Public Types | Public Member Functions | List of all members
ATDoubleOrDerived Class Referenceabstract

#include <ATDoubleOrDerived.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ATDoubleOrDerived:
Inheritance graph

Public Types

typedef RefCountPointer< const
- Public Types inherited from Numeric
enum  State {
  NEG_INF = 0, NEG_NUM = 1, NUM = 2, INF = 3,
  NaN = 4
typedef RefCountPointer< const
- Public Types inherited from AnyAtomicType
enum  AtomicObjectType {
  DOUBLE = 8, DURATION = 9, FLOAT = 10, G_DAY = 11,
  G_MONTH = 12, G_MONTH_DAY = 13, G_YEAR = 14, G_YEAR_MONTH = 15,
  HEX_BINARY = 16, NOTATION = 17, QNAME = 18, STRING = 19,
  TIME = 20, UNTYPED_ATOMIC = 21, YEAR_MONTH_DURATION = 22, NumAtomicObjectTypes = 23
typedef RefCountPointer< const
- Public Types inherited from Item
typedef RefCountPointer< const

Public Member Functions

virtual const XMLCh * getPrimitiveTypeName () const =0
virtual const XMLCh * getTypeURI () const =0
virtual const XMLCh * getTypeName () const =0
virtual const XMLCh * asString (const DynamicContext *context) const =0
virtual Numeric::Ptr promoteTypeIfApplicable (AnyAtomicType::AtomicObjectType typeIndex, const DynamicContext *context) const =0
virtual Numeric::Ptr add (const Numeric::Ptr &other, const DynamicContext *context) const =0
 Returns a Numeric object which is the sum of this and other. More...
virtual Numeric::Ptr subtract (const Numeric::Ptr &other, const DynamicContext *context) const =0
 Returns a Numeric object which is the difference of this and other. More...
virtual Numeric::Ptr multiply (const Numeric::Ptr &other, const DynamicContext *context) const =0
 Returns a Numeric object which is the product of this and other. More...
virtual Numeric::Ptr divide (const Numeric::Ptr &other, const DynamicContext *context) const =0
 Returns a Numeric object which is the quotient of this and other. More...
virtual Numeric::Ptr mod (const Numeric::Ptr &other, const DynamicContext *context) const =0
 Returns the arithmetic product of its operands as a Numeric. More...
virtual Numeric::Ptr floor (const DynamicContext *context) const =0
 Returns the floor of this Numeric. More...
virtual Numeric::Ptr ceiling (const DynamicContext *context) const =0
 Returns the ceiling of this Numeric. More...
virtual Numeric::Ptr round (const DynamicContext *context) const =0
 Rounds this Numeric. More...
virtual Numeric::Ptr roundHalfToEven (const Numeric::Ptr &precision, const DynamicContext *context) const =0
 Rounds this Numeric to the given precision, and rounds a half to even. More...
virtual Numeric::Ptr invert (const DynamicContext *context) const =0
 Returns the Additive inverse of this Numeric. More...
virtual Numeric::Ptr abs (const DynamicContext *context) const =0
 Returns the absolute value of this Numeric. More...
virtual Numeric::Ptr sqrt (const DynamicContext *context) const =0
 Returns the square root of this Numeric. More...
virtual Numeric::Ptr sin (const DynamicContext *context) const =0
 Returns the sinus of this Numeric. More...
virtual Numeric::Ptr cos (const DynamicContext *context) const =0
 Returns the cosinus of this Numeric. More...
virtual Numeric::Ptr tan (const DynamicContext *context) const =0
 Returns the tan of this Numeric. More...
virtual Numeric::Ptr asin (const DynamicContext *context) const =0
 Returns the asin of this Numeric. More...
virtual Numeric::Ptr acos (const DynamicContext *context) const =0
 Returns the acos of this Numeric. More...
virtual Numeric::Ptr atan (const DynamicContext *context) const =0
 Returns the atan of this Numeric. More...
virtual Numeric::Ptr log (const DynamicContext *context) const =0
 Returns the atan of this Numeric. More...
virtual Numeric::Ptr exp (const DynamicContext *context) const =0
 Returns the exp of this Numeric. More...
virtual bool isNaN () const =0
virtual bool isInfinite () const =0
virtual bool isZero () const =0
 Does this Numeric have value 0? More...
virtual bool isPositive () const =0
 Is this Numeric positive? More...
getPrimitiveTypeIndex () const =0
virtual const MAPM & asMAPM () const =0
virtual State getState () const =0
- Public Member Functions inherited from Numeric
virtual bool isNumericValue () const
virtual bool equals (const AnyAtomicType::Ptr &target, const DynamicContext *context) const
virtual bool lessThan (const Numeric::Ptr &other, const DynamicContext *context) const
 Returns true if this is less than other, false otherwise. More...
virtual bool greaterThan (const Numeric::Ptr &other, const DynamicContext *context) const
 Returns true if this is greater than other, false otherwise. More...
virtual int compare (const Numeric::Ptr &other, const DynamicContext *context) const
 Returns less than 0 if this is less that other, 0 if they are the same, and greater than 0 otherwise. More...
virtual Numeric::Ptr power (const Numeric::Ptr &other, const DynamicContext *context) const =0
 Returns a Numeric object which is this raised to the power of other. More...
virtual bool isNegative () const =0
 Is this Numeric negative? More...
virtual bool isInteger () const
virtual double asDouble () const
virtual int asInt () const
- Public Member Functions inherited from AnyAtomicType
virtual bool isAtomicValue () const
virtual bool isNode () const
virtual bool isFunction () const
virtual bool isDateOrTimeTypeValue () const
virtual const XMLCh * getPrimitiveTypeURI () const
virtual void generateEvents (EventHandler *events, const DynamicContext *context, bool preserveNS=true, bool preserveType=true) const
 Generate events for this Item to the given EventHandler. More...
AnyAtomicType::Ptr castAs (AtomicObjectType targetIndex, const DynamicContext *context) const
AnyAtomicType::Ptr castAsNoCheck (AtomicObjectType targetIndex, const XMLCh *targetURI, const XMLCh *targetType, const DynamicContext *context) const
AnyAtomicType::Ptr castAs (AtomicObjectType targetIndex, const XMLCh *targetURI, const XMLCh *targetType, const DynamicContext *context) const
virtual bool castable (AtomicObjectType targetIndex, const XMLCh *targetURI, const XMLCh *targetType, const DynamicContext *context) const
virtual bool isOfType (const XMLCh *targetURI, const XMLCh *targetType, const DynamicContext *context) const
virtual bool isInstanceOfType (const XMLCh *targetURI, const XMLCh *targetType, const StaticContext *context) const
virtual void typeToBuffer (DynamicContext *context, xercesc::XMLBuffer &buffer) const
 Debug method to output the type of the item in SequenceType notation. More...
bool castIsSupported (AtomicObjectType targetIndex, const DynamicContext *context) const
 Returns true if (a) both the input type and the target type are built-in schema types and cast is supported for the combination. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Item
virtual void * getInterface (const XMLCh *name) const =0
 Method for returning arbitrary interfaces from the implementations. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from ReferenceCounted
 ReferenceCounted ()
virtual ~ReferenceCounted ()
void incrementRefCount () const
 Increment the reference count. More...
virtual void decrementRefCount () const
 Decrement the reference count, deleting if it becomes zero. More...
unsigned int getRefCount () const

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from Numeric
static void checkFloatLimits (Numeric::State &state, MAPM &value)
static void checkDoubleLimits (Numeric::State &state, MAPM &value)
static const XMLCh * asDecimalString (const MAPM &value, int significantDigits, const StaticContext *context)
static const XMLCh * asDoubleString (State state, const MAPM &value, int significantDigits, const StaticContext *context)
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Numeric
static const XMLCh NaN_string []
static const XMLCh NAN_string []
static const XMLCh INF_string []
static const XMLCh NegINF_string []
static const XMLCh NegZero_string []
static const XMLCh PosZero_string []
- Static Public Attributes inherited from AnyAtomicType
static const XMLCh fgDT_ANYATOMICTYPE []
- Static Public Attributes inherited from Item
static const XMLCh gXQilla []
 The "XQilla" item interface. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Numeric
virtual AnyAtomicType::Ptr castAsInternal (AtomicObjectType targetIndex, const XMLCh *targetURI, const XMLCh *targetType, const DynamicContext *context) const
const XMLCh * asDecimalString (int significantDigits, const StaticContext *context) const
const XMLCh * asDoubleString (int significantDigits, const StaticContext *context) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Item
 Item ()
- Protected Attributes inherited from ReferenceCounted
unsigned int _ref_count

Member Typedef Documentation

Member Function Documentation

virtual Numeric::Ptr ATDoubleOrDerived::abs ( const DynamicContext context) const
pure virtual

Returns the absolute value of this Numeric.

Implements Numeric.

virtual Numeric::Ptr ATDoubleOrDerived::acos ( const DynamicContext context) const
pure virtual

Returns the acos of this Numeric.

Implements Numeric.

virtual Numeric::Ptr ATDoubleOrDerived::add ( const Numeric::Ptr other,
const DynamicContext context 
) const
pure virtual

Returns a Numeric object which is the sum of this and other.

Implements Numeric.

virtual Numeric::Ptr ATDoubleOrDerived::asin ( const DynamicContext context) const
pure virtual

Returns the asin of this Numeric.

Implements Numeric.

virtual const MAPM& ATDoubleOrDerived::asMAPM ( ) const
pure virtual

Implements Numeric.

virtual const XMLCh* ATDoubleOrDerived::asString ( const DynamicContext context) const
pure virtual

Implements Numeric.

virtual Numeric::Ptr ATDoubleOrDerived::atan ( const DynamicContext context) const
pure virtual

Returns the atan of this Numeric.

Implements Numeric.

virtual Numeric::Ptr ATDoubleOrDerived::ceiling ( const DynamicContext context) const
pure virtual

Returns the ceiling of this Numeric.

Implements Numeric.

virtual Numeric::Ptr ATDoubleOrDerived::cos ( const DynamicContext context) const
pure virtual

Returns the cosinus of this Numeric.

Implements Numeric.

virtual Numeric::Ptr ATDoubleOrDerived::divide ( const Numeric::Ptr other,
const DynamicContext context 
) const
pure virtual

Returns a Numeric object which is the quotient of this and other.

Implements Numeric.

virtual Numeric::Ptr ATDoubleOrDerived::exp ( const DynamicContext context) const
pure virtual

Returns the exp of this Numeric.

Implements Numeric.

virtual Numeric::Ptr ATDoubleOrDerived::floor ( const DynamicContext context) const
pure virtual

Returns the floor of this Numeric.

Implements Numeric.

virtual AnyAtomicType::AtomicObjectType ATDoubleOrDerived::getPrimitiveTypeIndex ( ) const
pure virtual

Implements Numeric.

virtual const XMLCh* ATDoubleOrDerived::getPrimitiveTypeName ( ) const
pure virtual

Implements Numeric.

virtual State ATDoubleOrDerived::getState ( ) const
pure virtual

Implements Numeric.

virtual const XMLCh* ATDoubleOrDerived::getTypeName ( ) const
pure virtual

Implements Numeric.

virtual const XMLCh* ATDoubleOrDerived::getTypeURI ( ) const
pure virtual

Implements Numeric.

virtual Numeric::Ptr ATDoubleOrDerived::invert ( const DynamicContext context) const
pure virtual

Returns the Additive inverse of this Numeric.

Implements Numeric.

virtual bool ATDoubleOrDerived::isInfinite ( ) const
pure virtual

Implements Numeric.

virtual bool ATDoubleOrDerived::isNaN ( ) const
pure virtual

Implements Numeric.

virtual bool ATDoubleOrDerived::isPositive ( ) const
pure virtual

Is this Numeric positive?

Implements Numeric.

virtual bool ATDoubleOrDerived::isZero ( ) const
pure virtual

Does this Numeric have value 0?

Implements Numeric.

virtual Numeric::Ptr ATDoubleOrDerived::log ( const DynamicContext context) const
pure virtual

Returns the atan of this Numeric.

Implements Numeric.

virtual Numeric::Ptr ATDoubleOrDerived::mod ( const Numeric::Ptr other,
const DynamicContext context 
) const
pure virtual

Returns the arithmetic product of its operands as a Numeric.

Implements Numeric.

virtual Numeric::Ptr ATDoubleOrDerived::multiply ( const Numeric::Ptr other,
const DynamicContext context 
) const
pure virtual

Returns a Numeric object which is the product of this and other.

Implements Numeric.

virtual Numeric::Ptr ATDoubleOrDerived::promoteTypeIfApplicable ( AnyAtomicType::AtomicObjectType  typeIndex,
const DynamicContext context 
) const
pure virtual

Implements Numeric.

virtual Numeric::Ptr ATDoubleOrDerived::round ( const DynamicContext context) const
pure virtual

Rounds this Numeric.

Implements Numeric.

virtual Numeric::Ptr ATDoubleOrDerived::roundHalfToEven ( const Numeric::Ptr precision,
const DynamicContext context 
) const
pure virtual

Rounds this Numeric to the given precision, and rounds a half to even.

Implements Numeric.

virtual Numeric::Ptr ATDoubleOrDerived::sin ( const DynamicContext context) const
pure virtual

Returns the sinus of this Numeric.

Implements Numeric.

virtual Numeric::Ptr ATDoubleOrDerived::sqrt ( const DynamicContext context) const
pure virtual

Returns the square root of this Numeric.

Implements Numeric.

virtual Numeric::Ptr ATDoubleOrDerived::subtract ( const Numeric::Ptr other,
const DynamicContext context 
) const
pure virtual

Returns a Numeric object which is the difference of this and other.

Implements Numeric.

virtual Numeric::Ptr ATDoubleOrDerived::tan ( const DynamicContext context) const
pure virtual

Returns the tan of this Numeric.

Implements Numeric.

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