
ResultImpl Member List

This is the complete list of members for ResultImpl, including all inherited members.
getColumn() const LocationInfo [inline]
getFile() const LocationInfo [inline]
getLine() const LocationInfo [inline]
getResultPointer()ResultImpl [inline]
LocationInfo()LocationInfo [inline]
LocationInfo(const XMLCh *file, unsigned int line, unsigned int column)LocationInfo [inline]
next(DynamicContext *context)ResultImpl [virtual]
nextOrTail(Result &tail, DynamicContext *context)ResultImpl [virtual]
ResultImpl(const LocationInfo *o)ResultImpl [protected]
resultPointer_ResultImpl [protected]
setLocationInfo(const XMLCh *file, unsigned int line, unsigned int column)LocationInfo [inline]
setLocationInfo(const LocationInfo *o)LocationInfo [inline]
setResultPointer(Result *p)ResultImpl [inline]
skip(unsigned count, DynamicContext *context)ResultImpl [virtual]
toResultBuffer(unsigned int readCount, ResultBuffer &buffer)ResultImpl [virtual]
toSequence(DynamicContext *context)ResultImpl [virtual]
~ResultImpl()ResultImpl [inline, virtual]

Generated on 18 May 2015 for XQilla Simple API by  doxygen 1.6.1