache * | getDocumentCache () const =0 |
| retrieve the repository for the grammars More...
virtual void | setDocumentCache (DocumentCache *docCache)=0 |
| sets the repository for the grammars More...
virtual bool | isTypeOrDerivedFromType (const XMLCh *const uri, const XMLCh *const typeName, const XMLCh *const uriToCheck, const XMLCh *const typeNameToCheck) const =0 |
| returns true if the type represented by uri:typename is an instance of uriToCheck:typeNameToCheck More...
virtual void | setXMLEntityResolver (xercesc::XMLEntityResolver *const handler)=0 |
| Sets the XMLEntityResolver that is used by Xerces when it is used to parse documents. More...
xercesc::XMLEntityResolver * | getXMLEntityResolver () const =0 |
| Returns the entity resolver currently set. More...
virtual void | setModuleResolver (ModuleResolver *resolver)=0 |
| Register a callback object for resolving module URIs. More...
virtual ModuleResolver * | getModuleResolver () const =0 |
| Returns the module resolver currently set. More...
virtual VectorOfStrings * | resolveModuleURI (const XMLCh *uri) const =0 |
virtual void | addSchemaLocation (const XMLCh *uri, VectorOfStrings *locations, const LocationInfo *location=0)=0 |
| add the location for the grammar of a specific namespace More...
virtual VariableTypeStore * | getVariableTypeStore ()=0 |
| get the variable type store More...
virtual void | addTemplate (XQUserFunction *tp)=0 |
| adds a template definition to the template tables More...
virtual const XQUserFunction * | lookUpNamedTemplate (const XMLCh *uri, const XMLCh *name) const =0 |
| look up a template definition by name More...
virtual const UserFunctions & | getTemplateRules () const =0 |
| Return a vector of all the templates with patterns. More...
virtual void | addCustomFunction (FuncFactory *func)=0 |
| adds a custom function to the function table More...
virtual void | removeCustomFunction (FuncFactory *func)=0 |
| removes a custom function to the function table More...
virtual ASTNode * | lookUpFunction (const XMLCh *uri, const XMLCh *name, const VectorOfASTNodes &v, const LocationInfo *location=0) const =0 |
| returns a function object with the given uri, localname and number of arguments triple More...
virtual void | setExternalFunctionResolver (ExternalFunctionResolver *resolver)=0 |
| Register a callback object for resolving external function implementations. More...
virtual ExternalFunctionResolver * | getExternalFunctionResolver () const =0 |
| Returns the external function resolver currently set. More...
virtual void | addExternalFunction (const ExternalFunction *func)=0 |
| adds an external function implementation to the function table More...
virtual const ExternalFunction * | lookUpExternalFunction (const XMLCh *uri, const XMLCh *name, size_t numArgs) const =0 |
| returns an external function implementation for the given uri and localname More...
virtual Collation * | getCollation (const XMLCh *const URI, const LocationInfo *location=0) const =0 |
| Get the implementation for the specified collation. More...
virtual void | addCollation (Collation *collation)=0 |
| Add a collation. More...
virtual Collation * | getDefaultCollation (const LocationInfo *location=0) const =0 |
| Get the default collation. More...
virtual void | setDefaultCollation (const XMLCh *const URI)=0 |
| Specify which collation is the default one. More...
virtual const XMLCh * | getBaseURI () const =0 |
| Return the base URI. More...
virtual void | setBaseURI (const XMLCh *newURI)=0 |
| Set the base URI. More...
virtual NodeSetOrdering | getNodeSetOrdering () const =0 |
| Return the ordering method for node sets. More...
virtual void | setNodeSetOrdering (NodeSetOrdering newOrder)=0 |
| Set the ordering method for node sets. More...
virtual ConstructionMode | getConstructionMode () const =0 |
| Return the construction mode. More...
virtual void | setConstructionMode (ConstructionMode newMode)=0 |
| Set the construction mode. More...
virtual void | setPreserveBoundarySpace (bool value)=0 |
| Set the policy for boundary space. More...
virtual bool | getPreserveBoundarySpace () const =0 |
| Get the policy for boundary space. More...
virtual FLWOROrderingMode | getDefaultFLWOROrderingMode () const =0 |
| Return the default ordering mode for FLWOR blocks. More...
virtual void | setDefaultFLWOROrderingMode (FLWOROrderingMode newMode)=0 |
| Set the default ordering mode for FLWOR blocks. More...
virtual void | setInheritNamespaces (bool value)=0 |
| Set the policy for namespace inheritance. More...
virtual bool | getInheritNamespaces () const =0 |
| Get the policy for namespace inheritance. More...
virtual void | setPreserveNamespaces (bool value)=0 |
| Set the policy for namespace copy. More...
virtual bool | getPreserveNamespaces () const =0 |
| Get the policy for namespace copy. More...
virtual void | setRevalidationMode (DocumentCache::ValidationMode mode)=0 |
| Set the revalidation mode. More...
DocumentCache::ValidationMode | getRevalidationMode () const =0 |
| Get the revalidation mode. More...
virtual void | setMessageListener (MessageListener *listener)=0 |
| Set the listener for warning and trace messages. More...
virtual MessageListener * | getMessageListener () const =0 |
| Gets the listener for warning and trace messages. More...
virtual void | setModule (XQQuery *module)=0 |
| Set the module. More...
virtual XQQuery * | getModule () const =0 |
| Get the module. More...
virtual bool | getProjection () const =0 |
| Gets whether document projection is enabled. More...
virtual void | setProjection (bool enabled)=0 |
| Sets whether document projection is enabled. More...
virtual bool | getDoLintWarnings () const =0 |
virtual void | setDoLintWarnings (bool enabled)=0 |
virtual const XMLCh * | allocateTempVarName (const XMLCh *prefix=0)=0 |
| Return a unique name that can be used for a temporary variable. More...
virtual XPath2MemoryManager * | getMemoryManager () const =0 |
| Get the memory manager. More...
virtual void | setMemoryManager (XPath2MemoryManager *memMgr)=0 |
| Set the memory manager to the one given. More...
virtual void | setFTCase (FTCaseOption option)=0 |
| Set default full text query case option. More...
virtual FTCaseOption | getFTCase ()=0 |
void * | operator new (size_t size) |
| This method overrides operator new. More...
void * | operator new (size_t size, MemoryManager *memMgr) |
| This method defines a custom operator new, that will use the provided memory manager to perform the allocation. More...
void * | operator new (size_t size, void *ptr) |
| This method overrides placement operator new. More...
void | operator delete (void *p) |
| This method overrides operator delete. More...
void | operator delete (void *p, MemoryManager *memMgr) |
| This method provides a matching delete for the custom operator new. More...
void | operator delete (void *p, void *ptr) |
| This method provides a matching delete for the placement new. More...