xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils Class Reference

Utilities that must be implemented in a platform-specific way. More...

#include <PlatformUtils.hpp>

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static size_t alignPointerForNewBlockAllocation (size_t ptrSize)
 Aligns the specified pointer per platform block allocation requirements.
Initialization amd Panic methods
static void Initialize (const char *const locale=XMLUni::fgXercescDefaultLocale, const char *const nlsHome=0, PanicHandler *const panicHandler=0, MemoryManager *const memoryManager=0, bool toInitStatics=false)
 Perform per-process parser initialization.
static void Terminate ()
 Perform per-process parser termination.
static void panic (const PanicHandler::PanicReasons reason)
 The panic mechanism.
File Methods
static unsigned int curFilePos (FileHandle theFile, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Get the current file position.
static void closeFile (FileHandle theFile, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Closes the file handle.
static unsigned int fileSize (FileHandle theFile, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Returns the file size.
static FileHandle openFile (const char *const fileName, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Opens the file.
static FileHandle openFile (const XMLCh *const fileName, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Opens a named file.
static FileHandle openFileToWrite (const char *const fileName, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Open a named file to write.
static FileHandle openFileToWrite (const XMLCh *const fileName, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Open a named file to write.
static FileHandle openStdInHandle (MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Opens the standard input as a file.
static unsigned int readFileBuffer (FileHandle theFile, const unsigned int toRead, XMLByte *const toFill, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Reads the file buffer.
static void writeBufferToFile (FileHandle const theFile, long toWrite, const XMLByte *const toFlush, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Writes the buffer to the file.
static void resetFile (FileHandle theFile, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Resets the file handle.
File System Methods
static XMLCh * getFullPath (const XMLCh *const srcPath, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Gets the full path from a relative path.
static XMLCh * getCurrentDirectory (MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Gets the current working directory.
static bool isAnySlash (XMLCh c)
 Check if a charater is a slash.
static void removeDotSlash (XMLCh *const srcPath, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Remove occurences of the pair of dot slash.
static void removeDotDotSlash (XMLCh *const srcPath, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Remove occurences of the dot dot slash.
static bool isRelative (const XMLCh *const toCheck, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Determines if a path is relative or absolute.
static XMLCh * weavePaths (const XMLCh *const basePath, const XMLCh *const relativePath, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Utility to join two paths.
Timing Methods
static unsigned long getCurrentMillis ()
 Gets the system time in milliseconds.
Mutex Methods
static void closeMutex (void *const mtxHandle)
 Closes a mutex handle.
static void lockMutex (void *const mtxHandle)
 Locks a mutex handle.
static void * makeMutex (MemoryManager *manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 Make a new mutex.
static void unlockMutex (void *const mtxHandle)
 Unlocks a mutex.
External Message Support
static XMLMsgLoader * loadMsgSet (const XMLCh *const msgDomain)
 Loads the message set from among the available domains.
Miscellaneous synchronization methods
static void * compareAndSwap (void **toFill, const void *const newValue, const void *const toCompare)
 Conditionally updates or returns a single word variable atomically.
Atomic Increment and Decrement
static int atomicIncrement (int &location)
 Increments a single word variable atomically.
static int atomicDecrement (int &location)
 Decrements a single word variable atomically.
NEL Character Handling
static void recognizeNEL (bool state, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 This function enables the recognition of NEL(0x85) char and LSEP (0x2028) as newline chars which is disabled by default.
static bool isNELRecognized ()
 Return the value of fgNEL flag.
Strict IANA Encoding Checking
static void strictIANAEncoding (const bool state)
 This function enables/disables strict IANA encoding names checking.
static bool isStrictIANAEncoding ()
 Returns whether a strict IANA encoding name check is enabled or disabled.

Static Public Attributes

Public Static Data
static XMLNetAccessor * fgNetAccessor
 The network accessor.
static XMLTransService * fgTransService
 The transcoding service.
static PanicHandler * fgUserPanicHandler
 The Panic Handler.
static PanicHandler * fgDefaultPanicHandler
 The Panic Handler.
static MemoryManagerfgMemoryManager
 The configurable memory manager.
static MemoryManagerfgArrayMemoryManager
 The array-allocating memory manager.
static XMLMutex * fgAtomicMutex

Detailed Description

Utilities that must be implemented in a platform-specific way.

This class contains methods that must be implemented in a platform specific manner. The actual implementations of these methods are available in the per-platform files indide src/util/Platforms .

Member Function Documentation

static void xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize ( const char *const  locale = XMLUni::fgXercescDefaultLocale,
const char *const  nlsHome = 0,
PanicHandler *const   panicHandler = 0,
MemoryManager *const   memoryManager = 0,
bool  toInitStatics = false 
) [static]

Perform per-process parser initialization.

Initialization must be called first in any client code.

The locale is set iff the Initialize() is invoked for the very first time, to ensure that each and every message loaders, in the process space, share the same locale.

All subsequent invocations of Initialize(), with a different locale, have no effect on the message loaders, either instantiated, or to be instantiated.

To set to a different locale, client application needs to Terminate() (or multiple Terminate() in the case where multiple Initialize() have been invoked before), followed by Initialize(new_locale).

The default locale is "en_US".

nlsHome: user specified location where MsgLoader retrieves error message files. the discussion above with regard to locale, applies to this nlsHome as well.

panicHandler: application's panic handler, application owns this handler. Application shall make sure that the plugged panic handler persists through the call to XMLPlatformUtils::terminate().

memoryManager: plugged-in memory manager which is owned by user applications. Applications must make sure that the plugged-in memory manager persist through the call to XMLPlatformUtils::terminate()

static void xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::Terminate (  )  [static]

Perform per-process parser termination.

The termination call is currently optional, to aid those dynamically loading the parser to clean up before exit, or to avoid spurious reports from leak detectors.

static void xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::panic ( const PanicHandler::PanicReasons  reason  )  [static]

The panic mechanism.

If, during initialization, we cannot even get far enough along to get transcoding up or get message loading working, we call this method.

Each platform can implement it however they want. This method will delegate the panic handling to a user specified panic handler or in the absence of it, the default panic handler.

In case the default panic handler does not support a particular platform, the platform specific panic hanlding shall be implemented here .

reason The enumeration that defines the cause of the failure

static unsigned int xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::curFilePos ( FileHandle  theFile,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [static]

Get the current file position.

This must be implemented by the per-platform driver, which should use local file services to deterine the current position within the passed file.

Since the file API provided here only reads, if the host platform supports separate read/write positions, only the read position is of any interest, and hence should be the one returned.

theFile The file handle
manager The MemoryManager to use to allocate objects

static void xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::closeFile ( FileHandle  theFile,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [static]

Closes the file handle.

This must be implemented by the per-platform driver, which should use local file services to close the passed file handle, and to destroy the passed file handle and any allocated data or system resources it contains.

theFile The file handle to close
manager The MemoryManager to use to allocate objects

static unsigned int xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fileSize ( FileHandle  theFile,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [static]

Returns the file size.

This must be implemented by the per-platform driver, which should use local file services to determine the current size of the file represented by the passed handle.

theFile The file handle whose size you want
manager The MemoryManager to use to allocate objects
Returns the size of the file in bytes

static FileHandle xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::openFile ( const char *const  fileName,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [static]

Opens the file.

This must be implemented by the per-platform driver, which should use local file services to open passed file. If it fails, a null handle pointer should be returned.

fileName The string containing the name of the file
manager The MemoryManager to use to allocate objects
The file handle of the opened file

static FileHandle xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::openFile ( const XMLCh *const  fileName,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [static]

Opens a named file.

This must be implemented by the per-platform driver, which should use local file services to open the passed file. If it fails, a null handle pointer should be returned.

fileName The string containing the name of the file
manager The MemoryManager to use to allocate objects
The file handle of the opened file

static FileHandle xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::openFileToWrite ( const char *const  fileName,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [static]

Open a named file to write.

This must be implemented by the per-platform driver, which should use local file services to open passed file. If it fails, a null handle pointer should be returned.

fileName The string containing the name of the file
manager The MemoryManager to use to allocate objects
The file handle of the opened file

static FileHandle xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::openFileToWrite ( const XMLCh *const  fileName,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [static]

Open a named file to write.

This must be implemented by the per-platform driver, which should use local file services to open the passed file. If it fails, a null handle pointer should be returned.

fileName The string containing the name of the file
manager The MemoryManager to use to allocate objects
The file handle of the opened file

static FileHandle xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::openStdInHandle ( MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager  )  [static]

Opens the standard input as a file.

This must be implemented by the per-platform driver, which should use local file services to open a handle to the standard input. It should be a copy of the standard input handle, since it will be closed later!

manager The MemoryManager to use to allocate objects
The file handle of the standard input stream

static unsigned int xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::readFileBuffer ( FileHandle  theFile,
const unsigned int  toRead,
XMLByte *const  toFill,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [static]

Reads the file buffer.

This must be implemented by the per-platform driver, which should use local file services to read up to 'toRead' bytes of data from the passed file, and return those bytes in the 'toFill' buffer. It is not an error not to read the requested number of bytes. When the end of file is reached, zero should be returned.

theFile The file handle to be read from.
toRead The maximum number of byte to read from the current position
toFill The byte buffer to fill
manager The MemoryManager to use to allocate objects
Returns the number of bytes read from the stream or file

static void xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::writeBufferToFile ( FileHandle const  theFile,
long  toWrite,
const XMLByte *const   toFlush,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [static]

Writes the buffer to the file.

This must be implemented by the per-platform driver, which should use local file services to write up to 'toWrite' bytes of data to the passed file. Unless exception raised by local file services, 'toWrite' bytes of data is to be written to the passed file.

theFile The file handle to be written to.
toWrite The maximum number of byte to write from the current position
toFlush The byte buffer to flush
manager The MemoryManager to use to allocate objects

static void xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::resetFile ( FileHandle  theFile,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [static]

Resets the file handle.

This must be implemented by the per-platform driver which will use local file services to reset the file position to the start of the the file.

theFile The file handle that you want to reset
manager The MemoryManager to use to allocate objects

static XMLCh* xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::getFullPath ( const XMLCh *const  srcPath,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [static]

Gets the full path from a relative path.

This must be implemented by the per-platform driver. It should complete a relative path using the 'current directory', or whatever the local equivalent of a current directory is. If the passed source path is actually fully qualified, then a straight copy of it will be returned.

srcPath The path of the file for which you want the full path
manager Pointer to the memory manager to be used to allocate objects.
Returns the fully qualified path of the file name including the file name. This is dyanmically allocated and must be deleted by the caller when its no longer needed! The memory returned will beallocated using the static memory manager, if user do not supply a memory manager. Users then need to make sure to use either the default or user specific memory manager to deallocate the memory.

static XMLCh* xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::getCurrentDirectory ( MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager  )  [static]

Gets the current working directory.

This must be implemented by the per-platform driver. It returns the current working directory is.

manager The MemoryManager to use to allocate objects
Returns the current working directory. This is dyanmically allocated and must be deleted by the caller when its no longer needed! The memory returned will be allocated using the static memory manager, if users do not supply a memory manager. Users then need to make sure to use either the default or user specific memory manager to deallocate the memory.

static bool xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::isAnySlash ( XMLCh  c  )  [inline, static]

Check if a charater is a slash.

This must be implemented by the per-platform driver.

c the character to be examined
true if the character examined is a slash false otherwise

static void xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::removeDotSlash ( XMLCh *const  srcPath,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [static]

Remove occurences of the pair of dot slash.

To remove the sequence, dot slash if it is part of the sequence, slash dot slash.

srcPath The path for which you want to remove the dot slash sequence.
manager The MemoryManager to use to allocate objects

static void xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::removeDotDotSlash ( XMLCh *const  srcPath,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [static]

Remove occurences of the dot dot slash.

To remove the sequence, slash dot dot slash and its preceding path segment if and only if the preceding path segment is not slash dot dot slash.

srcPath The path for which you want to remove the slash dot dot slash sequence and its preceding path segment.
manager The MemoryManager to use to allocate objects

static bool xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::isRelative ( const XMLCh *const  toCheck,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [static]

Determines if a path is relative or absolute.

This must be implemented by the per-platform driver, which should determine whether the passed path is relative or not. The concept of relative and absolute might be... well relative on different platforms. But, as long as the determination is made consistently and in coordination with the weavePaths() method, it should work for any platform.

toCheck The file name which you want to check
manager The MemoryManager to use to allocate objects
Returns true if the filename appears to be relative

static XMLCh* xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::weavePaths ( const XMLCh *const  basePath,
const XMLCh *const  relativePath,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [static]

Utility to join two paths.

This must be implemented by the per-platform driver, and should weave the relative path part together with the base part and return a new path that represents this combination.

If the relative part turns out to be fully qualified, it will be returned as is. If it is not, then it will be woven onto the passed base path, by removing one path component for each leading "../" (or whatever is the equivalent in the local system) in the relative path.

basePath The string containing the base path
relativePath The string containing the relative path
manager The MemoryManager to use to allocate objects
Returns a string containing the 'woven' path. It should be dynamically allocated and becomes the responsibility of the caller to delete.

static unsigned long xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::getCurrentMillis (  )  [static]

Gets the system time in milliseconds.

This must be implemented by the per-platform driver, which should use local services to return the current value of a running millisecond timer. Note that the value returned is only as accurate as the millisecond time of the underyling host system.

Returns the system time as an unsigned long

static void xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::closeMutex ( void *const   mtxHandle  )  [static]

Closes a mutex handle.

Each per-platform driver must implement this. Only it knows what the actual content of the passed mutex handle is.

mtxHandle The mutex handle that you want to close

static void xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::lockMutex ( void *const   mtxHandle  )  [static]

Locks a mutex handle.

Each per-platform driver must implement this. Only it knows what the actual content of the passed mutex handle is.

mtxHandle The mutex handle that you want to lock

static void* xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::makeMutex ( MemoryManager manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager  )  [static]

Make a new mutex.

Each per-platform driver must implement this. Only it knows what the actual content of the passed mutex handle is. The returned handle pointer will be eventually passed to closeMutex() which is also implemented by the platform driver.

manager The MemoryManager to use to allocate objects

static void xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::unlockMutex ( void *const   mtxHandle  )  [static]

Unlocks a mutex.

Each per-platform driver must implement this. Only it knows what the actual content of the passed mutex handle is.

Note that, since the underlying system synchronization services are used, Xerces cannot guarantee that lock/unlock operations are correctly enforced on a per-thread basis or that incorrect nesting of lock/unlock operations will be caught.

mtxHandle The mutex handle that you want to unlock

static XMLMsgLoader* xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::loadMsgSet ( const XMLCh *const  msgDomain  )  [static]

Loads the message set from among the available domains.

The returned object must be dynamically allocated and the caller becomes responsible for cleaning it up.

msgDomain The message domain which you want to load

static void* xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::compareAndSwap ( void **  toFill,
const void *const  newValue,
const void *const  toCompare 
) [static]

Conditionally updates or returns a single word variable atomically.

This must be implemented by the per-platform driver. The compareAndSwap subroutine performs an atomic operation which compares the contents of a single word variable with a stored old value. If the values are equal, a new value is stored in the single word variable and TRUE is returned; otherwise, the old value is set to the current value of the single word variable and FALSE is returned.

The compareAndSwap subroutine is useful when a word value must be updated only if it has not been changed since it was last read.

Note: The word containing the single word variable must be aligned on a full word boundary.

toFill Specifies the address of the single word variable
newValue Specifies the new value to be conditionally assigned to the single word variable.
toCompare Specifies the address of the old value to be checked against (and conditionally updated with) the value of the single word variable.
Returns the new value assigned to the single word variable

static int xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::atomicIncrement ( int &  location  )  [static]

Increments a single word variable atomically.

This must be implemented by the per-platform driver. The atomicIncrement subroutine increments one word in a single atomic operation. This operation is useful when a counter variable is shared between several threads or processes. When updating such a counter variable, it is important to make sure that the fetch, update, and store operations occur atomically (are not interruptible).

location Specifies the address of the word variable to be incremented.
The function return value is positive if the result of the operation was positive. Zero if the result of the operation was zero. Negative if the result of the operation was negative. Except for the zero case, the value returned may differ from the actual result of the operation - only the sign and zero/nonzero state is guaranteed to be correct.

static int xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::atomicDecrement ( int &  location  )  [static]

Decrements a single word variable atomically.

This must be implemented by the per-platform driver. The atomicDecrement subroutine increments one word in a single atomic operation. This operation is useful when a counter variable is shared between several threads or processes. When updating such a counter variable, it is important to make sure that the fetch, update, and store operations occur atomically (are not interruptible).

location Specifies the address of the word variable to be decremented.
The function return value is positive if the result of the operation was positive. Zero if the result of the operation was zero. Negative if the result of the operation was negative. Except for the zero case, the value returned may differ from the actual result of the operation - only the sign and zero/nonzero state is guaranteed to be correct.

static void xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::recognizeNEL ( bool  state,
MemoryManager *const   manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) [static]

This function enables the recognition of NEL(0x85) char and LSEP (0x2028) as newline chars which is disabled by default.

It is only called once per process. Once it is set, any subsequent calls will result in exception being thrown.

Note: 1. Turning this option on will make the parser non compliant to XML 1.0. 2. This option has no effect to document conforming to XML 1.1 compliant, which always recognize these two chars (0x85 and 0x2028) as newline characters.

static bool xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::isNELRecognized (  )  [static]

Return the value of fgNEL flag.

static void xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::strictIANAEncoding ( const bool  state  )  [static]

This function enables/disables strict IANA encoding names checking.

The strict checking is disabled by default.

state If true, a strict IANA encoding name check is performed, otherwise, no checking.

static bool xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::isStrictIANAEncoding (  )  [static]

Returns whether a strict IANA encoding name check is enabled or disabled.

static size_t xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::alignPointerForNewBlockAllocation ( size_t  ptrSize  )  [inline, static]

Aligns the specified pointer per platform block allocation requirements.

The results of this function may be altered by defining XML_PLATFORM_NEW_BLOCK_ALIGNMENT.

Member Data Documentation

XMLNetAccessor* xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fgNetAccessor [static]

The network accessor.

This is provided by the per-platform driver, so each platform can choose what actual implementation it wants to use. The object must be dynamically allocated.

Note that you may optionally, if your platform driver does not install a network accessor, set it manually from your client code after calling Initialize(). This works because this object is not required during initialization, and only comes into play during actual XML parsing.

XMLTransService* xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fgTransService [static]

The transcoding service.

This is provided by the per platform driver, so each platform can choose what implemenation it wants to use. When the platform independent initialization code needs to get a transcoding service object, it will call makeTransService() to ask the per-platform code to create one. Only one transcoding service object is reqeusted per-process, so it is shared and synchronized among parser instances within that process.

PanicHandler* xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fgUserPanicHandler [static]

The Panic Handler.

This is the application provided panic handler.

PanicHandler* xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fgDefaultPanicHandler [static]

The Panic Handler.

This is the default panic handler.

MemoryManager* xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager [static]

The configurable memory manager.

This is the pluggable memory manager. If it is not provided by an application, a default implementation is used.

MemoryManager* xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fgArrayMemoryManager [static]

The array-allocating memory manager.

This memory manager always allocates memory by calling the global new[] operator. It may be used to allocate memory where such memory needs to be deletable by calling delete []. Since this allocator is always guaranteed to do the same thing there is no reason, nor facility, to override it.

XMLMutex* xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fgAtomicMutex [static]

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Generated on Wed Dec 12 19:14:16 2007 for XQilla DOM Level 3 API by  doxygen 1.5.1