Public Types | Public Member Functions

StaticContext Class Reference

The parse time static context interface. More...

#include <StaticContext.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for StaticContext:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Types

enum  FTCaseOption {

Public Member Functions

virtual ~StaticContext ()
virtual DynamicContextcreateModuleContext (xercesc::MemoryManager *memMgr=xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager) const =0
virtual DynamicContextcreateDynamicContext (xercesc::MemoryManager *memMgr=xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager) const =0
virtual DynamicContextcreateDebugQueryContext (const Item::Ptr &contextItem, size_t contextPosition, size_t contextSize, const VariableStore *variables, const xercesc::DOMXPathNSResolver *nsResolver, const XMLCh *defaultElementNS, xercesc::MemoryManager *memMgr=xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager) const =0
virtual XQillaConfigurationgetConfiguration () const =0
 Returns the configuration object for this context.
virtual XQilla::Language getLanguage () const =0
 Returns the lanuage that this context is for.
virtual ItemFactorygetItemFactory () const =0
 Returns the ItemFactory for this context, which is used to create XQilla items and other objects.
virtual void setItemFactory (ItemFactory *factory)=0
 Sets the ItemFactory for this context.
virtual const StaticTypegetContextItemType () const =0
 Get the static type of the context item.
virtual void setContextItemType (const StaticType &st)=0
 Set the static type of the context item.
virtual bool getXPath1CompatibilityMode () const =0
 Get the current XPath 1.0 compatibility mode.
virtual void setXPath1CompatibilityMode (bool newMode)=0
 Set the current XPath 1.0 compatibility mode.
virtual const
getNSResolver () const =0
 Get the NS resolver.
virtual const XMLCh * getUriBoundToPrefix (const XMLCh *prefix, const LocationInfo *location=0) const =0
 returns the URI that is bound in prefix in the current scope or zero length string otherwise
virtual const XMLCh * getPrefixBoundToUri (const XMLCh *uri) const =0
 returns the prefix that is bound in uri in the current scope or zero length string otherwise
virtual void setNSResolver (const xercesc::DOMXPathNSResolver *resolver)=0
 Set the NS resolver.
virtual void setNamespaceBinding (const XMLCh *prefix, const XMLCh *uri)=0
 Binds a prefix to a namespace URI.
virtual const XMLCh * getDefaultElementAndTypeNS () const =0
 get the value of the default namespace for elements and types
virtual void setDefaultElementAndTypeNS (const XMLCh *newNS)=0
 set the value of the default namespace for elements and types
virtual const XMLCh * getDefaultFuncNS () const =0
 Return the default namespace for functions.
virtual void setDefaultFuncNS (const XMLCh *newNS)=0
 Set the default namespace for functions.
virtual DocumentCachegetDocumentCache () const =0
 retrieve the repository for the grammars
virtual void setDocumentCache (DocumentCache *docCache)=0
 sets the repository for the grammars
virtual bool isTypeOrDerivedFromType (const XMLCh *const uri, const XMLCh *const typeName, const XMLCh *const uriToCheck, const XMLCh *const typeNameToCheck) const =0
 returns true if the type represented by uri:typename is an instance of uriToCheck:typeNameToCheck
virtual void setXMLEntityResolver (xercesc::XMLEntityResolver *const handler)=0
 Sets the XMLEntityResolver that is used by Xerces when it is used to parse documents.
getXMLEntityResolver () const =0
 Returns the entity resolver currently set.
virtual void setModuleResolver (ModuleResolver *resolver)=0
 Register a callback object for resolving module URIs.
virtual ModuleResolvergetModuleResolver () const =0
 Returns the module resolver currently set.
virtual VectorOfStringsresolveModuleURI (const XMLCh *uri) const =0
virtual void addSchemaLocation (const XMLCh *uri, VectorOfStrings *locations, const LocationInfo *location=0)=0
 add the location for the grammar of a specific namespace
virtual VariableTypeStoregetVariableTypeStore ()=0
 get the variable type store
virtual void addTemplate (XQUserFunction *tp)=0
 adds a template definition to the template tables
virtual const XQUserFunction * lookUpNamedTemplate (const XMLCh *uri, const XMLCh *name) const =0
 look up a template definition by name
virtual const UserFunctionsgetTemplateRules () const =0
 Return a vector of all the templates with patterns.
virtual void addCustomFunction (FuncFactory *func)=0
 adds a custom function to the function table
virtual void removeCustomFunction (FuncFactory *func)=0
 removes a custom function to the function table
virtual ASTNode * lookUpFunction (const XMLCh *uri, const XMLCh *name, const VectorOfASTNodes &v, const LocationInfo *location=0) const =0
 returns a function object with the given uri, localname and number of arguments triple
virtual void setExternalFunctionResolver (ExternalFunctionResolver *resolver)=0
 Register a callback object for resolving external function implementations.
virtual ExternalFunctionResolvergetExternalFunctionResolver () const =0
 Returns the external function resolver currently set.
virtual void addExternalFunction (const ExternalFunction *func)=0
 adds an external function implementation to the function table
virtual const ExternalFunctionlookUpExternalFunction (const XMLCh *uri, const XMLCh *name, size_t numArgs) const =0
 returns an external function implementation for the given uri and localname
virtual CollationgetCollation (const XMLCh *const URI, const LocationInfo *location=0) const =0
 Get the implementation for the specified collation.
virtual void addCollation (Collation *collation)=0
 Add a collation.
virtual CollationgetDefaultCollation (const LocationInfo *location=0) const =0
 Get the default collation.
virtual void setDefaultCollation (const XMLCh *const URI)=0
 Specify which collation is the default one.
virtual const XMLCh * getBaseURI () const =0
 Return the base URI.
virtual void setBaseURI (const XMLCh *newURI)=0
 Set the base URI.
virtual NodeSetOrdering getNodeSetOrdering () const =0
 Return the ordering method for node sets.
virtual void setNodeSetOrdering (NodeSetOrdering newOrder)=0
 Set the ordering method for node sets.
virtual ConstructionMode getConstructionMode () const =0
 Return the construction mode.
virtual void setConstructionMode (ConstructionMode newMode)=0
 Set the construction mode.
virtual void setPreserveBoundarySpace (bool value)=0
 Set the policy for boundary space.
virtual bool getPreserveBoundarySpace () const =0
 Get the policy for boundary space.
virtual FLWOROrderingMode getDefaultFLWOROrderingMode () const =0
 Return the default ordering mode for FLWOR blocks.
virtual void setDefaultFLWOROrderingMode (FLWOROrderingMode newMode)=0
 Set the default ordering mode for FLWOR blocks.
virtual void setInheritNamespaces (bool value)=0
 Set the policy for namespace inheritance.
virtual bool getInheritNamespaces () const =0
 Get the policy for namespace inheritance.
virtual void setPreserveNamespaces (bool value)=0
 Set the policy for namespace copy.
virtual bool getPreserveNamespaces () const =0
 Get the policy for namespace copy.
virtual void setRevalidationMode (DocumentCache::ValidationMode mode)=0
 Set the revalidation mode.
getRevalidationMode () const =0
 Get the revalidation mode.
virtual void setMessageListener (MessageListener *listener)=0
 Set the listener for warning and trace messages.
virtual MessageListenergetMessageListener () const =0
 Gets the listener for warning and trace messages.
virtual void setModule (XQQuery *module)=0
 Set the module.
virtual XQQuerygetModule () const =0
 Get the module.
virtual bool getProjection () const =0
 Gets whether document projection is enabled.
virtual void setProjection (bool enabled)=0
 Sets whether document projection is enabled.
virtual bool getDoLintWarnings () const =0
virtual void setDoLintWarnings (bool enabled)=0
virtual const XMLCh * allocateTempVarName (const XMLCh *prefix=0)=0
 Return a unique name that can be used for a temporary variable.
virtual XPath2MemoryManagergetMemoryManager () const =0
 Get the memory manager.
virtual void setMemoryManager (XPath2MemoryManager *memMgr)=0
 Set the memory manager to the one given.
virtual void setFTCase (FTCaseOption option)=0
 Set default full text query case option.
virtual FTCaseOption getFTCase ()=0

Detailed Description

The parse time static context interface.

Member Enumeration Documentation


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

virtual StaticContext::~StaticContext ( ) [inline, virtual]

Member Function Documentation

virtual void StaticContext::addCollation ( Collation collation) [pure virtual]

Add a collation.

virtual void StaticContext::addCustomFunction ( FuncFactory *  func) [pure virtual]

adds a custom function to the function table

virtual void StaticContext::addExternalFunction ( const ExternalFunction func) [pure virtual]

adds an external function implementation to the function table

virtual void StaticContext::addSchemaLocation ( const XMLCh *  uri,
VectorOfStrings locations,
const LocationInfo location = 0 
) [pure virtual]

add the location for the grammar of a specific namespace

virtual void StaticContext::addTemplate ( XQUserFunction *  tp) [pure virtual]

adds a template definition to the template tables

virtual const XMLCh* StaticContext::allocateTempVarName ( const XMLCh *  prefix = 0) [pure virtual]

Return a unique name that can be used for a temporary variable.

virtual DynamicContext* StaticContext::createDebugQueryContext ( const Item::Ptr contextItem,
size_t  contextPosition,
size_t  contextSize,
const VariableStore variables,
const xercesc::DOMXPathNSResolver nsResolver,
const XMLCh *  defaultElementNS,
xercesc::MemoryManager memMgr = xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
) const [pure virtual]
virtual DynamicContext* StaticContext::createDynamicContext ( xercesc::MemoryManager memMgr = xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager) const [pure virtual]
virtual DynamicContext* StaticContext::createModuleContext ( xercesc::MemoryManager memMgr = xercesc::XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager) const [pure virtual]
virtual const XMLCh* StaticContext::getBaseURI ( ) const [pure virtual]

Return the base URI.

virtual Collation* StaticContext::getCollation ( const XMLCh *const  URI,
const LocationInfo location = 0 
) const [pure virtual]

Get the implementation for the specified collation.

virtual XQillaConfiguration* StaticContext::getConfiguration ( ) const [pure virtual]

Returns the configuration object for this context.

virtual ConstructionMode StaticContext::getConstructionMode ( ) const [pure virtual]

Return the construction mode.

virtual const StaticType& StaticContext::getContextItemType ( ) const [pure virtual]

Get the static type of the context item.

Referenced by AutoContextItemTypeReset::AutoContextItemTypeReset().

virtual Collation* StaticContext::getDefaultCollation ( const LocationInfo location = 0) const [pure virtual]

Get the default collation.

virtual const XMLCh* StaticContext::getDefaultElementAndTypeNS ( ) const [pure virtual]

get the value of the default namespace for elements and types

Referenced by AutoNsScopeReset::AutoNsScopeReset().

virtual FLWOROrderingMode StaticContext::getDefaultFLWOROrderingMode ( ) const [pure virtual]

Return the default ordering mode for FLWOR blocks.

virtual const XMLCh* StaticContext::getDefaultFuncNS ( ) const [pure virtual]

Return the default namespace for functions.

virtual DocumentCache* StaticContext::getDocumentCache ( ) const [pure virtual]

retrieve the repository for the grammars

virtual bool StaticContext::getDoLintWarnings ( ) const [pure virtual]
virtual ExternalFunctionResolver* StaticContext::getExternalFunctionResolver ( ) const [pure virtual]

Returns the external function resolver currently set.

virtual FTCaseOption StaticContext::getFTCase ( ) [pure virtual]
virtual bool StaticContext::getInheritNamespaces ( ) const [pure virtual]

Get the policy for namespace inheritance.

virtual ItemFactory* StaticContext::getItemFactory ( ) const [pure virtual]

Returns the ItemFactory for this context, which is used to create XQilla items and other objects.

virtual XQilla::Language StaticContext::getLanguage ( ) const [pure virtual]

Returns the lanuage that this context is for.

This value cannot be set, since it is used to correctly construct the StaticContext

virtual XPath2MemoryManager* StaticContext::getMemoryManager ( ) const [pure virtual]

Get the memory manager.

virtual MessageListener* StaticContext::getMessageListener ( ) const [pure virtual]

Gets the listener for warning and trace messages.

Referenced by AutoMessageListenerReset::AutoMessageListenerReset().

virtual XQQuery* StaticContext::getModule ( ) const [pure virtual]

Get the module.

virtual ModuleResolver* StaticContext::getModuleResolver ( ) const [pure virtual]

Returns the module resolver currently set.

virtual NodeSetOrdering StaticContext::getNodeSetOrdering ( ) const [pure virtual]

Return the ordering method for node sets.

Referenced by AutoNodeSetOrderingReset::AutoNodeSetOrderingReset().

virtual const xercesc:: DOMXPathNSResolver* StaticContext::getNSResolver ( ) const [pure virtual]

Get the NS resolver.

Referenced by AutoNsScopeReset::AutoNsScopeReset().

virtual const XMLCh* StaticContext::getPrefixBoundToUri ( const XMLCh *  uri) const [pure virtual]

returns the prefix that is bound in uri in the current scope or zero length string otherwise

virtual bool StaticContext::getPreserveBoundarySpace ( ) const [pure virtual]

Get the policy for boundary space.

virtual bool StaticContext::getPreserveNamespaces ( ) const [pure virtual]

Get the policy for namespace copy.

virtual bool StaticContext::getProjection ( ) const [pure virtual]

Gets whether document projection is enabled.

Document projection is an optimisation that uses query analysis to remove sub-trees from documents that aren't needed by the query. This results in substantially smaller memory usage and faster query times, but means that any subsequent querying on the results of an initial query can be wrong.

If you are hoping to perform further queries on the results of a query, you should turn document projection off to avoid incorrect results.

virtual DocumentCache::ValidationMode StaticContext::getRevalidationMode ( ) const [pure virtual]

Get the revalidation mode.

virtual const UserFunctions& StaticContext::getTemplateRules ( ) const [pure virtual]

Return a vector of all the templates with patterns.

virtual const XMLCh* StaticContext::getUriBoundToPrefix ( const XMLCh *  prefix,
const LocationInfo location = 0 
) const [pure virtual]

returns the URI that is bound in prefix in the current scope or zero length string otherwise

virtual VariableTypeStore* StaticContext::getVariableTypeStore ( ) [pure virtual]

get the variable type store

virtual xercesc:: XMLEntityResolver* StaticContext::getXMLEntityResolver ( ) const [pure virtual]

Returns the entity resolver currently set.

virtual bool StaticContext::getXPath1CompatibilityMode ( ) const [pure virtual]

Get the current XPath 1.0 compatibility mode.

virtual bool StaticContext::isTypeOrDerivedFromType ( const XMLCh *const  uri,
const XMLCh *const  typeName,
const XMLCh *const  uriToCheck,
const XMLCh *const  typeNameToCheck 
) const [pure virtual]

returns true if the type represented by uri:typename is an instance of uriToCheck:typeNameToCheck

ie: to check xs:integer instance of xs:decimal, call isTypeOrDerivedFromType("xs", "integer", "xs", "decimal") (except of course, call with URIs, not prefixes!)

virtual const ExternalFunction* StaticContext::lookUpExternalFunction ( const XMLCh *  uri,
const XMLCh *  name,
size_t  numArgs 
) const [pure virtual]

returns an external function implementation for the given uri and localname

virtual ASTNode* StaticContext::lookUpFunction ( const XMLCh *  uri,
const XMLCh *  name,
const VectorOfASTNodes v,
const LocationInfo location = 0 
) const [pure virtual]

returns a function object with the given uri, localname and number of arguments triple

virtual const XQUserFunction* StaticContext::lookUpNamedTemplate ( const XMLCh *  uri,
const XMLCh *  name 
) const [pure virtual]

look up a template definition by name

virtual void StaticContext::removeCustomFunction ( FuncFactory *  func) [pure virtual]

removes a custom function to the function table

virtual VectorOfStrings* StaticContext::resolveModuleURI ( const XMLCh *  uri) const [pure virtual]
virtual void StaticContext::setBaseURI ( const XMLCh *  newURI) [pure virtual]

Set the base URI.

virtual void StaticContext::setConstructionMode ( ConstructionMode  newMode) [pure virtual]

Set the construction mode.

virtual void StaticContext::setContextItemType ( const StaticType st) [pure virtual]

Set the static type of the context item.

Referenced by AutoContextItemTypeReset::AutoContextItemTypeReset().

virtual void StaticContext::setDefaultCollation ( const XMLCh *const  URI) [pure virtual]

Specify which collation is the default one.

virtual void StaticContext::setDefaultElementAndTypeNS ( const XMLCh *  newNS) [pure virtual]

set the value of the default namespace for elements and types

virtual void StaticContext::setDefaultFLWOROrderingMode ( FLWOROrderingMode  newMode) [pure virtual]

Set the default ordering mode for FLWOR blocks.

virtual void StaticContext::setDefaultFuncNS ( const XMLCh *  newNS) [pure virtual]

Set the default namespace for functions.

virtual void StaticContext::setDocumentCache ( DocumentCache docCache) [pure virtual]

sets the repository for the grammars

virtual void StaticContext::setDoLintWarnings ( bool  enabled) [pure virtual]
virtual void StaticContext::setExternalFunctionResolver ( ExternalFunctionResolver resolver) [pure virtual]

Register a callback object for resolving external function implementations.

virtual void StaticContext::setFTCase ( FTCaseOption  option) [pure virtual]

Set default full text query case option.

virtual void StaticContext::setInheritNamespaces ( bool  value) [pure virtual]

Set the policy for namespace inheritance.

virtual void StaticContext::setItemFactory ( ItemFactory factory) [pure virtual]

Sets the ItemFactory for this context.

virtual void StaticContext::setMemoryManager ( XPath2MemoryManager memMgr) [pure virtual]

Set the memory manager to the one given.

virtual void StaticContext::setMessageListener ( MessageListener listener) [pure virtual]

Set the listener for warning and trace messages.

Referenced by AutoMessageListenerReset::AutoMessageListenerReset().

virtual void StaticContext::setModule ( XQQuery module) [pure virtual]

Set the module.

virtual void StaticContext::setModuleResolver ( ModuleResolver resolver) [pure virtual]

Register a callback object for resolving module URIs.

virtual void StaticContext::setNamespaceBinding ( const XMLCh *  prefix,
const XMLCh *  uri 
) [pure virtual]

Binds a prefix to a namespace URI.

virtual void StaticContext::setNodeSetOrdering ( NodeSetOrdering  newOrder) [pure virtual]

Set the ordering method for node sets.

Referenced by AutoNodeSetOrderingReset::AutoNodeSetOrderingReset().

virtual void StaticContext::setNSResolver ( const xercesc::DOMXPathNSResolver resolver) [pure virtual]

Set the NS resolver.

virtual void StaticContext::setPreserveBoundarySpace ( bool  value) [pure virtual]

Set the policy for boundary space.

virtual void StaticContext::setPreserveNamespaces ( bool  value) [pure virtual]

Set the policy for namespace copy.

virtual void StaticContext::setProjection ( bool  enabled) [pure virtual]

Sets whether document projection is enabled.

Document projection can be enabled or disabled at compile time, as well as overridden at runtime. By default document projection is enabled unless query complilation is unable to guarentee its correctness.

Document projection is an optimisation that uses query analysis to remove sub-trees from documents that aren't needed by the query. This results in substantially smaller memory usage and faster query times, but means that any subsequent querying on the results of an initial query can be wrong.

If you are hoping to perform further queries on the results of a query, you should turn document projection off to avoid incorrect results.

virtual void StaticContext::setRevalidationMode ( DocumentCache::ValidationMode  mode) [pure virtual]

Set the revalidation mode.

virtual void StaticContext::setXMLEntityResolver ( xercesc::XMLEntityResolver *const  handler) [pure virtual]

Sets the XMLEntityResolver that is used by Xerces when it is used to parse documents.

This affects the behaviour of XQilla whenever it retrieves a DTD or XML Schema grammar.

virtual void StaticContext::setXPath1CompatibilityMode ( bool  newMode) [pure virtual]

Set the current XPath 1.0 compatibility mode.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: