
xercesc::XMLFormatter Class Reference

This class provides the basic formatting capabilities that are required to turn the Unicode based XML data from the parsers into a form that can be used on non-Unicode based systems, that is, into local or generic text encodings. More...

#include <XMLFormatter.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for xercesc::XMLFormatter:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Types

Public Contants
enum  EscapeFlags {
  NoEscapes, StdEscapes, AttrEscapes, CharEscapes,
  EscapeFlags_Count, DefaultEscape = 999

EscapeFlags - Different styles of escape flags to control various formatting.

enum  UnRepFlags { UnRep_Fail, UnRep_CharRef, UnRep_Replace, DefaultUnRep = 999 }



Public Member Functions

Constructor and Destructor
 XMLFormatter (const XMLCh *const outEncoding, const XMLCh *const docVersion, XMLFormatTarget *const target, const EscapeFlags escapeFlags=NoEscapes, const UnRepFlags unrepFlags=UnRep_Fail, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 XMLFormatter (const char *const outEncoding, const char *const docVersion, XMLFormatTarget *const target, const EscapeFlags escapeFlags=NoEscapes, const UnRepFlags unrepFlags=UnRep_Fail, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 XMLFormatter (const XMLCh *const outEncoding, XMLFormatTarget *const target, const EscapeFlags escapeFlags=NoEscapes, const UnRepFlags unrepFlags=UnRep_Fail, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 XMLFormatter (const char *const outEncoding, XMLFormatTarget *const target, const EscapeFlags escapeFlags=NoEscapes, const UnRepFlags unrepFlags=UnRep_Fail, MemoryManager *const manager=XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager)
 ~XMLFormatter ()
Formatting methods
void formatBuf (const XMLCh *const toFormat, const XMLSize_t count, const EscapeFlags escapeFlags=DefaultEscape, const UnRepFlags unrepFlags=DefaultUnRep)
XMLFormatteroperator<< (const XMLCh *const toFormat)
XMLFormatteroperator<< (const XMLCh toFormat)
void writeBOM (const XMLByte *const toFormat, const XMLSize_t count)
Getter methods
const XMLCh * getEncodingName () const
const XMLTranscoder * getTranscoder () const
XMLTranscoder * getTranscoder ()
Setter methods
void setEscapeFlags (const EscapeFlags newFlags)
void setUnRepFlags (const UnRepFlags newFlags)
XMLFormatteroperator<< (const EscapeFlags newFlags)
XMLFormatteroperator<< (const UnRepFlags newFlags)
EscapeFlags getEscapeFlags () const
UnRepFlags getUnRepFlags () const

Detailed Description

This class provides the basic formatting capabilities that are required to turn the Unicode based XML data from the parsers into a form that can be used on non-Unicode based systems, that is, into local or generic text encodings.

A number of flags are provided to control whether various optional formatting operations are performed.

Member Enumeration Documentation

EscapeFlags - Different styles of escape flags to control various formatting.

NoEscapes: No character needs to be escaped. Just write them out as is.

StdEscapes: The following characters need to be escaped:

character should be escaped and written as
& &amp;
> &gt;
" &quot;
< &lt;
' &apos;

AttrEscapes: The following characters need to be escaped:

character should be escaped and written as
& &amp;
> &gt;
" &quot;

CharEscapes: The following characters need to be escaped:

character should be escaped and written as
& &amp;
> &gt;

EscapeFlags_Count: Special value, do not use directly.

DefaultEscape: Special value, do not use directly.



The unrepresentable flags that indicate how to react when a character cannot be represented in the target encoding.

UnRep_Fail: Fail the operation.

UnRep_CharRef: Display the unrepresented character as reference.

UnRep_Replace: Replace the unrepresented character with the replacement character.

DefaultUnRep: Special value, do not use directly.


Constructor & Destructor Documentation

xercesc::XMLFormatter::XMLFormatter ( const XMLCh *const  outEncoding,
const XMLCh *const  docVersion,
XMLFormatTarget *const  target,
const EscapeFlags  escapeFlags = NoEscapes,
const UnRepFlags  unrepFlags = UnRep_Fail,
MemoryManager *const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
outEncodingthe encoding for the formatted content.
docVersionthe document version.
targetthe formatTarget where the formatted content is written to.
escapeFlagsthe escape style for certain character.
unrepFlagsthe reaction to unrepresentable character.
managerPointer to the memory manager to be used to allocate objects.
xercesc::XMLFormatter::XMLFormatter ( const char *const  outEncoding,
const char *const  docVersion,
XMLFormatTarget *const  target,
const EscapeFlags  escapeFlags = NoEscapes,
const UnRepFlags  unrepFlags = UnRep_Fail,
MemoryManager *const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
xercesc::XMLFormatter::XMLFormatter ( const XMLCh *const  outEncoding,
XMLFormatTarget *const  target,
const EscapeFlags  escapeFlags = NoEscapes,
const UnRepFlags  unrepFlags = UnRep_Fail,
MemoryManager *const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
xercesc::XMLFormatter::XMLFormatter ( const char *const  outEncoding,
XMLFormatTarget *const  target,
const EscapeFlags  escapeFlags = NoEscapes,
const UnRepFlags  unrepFlags = UnRep_Fail,
MemoryManager *const  manager = XMLPlatformUtils::fgMemoryManager 
xercesc::XMLFormatter::~XMLFormatter ( )

Member Function Documentation

void xercesc::XMLFormatter::formatBuf ( const XMLCh *const  toFormat,
const XMLSize_t  count,
const EscapeFlags  escapeFlags = DefaultEscape,
const UnRepFlags  unrepFlags = DefaultUnRep 
toFormatthe string to be formatted
countlength of the string
escapeFlagsthe escape style for formatting toFormat
unrepFlagsthe reaction for any unrepresentable character in toFormat
const XMLCh * xercesc::XMLFormatter::getEncodingName ( ) const [inline]
return the encoding set for the formatted content
XMLFormatter::EscapeFlags xercesc::XMLFormatter::getEscapeFlags ( ) const [inline]
return the escape style for the formatted content
const XMLTranscoder * xercesc::XMLFormatter::getTranscoder ( ) const [inline]
return constant transcoder used internally for transcoding the formatter conent
XMLTranscoder * xercesc::XMLFormatter::getTranscoder ( ) [inline]
return the transcoder used internally for transcoding the formatter conent
XMLFormatter::UnRepFlags xercesc::XMLFormatter::getUnRepFlags ( ) const [inline]
return the reaction for unrepresentable character
XMLFormatter& xercesc::XMLFormatter::operator<< ( const XMLCh *const  toFormat)
See also:
XMLFormatter & xercesc::XMLFormatter::operator<< ( const UnRepFlags  newFlags) [inline]
newFlagsset the reaction for unrepresentable character
See also:
XMLFormatter& xercesc::XMLFormatter::operator<< ( const XMLCh  toFormat)
XMLFormatter & xercesc::XMLFormatter::operator<< ( const EscapeFlags  newFlags) [inline]
newFlagsset the escape style for the follow-on formatted content
See also:
void xercesc::XMLFormatter::setEscapeFlags ( const EscapeFlags  newFlags) [inline]
newFlagsset the escape style for the follow-on formatted content
void xercesc::XMLFormatter::setUnRepFlags ( const UnRepFlags  newFlags) [inline]
newFlagsset the reaction for unrepresentable character
void xercesc::XMLFormatter::writeBOM ( const XMLByte *const  toFormat,
const XMLSize_t  count 

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