
XQC_Sequence_s Struct Reference

#include <xqc.h>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

XQC_Error(* next )(XQC_Sequence *sequence)
 Moves the XQC_Sequence so that the current item is positioned at the next item in the sequence.
void *(* get_interface )(const XQC_Sequence *sequence, const char *name)
 Called to retrieve an implementation specific interface.
void(* free )(XQC_Sequence *sequence)
 Called to free the resources associated with the XQC_Sequence.
Functions on the current item

XQC_Error(* item_type )(const XQC_Sequence *sequence, XQC_ItemType *type)
 Returns an item type enumeration for the type of the current item.
XQC_Error(* type_name )(const XQC_Sequence *sequence, const char **uri, const char **name)
 Returns the type name for the current item as a (URI, localname) pair.
XQC_Error(* string_value )(const XQC_Sequence *sequence, const char **value)
 Returns the string value of the current item in the sequence - this is equivalent to calling fn:string() ( on the current item.
XQC_Error(* integer_value )(const XQC_Sequence *sequence, int *value)
 Returns the value of the current item in the sequence as an integer - this is equivalent to calling fn:number() ( on the current item, and casting the result to an int.
XQC_Error(* double_value )(const XQC_Sequence *sequence, double *value)
 Returns the value of the current item in the sequence as a double - this is equivalent to calling fn:number() ( on the current item.
XQC_Error(* node_name )(const XQC_Sequence *sequence, const char **uri, const char **name)
 Returns the name for the current node as a (URI, localname) pair.

Detailed Description


xqc-basic.c, and xqc-context-item.c.

Member Data Documentation

XQC_Error(* XQC_Sequence_s::double_value)(const XQC_Sequence *sequence, double *value)

Returns the value of the current item in the sequence as a double - this is equivalent to calling fn:number() ( on the current item.

This is available for all item types.

sequence The XQC_Sequence that this function pointer is a member of
[out] value The value of the current item as a double.
Return values:
XQC_NO_CURRENT_ITEM if there is no current item, either because next() has not been called yet, or because the end of the sequence has been reached.
void(* XQC_Sequence_s::free)(XQC_Sequence *sequence)

Called to free the resources associated with the XQC_Sequence.

sequence The XQC_Sequence that this function pointer is a member of
xqc-basic.c, and xqc-context-item.c.
void*(* XQC_Sequence_s::get_interface)(const XQC_Sequence *sequence, const char *name)

Called to retrieve an implementation specific interface.

sequence The XQC_Sequence that this function pointer is a member of
name The name that identifies the interface to return
A pointer to the interface, or 0 if the name is not recognized by this implementation of XQC.
XQC_Error(* XQC_Sequence_s::integer_value)(const XQC_Sequence *sequence, int *value)

Returns the value of the current item in the sequence as an integer - this is equivalent to calling fn:number() ( on the current item, and casting the result to an int.

This is available for all item types.

sequence The XQC_Sequence that this function pointer is a member of
[out] value The value of the current item as an int.
Return values:
XQC_NO_CURRENT_ITEM if there is no current item, either because next() has not been called yet, or because the end of the sequence has been reached.

Returns an item type enumeration for the type of the current item.

sequence The XQC_Sequence that this function pointer is a member of
[out] type the XQC_ItemType of the current item
Return values:
XQC_NO_CURRENT_ITEM if there is no current item, either because next() has not been called yet, or because the end of the sequence has been reached.

Moves the XQC_Sequence so that the current item is positioned at the next item in the sequence.

sequence The XQC_Sequence that this function pointer is a member of
Return values:
XQC_NO_ERROR when the call is successful
XQC_END_OF_SEQUENCE when the end of the sequence is reached
xqc-basic.c, and xqc-context-item.c.
XQC_Error(* XQC_Sequence_s::node_name)(const XQC_Sequence *sequence, const char **uri, const char **name)

Returns the name for the current node as a (URI, localname) pair.

sequence The XQC_Sequence that this function pointer is a member of
[out] uri The URI of the name of the current node. The memory for the string will be valid until a subsequent call to XQC_Sequence::next().
[out] name The localname of the name of the current node. The memory for the string will be valid until a subsequent call to XQC_Sequence::next().
Return values:
XQC_NO_CURRENT_ITEM if there is no current item, either because next() has not been called yet, or because the end of the sequence has been reached.
XQC_NOT_NODE if the current item is not a node.
XQC_Error(* XQC_Sequence_s::string_value)(const XQC_Sequence *sequence, const char **value)

Returns the string value of the current item in the sequence - this is equivalent to calling fn:string() ( on the current item.

This is available for all item types.

sequence The XQC_Sequence that this function pointer is a member of
[out] value The string value of the current item. The memory for the string will be valid until a subsequent call to XQC_Sequence::next().
Return values:
XQC_NO_CURRENT_ITEM if there is no current item, either because next() has not been called yet, or because the end of the sequence has been reached.
xqc-basic.c, and xqc-context-item.c.
XQC_Error(* XQC_Sequence_s::type_name)(const XQC_Sequence *sequence, const char **uri, const char **name)

Returns the type name for the current item as a (URI, localname) pair.

sequence The XQC_Sequence that this function pointer is a member of
[out] uri The URI of the type of the current item. The memory for the string will be valid until a subsequent call to XQC_Sequence::next().
[out] name The localname of the type of the current item. The memory for the string will be valid until a subsequent call to XQC_Sequence::next().
Return values:
XQC_NO_CURRENT_ITEM if there is no current item, either because next() has not been called yet, or because the end of the sequence has been reached.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:

Generated on Fri Nov 13 15:00:23 2009 for XQilla XQC API by  doxygen 1.6.1