StaticContext Class Reference

The parse time static context interface. More...

#include <StaticContext.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for StaticContext:

Inheritance graph
List of all members.

Public Types


Public Member Functions

virtual ~StaticContext ()
virtual DynamicContextcreateModuleContext (xercesc::MemoryManager *memMgr=xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager) const =0
virtual DynamicContextcreateDynamicContext (xercesc::MemoryManager *memMgr=xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager) const =0
virtual ItemFactorygetItemFactory () const =0
 Returns the ItemFactory for this context, which is used to create XQilla items and other objects.
virtual void setItemFactory (ItemFactory *factory)=0
 Sets the ItemFactory for this context.
virtual const StaticType & getContextItemType () const =0
 Get the static type of the context item.
virtual void setContextItemType (const StaticType &st)=0
 Set the static type of the context item.
virtual bool getXPath1CompatibilityMode () const =0
 Get the current XPath 1.0 compatibility mode.
virtual void setXPath1CompatibilityMode (bool newMode)=0
 Set the current XPath 1.0 compatibility mode.
virtual const xercesc::DOMXPathNSResolvergetNSResolver () const =0
 Get the NS resolver.
virtual const XMLCh * getUriBoundToPrefix (const XMLCh *prefix, const LocationInfo *location) const =0
 returns the URI that is bound in prefix in the current scope or zero length string otherwise
virtual const XMLCh * getPrefixBoundToUri (const XMLCh *uri) const =0
 returns the prefix that is bound in uri in the current scope or zero length string otherwise
virtual void setNSResolver (const xercesc::DOMXPathNSResolver *resolver)=0
 Set the NS resolver.
virtual void setNamespaceBinding (const XMLCh *prefix, const XMLCh *uri)=0
 Binds a prefix to a namespace URI.
virtual const XMLCh * getDefaultElementAndTypeNS () const =0
 get the value of the default namespace for elements and types
virtual void setDefaultElementAndTypeNS (const XMLCh *newNS)=0
 set the value of the default namespace for elements and types
virtual const XMLCh * getDefaultFuncNS () const =0
 Return the default namespace for functions.
virtual void setDefaultFuncNS (const XMLCh *newNS)=0
 Set the default namespace for functions.
virtual const DocumentCache * getDocumentCache () const =0
 retrieve the repository for the grammars
virtual void setDocumentCache (DocumentCache *docCache)=0
 sets the repository for the grammars
virtual bool isTypeOrDerivedFromType (const XMLCh *const uri, const XMLCh *const typeName, const XMLCh *const uriToCheck, const XMLCh *const typeNameToCheck) const =0
 returns true if the type represented by uri:typename is an instance of uriToCheck:typeNameToCheck
virtual void setXMLEntityResolver (xercesc::XMLEntityResolver *const handler)=0
 Sets the XMLEntityResolver that is used by Xerces when it is used to parse documents.
virtual xercesc::XMLEntityResolvergetXMLEntityResolver () const =0
 Returns the entity resolver currently set.
virtual void setModuleResolver (ModuleResolver *resolver)=0
 Register a callback object for resolving module URIs.
virtual ModuleResolvergetModuleResolver () const =0
 Returns the module resolver currently set.
virtual VectorOfStrings * resolveModuleURI (const XMLCh *uri) const =0
virtual void addSchemaLocation (const XMLCh *uri, VectorOfStrings *locations)=0
 add the location for the grammar of a specific namespace
virtual VariableTypeStoregetVariableTypeStore ()=0
 get the variable type store
virtual void addCustomFunction (FuncFactory *func)=0
 adds a custom function to the function table
virtual ASTNode * lookUpFunction (const XMLCh *prefix, const XMLCh *name, VectorOfASTNodes &v, const LocationInfo *location) const =0
 returns a function with name name in the namespace represented by prefix
virtual CollationgetCollation (const XMLCh *const URI, const LocationInfo *location) const =0
 Get the implementation for the specified collation.
virtual void addCollation (Collation *collation)=0
 Add a collation.
virtual CollationgetDefaultCollation (const LocationInfo *location) const =0
 Get the default collation.
virtual void setDefaultCollation (const XMLCh *const URI)=0
 Specify which collation is the default one.
virtual const XMLCh * getBaseURI () const =0
 Return the base URI.
virtual void setBaseURI (const XMLCh *newURI)=0
 Set the base URI.
virtual NodeSetOrdering getNodeSetOrdering () const =0
 Return the ordering method for node sets.
virtual void setNodeSetOrdering (NodeSetOrdering newOrder)=0
 Set the ordering method for node sets.
virtual ConstructionMode getConstructionMode () const =0
 Return the construction mode.
virtual void setConstructionMode (ConstructionMode newMode)=0
 Set the construction mode.
virtual void setPreserveBoundarySpace (bool value)=0
 Set the policy for boundary space.
virtual bool getPreserveBoundarySpace () const =0
 Get the policy for boundary space.
virtual FLWOROrderingMode getDefaultFLWOROrderingMode () const =0
 Return the default ordering mode for FLWOR blocks.
virtual void setDefaultFLWOROrderingMode (FLWOROrderingMode newMode)=0
 Set the default ordering mode for FLWOR blocks.
virtual void setInheritNamespaces (bool value)=0
 Set the policy for namespace inheritance.
virtual bool getInheritNamespaces () const =0
 Get the policy for namespace inheritance.
virtual void setPreserveNamespaces (bool value)=0
 Set the policy for namespace copy.
virtual bool getPreserveNamespaces () const =0
 Get the policy for namespace copy.
virtual void enableDebugging (bool enable=true)=0
 The enableDebuging flag is considered to be in both the static and dynamic contexts.
virtual bool isDebuggingEnabled () const =0
 The enableDebuging flag is considered to be in both the static and dynamic contexts.
virtual xercesc::DOMDocumentcreateNewDocument () const =0
 Used whenever we need to create a new document (including parsing in documents).
virtual void releaseDocument (xercesc::DOMDocument *doc) const =0
 Used to release a document allocated through createNewDocument().
virtual XPath2MemoryManagergetMemoryManager () const =0
 Get the memory manager.
virtual void setMemoryManager (XPath2MemoryManager *memMgr)=0
 Set the memory manager to the one given.

Detailed Description

The parse time static context interface.

Member Enumeration Documentation

enum StaticContext::ConstructionMode


enum StaticContext::FLWOROrderingMode


enum StaticContext::NodeSetOrdering


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual StaticContext::~StaticContext  )  [inline, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void StaticContext::addCollation Collation collation  )  [pure virtual]

Add a collation.

virtual void StaticContext::addCustomFunction FuncFactory *  func  )  [pure virtual]

adds a custom function to the function table

virtual void StaticContext::addSchemaLocation const XMLCh *  uri,
VectorOfStrings *  locations
[pure virtual]

add the location for the grammar of a specific namespace

virtual DynamicContext* StaticContext::createDynamicContext xercesc::MemoryManager memMgr = xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager  )  const [pure virtual]

virtual DynamicContext* StaticContext::createModuleContext xercesc::MemoryManager memMgr = xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager  )  const [pure virtual]

virtual xercesc:: DOMDocument* StaticContext::createNewDocument  )  const [pure virtual]

Used whenever we need to create a new document (including parsing in documents).

virtual void StaticContext::enableDebugging bool  enable = true  )  [pure virtual]

The enableDebuging flag is considered to be in both the static and dynamic contexts.

virtual const XMLCh* StaticContext::getBaseURI  )  const [pure virtual]

Return the base URI.

virtual Collation* StaticContext::getCollation const XMLCh *const   URI,
const LocationInfo *  location
const [pure virtual]

Get the implementation for the specified collation.

virtual ConstructionMode StaticContext::getConstructionMode  )  const [pure virtual]

Return the construction mode.

virtual const StaticType& StaticContext::getContextItemType  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the static type of the context item.

virtual Collation* StaticContext::getDefaultCollation const LocationInfo *  location  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the default collation.

virtual const XMLCh* StaticContext::getDefaultElementAndTypeNS  )  const [pure virtual]

get the value of the default namespace for elements and types

virtual FLWOROrderingMode StaticContext::getDefaultFLWOROrderingMode  )  const [pure virtual]

Return the default ordering mode for FLWOR blocks.

virtual const XMLCh* StaticContext::getDefaultFuncNS  )  const [pure virtual]

Return the default namespace for functions.

virtual const DocumentCache* StaticContext::getDocumentCache  )  const [pure virtual]

retrieve the repository for the grammars

virtual bool StaticContext::getInheritNamespaces  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the policy for namespace inheritance.

virtual ItemFactory* StaticContext::getItemFactory  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns the ItemFactory for this context, which is used to create XQilla items and other objects.

virtual XPath2MemoryManager* StaticContext::getMemoryManager  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the memory manager.

virtual ModuleResolver* StaticContext::getModuleResolver  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns the module resolver currently set.

virtual NodeSetOrdering StaticContext::getNodeSetOrdering  )  const [pure virtual]

Return the ordering method for node sets.

virtual const xercesc:: DOMXPathNSResolver* StaticContext::getNSResolver  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the NS resolver.

virtual const XMLCh* StaticContext::getPrefixBoundToUri const XMLCh *  uri  )  const [pure virtual]

returns the prefix that is bound in uri in the current scope or zero length string otherwise

virtual bool StaticContext::getPreserveBoundarySpace  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the policy for boundary space.

virtual bool StaticContext::getPreserveNamespaces  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the policy for namespace copy.

virtual const XMLCh* StaticContext::getUriBoundToPrefix const XMLCh *  prefix,
const LocationInfo *  location
const [pure virtual]

returns the URI that is bound in prefix in the current scope or zero length string otherwise

virtual VariableTypeStore* StaticContext::getVariableTypeStore  )  [pure virtual]

get the variable type store

virtual xercesc:: XMLEntityResolver* StaticContext::getXMLEntityResolver  )  const [pure virtual]

Returns the entity resolver currently set.

virtual bool StaticContext::getXPath1CompatibilityMode  )  const [pure virtual]

Get the current XPath 1.0 compatibility mode.

virtual bool StaticContext::isDebuggingEnabled  )  const [pure virtual]

The enableDebuging flag is considered to be in both the static and dynamic contexts.

virtual bool StaticContext::isTypeOrDerivedFromType const XMLCh *const   uri,
const XMLCh *const   typeName,
const XMLCh *const   uriToCheck,
const XMLCh *const   typeNameToCheck
const [pure virtual]

returns true if the type represented by uri:typename is an instance of uriToCheck:typeNameToCheck

ie: to check xs:integer instance of xs:decimal, call isTypeOrDerivedFromType("xs", "integer", "xs", "decimal") (except of course, call with URIs, not prefixes!)

virtual ASTNode* StaticContext::lookUpFunction const XMLCh *  prefix,
const XMLCh *  name,
VectorOfASTNodes v,
const LocationInfo *  location
const [pure virtual]

returns a function with name name in the namespace represented by prefix

virtual void StaticContext::releaseDocument xercesc::DOMDocument doc  )  const [pure virtual]

Used to release a document allocated through createNewDocument().

virtual VectorOfStrings* StaticContext::resolveModuleURI const XMLCh *  uri  )  const [pure virtual]

virtual void StaticContext::setBaseURI const XMLCh *  newURI  )  [pure virtual]

Set the base URI.

virtual void StaticContext::setConstructionMode ConstructionMode  newMode  )  [pure virtual]

Set the construction mode.

virtual void StaticContext::setContextItemType const StaticType &  st  )  [pure virtual]

Set the static type of the context item.

virtual void StaticContext::setDefaultCollation const XMLCh *const   URI  )  [pure virtual]

Specify which collation is the default one.

virtual void StaticContext::setDefaultElementAndTypeNS const XMLCh *  newNS  )  [pure virtual]

set the value of the default namespace for elements and types

virtual void StaticContext::setDefaultFLWOROrderingMode FLWOROrderingMode  newMode  )  [pure virtual]

Set the default ordering mode for FLWOR blocks.

virtual void StaticContext::setDefaultFuncNS const XMLCh *  newNS  )  [pure virtual]

Set the default namespace for functions.

virtual void StaticContext::setDocumentCache DocumentCache *  docCache  )  [pure virtual]

sets the repository for the grammars

virtual void StaticContext::setInheritNamespaces bool  value  )  [pure virtual]

Set the policy for namespace inheritance.

virtual void StaticContext::setItemFactory ItemFactory factory  )  [pure virtual]

Sets the ItemFactory for this context.

virtual void StaticContext::setMemoryManager XPath2MemoryManager memMgr  )  [pure virtual]

Set the memory manager to the one given.

virtual void StaticContext::setModuleResolver ModuleResolver resolver  )  [pure virtual]

Register a callback object for resolving module URIs.

virtual void StaticContext::setNamespaceBinding const XMLCh *  prefix,
const XMLCh *  uri
[pure virtual]

Binds a prefix to a namespace URI.

virtual void StaticContext::setNodeSetOrdering NodeSetOrdering  newOrder  )  [pure virtual]

Set the ordering method for node sets.

virtual void StaticContext::setNSResolver const xercesc::DOMXPathNSResolver resolver  )  [pure virtual]

Set the NS resolver.

virtual void StaticContext::setPreserveBoundarySpace bool  value  )  [pure virtual]

Set the policy for boundary space.

virtual void StaticContext::setPreserveNamespaces bool  value  )  [pure virtual]

Set the policy for namespace copy.

virtual void StaticContext::setXMLEntityResolver xercesc::XMLEntityResolver *const   handler  )  [pure virtual]

Sets the XMLEntityResolver that is used by Xerces when it is used to parse documents.

This affects the behaviour of XQilla whenever it retrieves a DTD or XML Schema grammar.

virtual void StaticContext::setXPath1CompatibilityMode bool  newMode  )  [pure virtual]

Set the current XPath 1.0 compatibility mode.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Tue Dec 12 00:18:57 2006 for XQilla Simple API by  doxygen 1.4.6