
ResultImpl Class Reference

A lazily evaluated query result. More...

#include <ResultImpl.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for ResultImpl:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~ResultImpl ()
ResultgetResultPointer ()
void setResultPointer (Result *p)
virtual Item::Ptr next (DynamicContext *context)
 Get the next item from the iterator. Returns null if the is no next value.
virtual Item::Ptr nextOrTail (Result &tail, DynamicContext *context)
 Gets the next item, or returns a tail call Result which will give the next item.
virtual Sequence toSequence (DynamicContext *context)
 Cast operator to a Sequence.
virtual void toResultBuffer (unsigned int readCount, ResultBuffer &buffer)
 Returns a result buffer of the result.
virtual void skip (unsigned count, DynamicContext *context)
 Skip ahead.

Protected Member Functions

 ResultImpl (const LocationInfo *o)

Protected Attributes


Detailed Description

A lazily evaluated query result.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual ResultImpl::~ResultImpl (  )  [inline, virtual]
ResultImpl::ResultImpl ( const LocationInfo o  )  [protected]

Member Function Documentation

Result* ResultImpl::getResultPointer (  )  [inline]
virtual Item::Ptr ResultImpl::next ( DynamicContext context  )  [virtual]

Get the next item from the iterator. Returns null if the is no next value.

virtual Item::Ptr ResultImpl::nextOrTail ( Result tail,
DynamicContext context 
) [virtual]

Gets the next item, or returns a tail call Result which will give the next item.

void ResultImpl::setResultPointer ( Result p  )  [inline]
virtual void ResultImpl::skip ( unsigned  count,
DynamicContext context 
) [virtual]

Skip ahead.

virtual void ResultImpl::toResultBuffer ( unsigned int  readCount,
ResultBuffer &  buffer 
) [virtual]

Returns a result buffer of the result.

virtual Sequence ResultImpl::toSequence ( DynamicContext context  )  [virtual]

Cast operator to a Sequence.

Member Data Documentation

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:

Generated on 18 May 2015 for XQilla Simple API by  doxygen 1.6.1