2020-10-03 15:22:44 +00:00
#include "ultra64.h"
#include "global.h"
2020-07-20 01:08:50 +00:00
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
typedef struct {
f32 unk_00;
f32 unk_04;
s8 unk_08;
s8 unk_09;
s8 unk_0A;
u8 unk_0B;
u8 unk_0C;
} unk_s1;
typedef struct {
f32 unk_00;
f32 unk_04;
f32 unk_08;
s32 unk_0C;
} unk_s2;
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
typedef struct {
u16 unk_00;
u16 unk_02;
u8 unk_04[100];
} D_801306DC_s; // size = 0x68
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
void Audio_SetVolScale(u8, u8, u8, u8);
void func_800F5550(u16);
void func_800F5E18(u8 arg0, u16 arg1, u8 arg2, s8 arg3, s8 arg4);
void func_800F4784(unk_s2* arg0);
void func_800F56A8(void);
void func_800F6FB4(u8);
s32 func_800F491C(u8 arg0);
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
extern f32 D_8012F6B4[]; // from audio_synthesis
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
// stick float vals
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
extern u32 D_801305B0;
extern u32 D_801305B4;
extern s8 D_801305B8;
extern s8 D_801305BC;
extern s8 D_801305C0;
extern f32 D_801305C4[2];
extern u8 D_801305CC;
extern u8 sPrevChargeLevel; // 801305E0
extern f32 D_801305E4[4];
extern f32 D_801305F4;
extern u8 D_801305F8[8];
extern u8 D_80130600;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
extern s8 D_80130604;
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
extern s8 D_80130608;
extern s8 D_8013060C;
extern s8 D_80130610;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
extern s8 D_80130614;
extern s8 D_80130618;
extern u8 D_8013061C;
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
extern f32 D_80130620;
extern s8 D_80130624;
extern u16 D_80130628;
extern u8 D_8013062C;
extern u8 D_80130630;
extern u32 D_80130634;
extern u32 D_80130638;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
extern u8 D_8013063C;
extern u8 D_80130640;
extern u8 D_80130644;
extern u8 D_80130648;
extern Vec3f* D_8013064C;
extern f32 D_80130650;
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
extern u8 D_80130654;
extern u8 D_80130658[]; // <= 112
extern s8 D_801306C8[20];
extern D_801306DC_s D_801306DC[20];
extern u32 sOcarinaAllowedBtnMask; // 80130EFC
extern s32 sOcarinaABtnMap; // 80130F00
extern s32 sOcarinaCUPBtnMap; // 80130F04
extern s32 sOcarinaCDownBtnMap; // 80130F08
extern u8 sOcarinaInpEnabled; // 80130F0C
extern s8 D_80130F10; // ocarina active?
extern u8 sCurOcarinaBtnVal; // 80130F14
extern u8 sPrevOcarinaNoteVal; // 80130F18
extern u8 sCurOcarinaBtnIdx; // 80130F1C, note index?
extern u8 sLearnSongLastBtn; // 80130F20
extern f32 D_80130F24;
extern u32 D_80130F28;
extern s8 D_80130F2C; // pitch?
extern s8 D_80130F30;
extern s8 D_80130F34;
extern u8 sPlaybackState; // 80130F38
extern u32 D_80130F3C;
extern u32 sNotePlaybackTimer;
extern u16 sPlaybackNotePos;
extern u16 sStaffPlaybackPos;
extern u16 D_80130F4C;
extern u8 sDisplayedNoteValue; // Note to display on screen?
extern u8 sNotePlaybackVolume;
extern u8 sNotePlaybackVibrato;
extern s8 sNotePlaybackTone;
extern f32 sNormalizedNotePlaybackTone;
extern f32 sNormalizedNotePlaybackVolume;
extern s32 D_80130F68;
extern u8 sOcarinaNoteValues[5];
extern u8 sOcaMinigameApndPos;
extern u8 sOcaMinigameEndPos;
extern u8 sOcaMinigameNoteCnts[]; // <= 4
extern OcarinaSong sOcarinaSongs[14]; // 80130F80
extern OcarinaSong* sPlaybackSong;
// extern u8 D_80131844[];
// extern u8* gFrogsSongPtr = D_80131844;
extern u8 D_80131858;
extern u8 sRecordSongPos;
extern u32 D_80131860;
extern u8 D_80131864;
extern u8 D_80131868;
extern u8 D_8013186C;
extern s8 D_80131870;
extern u8 D_80131874;
extern u8 D_80131878;
extern u8 D_8013187C;
extern u8 D_80131880;
extern OcarinaSong sPierresSong;
// extern OcarinaNote* gScarecrowCustomSongPtr = &sPierresSong;
// extern OcarinaNote* gScarecrowSpawnSongPtr = &sOcarinaSongs[12];
extern OcarinaSong* D_80131BEC; // = &sOcarinaSongs[13];
extern u8 sNoteValueIndexMap[16]; // = {0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 5, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4}
// extern OcarinaSongInfo gOcarinaSongNotes[14];
// D_80131C80 .. 88 are in-function static in func_800EE824
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
extern f32 D_80131C8C;
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
extern u8 D_801333F0;
// Debug variables (separate file?):
extern f32 D_80131C90; // func_800EEA50, in-function static?
extern f32 D_80131C94; // func_800EEA50, in-function static?
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
extern u8 D_80131C98;
extern u8 D_80131C9C;
extern u8 D_80131CA0;
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
extern u8 D_80131CA4;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
extern u8 D_80131CA8;
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
extern char D_80131CAC[][23];
extern u16 D_80131E08[11];
extern u16 D_80131E20[11];
extern char D_80131E38[7][11]; // func_800EEA50
extern char D_80131E88[][10]; // func_800EEA50
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
extern s8 D_80131EBC;
extern s8 D_80131EC0;
extern s8 D_80131EC4;
extern s8 D_80131EC8[];
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
extern u8 D_80131ED0;
extern u8 sAudioScreenPrintInd;
extern u8 sAudioScreenPrintOverflow;
extern s8 D_80131EDC;
extern s8 D_80131EE0;
extern u8 D_80131EE4[11];
extern u8 D_80131EF0[11];
extern u8 D_80131EFC;
extern u8 D_80131F00;
extern u8 D_80131F04;
extern u8 D_80131F08;
extern char D_80131F0C[][5]; // func_800EEA50
extern u8 D_80131F18;
extern u8 D_80131F1C;
extern u16 D_80131F20[];
extern u8 D_80131F28;
extern u8 D_80131F2C;
extern u8 D_80131F30[];
extern char D_80131F44[][2]; // func_800EEA50
extern u8 D_80131F4C[];
extern u8 D_80131F50;
extern char D_80131F54[][5]; // func_800EEA50
extern u8 D_80131F64;
extern u8 D_80131F68;
// D_80131F6C is in-function static in func_800F510C
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
/** bit field of songs that can be played
* 0x0800 storms
* 0x0400 song of time
* 0x0200 suns
* 0x0100 lullaby
* 0x0080 epona
* 0x0040 sarias
* 0x0020 prelude
* 0x0010 nocturne
* 0x0008 requiem
* 0x0004 serenade
* 0x0002 bolero
* 0x0001 minuet
typedef struct {
u8 unk_00;
char unk_01[0x37];
} unk_dstruct;
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
extern u8 D_801333F4;
extern u8 D_80133408;
extern u8 D_8013340C;
extern u8 D_80133414;
extern u8 D_80133418;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
extern unk_dstruct D_801337CE[];
u32 sAudioUpdateStartTime; // 8016B7A0
u32 sAudioUpdateEndTime;
f32 D_8016B7A8;
f32 D_8016B7AC; // maybe padding?
f32 D_8016B7B0;
f32 D_8016B7B4;
unk_s2 D_8016B7B8;
unk_s2 D_8016B7C8;
f32 D_8016B7D8;
s8 D_8016B7DC;
f32 D_8016B7E0;
u16 D_8016B7E4;
typedef struct {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
s8 str[5];
u16 num;
} unk_sAudioScreenPrintBuf;
unk_sAudioScreenPrintBuf sAudioScreenPrintBuf[25];
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
u8 D_8016B8B0;
u8 D_8016B8B1;
u8 D_8016B8B2;
u8 D_8016B8B3;
u8 D_8016B8B4;
unk_s1 D_8016B8B8[0x10];
// maybe a struct?
u8 D_8016B9B8[0x20];
u8 D_8016B9D8[0x8]; // probably array.
u8 D_8016B9E0[0x12];
u8 D_8016B9F2;
u8 D_8016B9F3;
u8 D_8016B9F4;
u16 D_8016B9F6;
OcarinaStaff D_8016B9F8; // playing along staff?
OcarinaStaff sDisplayedStaff; // displayed staff?
OcarinaStaff D_8016BA00; // ?? note and status not updated, pos updated as you play
u32 D_8016BA04;
typedef struct {
s8 x;
s8 y;
} OcarinaStick;
OcarinaStick sCurOcaStick;
u32 sCurOcarinaBtnPress;
u32 D_8016BA10;
u32 sPrevOcarinaBtnPress;
s32 D_8016BA18;
s32 D_8016BA1C;
u8 sCurOcarinaSong[8];
u8 sOcarinaSongAppendPos;
u8 sOcarinaHasStartedSong;
u8 gOcarinaSongNotestartIdx;
u8 sOcarinaSongCnt;
u16 sOcarinaAvailSongs;
u8 D_8016BA2E;
u16 sLearnSongPos[0x10];
u16 D_8016BA50[0x10];
u16 D_8016BA70[0x10];
u8 sLearnSongExpectedNote[0x10];
OcarinaNote D_8016BAA0;
u8 D_8016BAA8;
f32 D_8016BAAC;
u32 D_8016BAB0;
u32 sDebugPadPressRaw;
u32 sDebugPadPress;
s32 sAudioUpdateTaskStart;
s32 sAudioUpdateTaskEnd;
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
extern u16 D_8016E2E0[];
extern u16 D_8016E2F8[];
extern u8 D_8016E310[];
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
void func_800EC960(u8 custom) {
if (!custom) {
osSyncPrintf("AUDIO : Ocarina Control Assign Normal\n");
sOcarinaAllowedBtnMask = (BTN_A | BTN_CUP | BTN_CDOWN | BTN_CLEFT | BTN_CRIGHT);
sOcarinaABtnMap = BTN_A;
sOcarinaCUPBtnMap = BTN_CUP;
sOcarinaCDownBtnMap = BTN_CDOWN;
} else {
osSyncPrintf("AUDIO : Ocarina Control Assign Custom\n");
sOcarinaAllowedBtnMask = (BTN_A | BTN_B | BTN_CDOWN | BTN_CLEFT | BTN_CRIGHT);
sOcarinaABtnMap = BTN_B;
sOcarinaCUPBtnMap = BTN_CDOWN;
sOcarinaCDownBtnMap = BTN_A;
void PadMgr_RequestPadData(PadMgr* padmgr, Input* inputs, s32 mode);
void Audio_GetOcaInput(void) {
Input input[4];
Input* inputP = &input[0];
u32 sp18;
sp18 = sCurOcarinaBtnPress;
inputP = input;
PadMgr_RequestPadData(&gPadMgr, input, 0);
sCurOcarinaBtnPress = inputP->cur.button;
sPrevOcarinaBtnPress = sp18;
sCurOcaStick.x = inputP->rel.stick_x;
sCurOcaStick.y = inputP->rel.stick_y;
f32 Audio_OcaAdjStick(s8 inp) {
s8 inpAdj;
f32 ret;
if (inp > 0x40) {
inpAdj = 127;
} else if (inp < -0x40) {
inpAdj = -128;
} else if (inp >= 0) {
inpAdj = (inp * 127) / 64;
} else {
inpAdj = (inp * 128) / 64;
ret = D_8012F6B4[inpAdj];
return ret;
u8 func_800ECAF0(void) {
u8 ret;
if (D_80131878 != 0) {
ret = D_80131878 - 1;
D_80131878 = 0;
} else if (D_80130F3C != 0) {
ret = 0xFE;
} else {
ret = 0xFF;
return ret;
u8 Audio_OcaMapNoteValue(u8 arg0) {
u8 temp_v1;
temp_v1 = sNoteValueIndexMap[arg0 & 0x3F];
if (temp_v1 == 5) {
if (arg0 & 0x80) {
return 2;
return 3;
return temp_v1;
void func_800ECB7C(u8 songIdx) {
u8 savedSongIdx;
u8 scarecrowSongIdx;
u8 noteIdx;
savedSongIdx = 0;
scarecrowSongIdx = 0;
while (savedSongIdx < 8 && scarecrowSongIdx < 0x10) {
noteIdx = sOcarinaSongs[songIdx].notes[scarecrowSongIdx++].noteIdx;
if (noteIdx != 0xFF) {
gOcarinaSongNotes[0xC].notesIdx[savedSongIdx++] = sNoteValueIndexMap[noteIdx];
// start ocarina.
void func_800ECC04(u16 flg) {
u8 i;
if ((sOcarinaSongs[0xC].notes[1].volume != 0xFF) && ((flg & 0xFFF) == 0xFFF)) {
flg |= 0x1000;
if ((flg == 0xCFFF) && (sOcarinaSongs[0xC].notes[1].volume != 0xFF)) {
flg = 0xDFFF;
if ((flg == 0xFFF) && (sOcarinaSongs[0xC].notes[1].volume != 0xFF)) {
flg = 0x1FFF;
if (flg != 0xFFFF) {
D_80130F3C = 0x80000000 + (u32)flg;
gOcarinaSongNotestartIdx = 0;
sOcarinaSongCnt = 0xE;
if (flg != 0xA000) {
sOcarinaAvailSongs = flg & 0x3FFF;
D_8013187C = 8;
sOcarinaHasStartedSong = 0;
D_80131878 = 0;
D_8016BA2E = 0;
D_8016B9F8.state = func_800ECAF0();
sOcarinaInpEnabled = 1;
D_80130F4C = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 0xE; i++) {
sLearnSongPos[i] = 0;
D_8016BA50[i] = 0;
D_8016BA70[i] = 0;
sLearnSongExpectedNote[i] = 0;
if (flg & 0x8000) {
D_8013187C = 0;
if (flg & 0x4000) {
sOcarinaSongAppendPos = 0;
if (flg & 0xD000) {
} else {
D_80130F3C = 0;
sOcarinaInpEnabled = 0;
void func_800ECDBC(void) {
if (sCurOcarinaBtnVal != 0xFF && sOcarinaHasStartedSong == 0) {
sOcarinaHasStartedSong = 1;
sLearnSongLastBtn = 0xFF;
void func_800ECDF8(void) {
u16 sh;
u16 pad;
u8 inputChanged = 0;
u16 pad2;
s8 sp57 = 0;
u8 i;
OcarinaNote* prevNote;
OcarinaNote* note;
if (sOcarinaHasStartedSong) {
if ((D_80130F2C < 0 ? -D_80130F2C : D_80130F2C) >= 0x15) {
D_80130F3C = 0;
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
// clang-format off
if (sPrevOcarinaNoteVal == sCurOcarinaBtnVal || sCurOcarinaBtnVal == 0xFF) { inputChanged = 1; }
// clang-format on
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
for (i = gOcarinaSongNotestartIdx; i < sOcarinaSongCnt; i++) {
sh = 1 << i;
if (sOcarinaAvailSongs & sh) {
D_8016BA50[i] = D_8016BA70[i] + 0x12;
if (inputChanged) {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
// (pointless if check, this is always true)
if ((D_8016BA50[i] >= D_8016BA70[i] - 0x12) && (D_8016BA50[i] >= D_8016BA70[i] + 0x12) &&
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
(sOcarinaSongs[i].notes[sLearnSongPos[i]].unk_02 == 0) &&
(sLearnSongLastBtn == sLearnSongExpectedNote[i])) {
D_80131878 = i + 1;
sOcarinaInpEnabled = 0;
D_80130F3C = 0;
} else if (D_8016BA50[i] >= (D_8016BA70[i] - 0x12)) {
if (sLearnSongLastBtn != 0xFF) {
if (sLearnSongLastBtn == sLearnSongExpectedNote[i]) {
if (i == 0xC) {
D_8016BA50[i] = 0;
} else {
sOcarinaAvailSongs ^= sh;
prevNote = &sOcarinaSongs[i].notes[sLearnSongPos[i]];
note = &sOcarinaSongs[i].notes[++sLearnSongPos[i]];
D_8016BA70[i] = prevNote->unk_02;
sLearnSongExpectedNote[i] = prevNote->noteIdx;
if (sCurOcarinaBtnVal != sLearnSongExpectedNote[i]) {
sOcarinaAvailSongs ^= sh;
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
while (prevNote->noteIdx == note->noteIdx || (note->noteIdx == 0xFF && note->unk_02 != 0)) {
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
D_8016BA70[i] += note->unk_02;
prevNote = &sOcarinaSongs[i].notes[sLearnSongPos[i]];
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
note = &sOcarinaSongs[i].notes[sLearnSongPos[i] + 1];
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
} else if (D_8016BA50[i] < 0xA) {
sp57 = -1;
D_8016BA50[i] = 0;
sLearnSongLastBtn = sCurOcarinaBtnVal;
} else {
sOcarinaAvailSongs ^= sh;
if (sOcarinaAvailSongs == 0 && D_8016BA2E >= D_8013187C) {
sOcarinaInpEnabled = 0;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(D_80130F3C, BTN_B) && sCurOcarinaBtnVal == sOcarinaSongs[i].notes[0].noteIdx) {
D_80130F4C = D_80130F3C;
D_80130F3C = 0;
if (!inputChanged) {
sLearnSongLastBtn = sCurOcarinaBtnVal;
D_8016BA2E += sp57 + 1;
void func_800ED200(void) {
u32 temp_v0;
u8 i;
u8 j;
u8 k;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sCurOcarinaBtnPress, BTN_L) && CHECK_BTN_ANY(sCurOcarinaBtnPress, sOcarinaAllowedBtnMask)) {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
if (sOcarinaHasStartedSong) {
if ((sPrevOcarinaNoteVal != sCurOcarinaBtnVal) && (sCurOcarinaBtnVal != 0xFF)) {
if (D_8016BA2E >= 9) {
D_8016BA2E = 1;
if (sOcarinaSongAppendPos == 8) {
for (i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
sCurOcarinaSong[i] = sCurOcarinaSong[i + 1];
} else {
if ((D_80130F2C < 0 ? -D_80130F2C : D_80130F2C) >= 0x15) {
sCurOcarinaSong[sOcarinaSongAppendPos - 1] = 0xFF;
} else {
sCurOcarinaSong[sOcarinaSongAppendPos - 1] = sCurOcarinaBtnVal;
for (i = gOcarinaSongNotestartIdx; i < sOcarinaSongCnt; i++) {
if (sOcarinaAvailSongs & (u16)(1 << i)) {
for (j = 0, k = 0;
j < gOcarinaSongNotes[i].len && k == 0 && sOcarinaSongAppendPos >= gOcarinaSongNotes[i].len;) {
temp_v0 = sCurOcarinaSong[(sOcarinaSongAppendPos - gOcarinaSongNotes[i].len) + j];
if (temp_v0 == sOcarinaNoteValues[gOcarinaSongNotes[i].notesIdx[j]]) {
} else {
if (j == gOcarinaSongNotes[i].len) {
D_80131878 = i + 1;
sOcarinaInpEnabled = 0;
D_80130F3C = 0;
void func_800ED458(s32 arg0) {
u32 phi_v1_2;
if (D_80130F3C != 0 && D_80131880 != 0) {
if ((D_8016BA10 == 0) ||
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
((D_8016BA10 & sOcarinaAllowedBtnMask) != (sCurOcarinaBtnPress & sOcarinaAllowedBtnMask))) {
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
D_8016BA10 = 0;
if (1) {}
sCurOcarinaBtnVal = 0xFF;
sCurOcarinaBtnIdx = 0xFF;
phi_v1_2 = (sCurOcarinaBtnPress & sOcarinaAllowedBtnMask) & (sPrevOcarinaBtnPress & sOcarinaAllowedBtnMask);
if (!(D_8016BA18 & phi_v1_2) && (sCurOcarinaBtnPress != 0)) {
D_8016BA18 = sCurOcarinaBtnPress;
} else {
D_8016BA18 &= phi_v1_2;
if (D_8016BA18 & sOcarinaABtnMap) {
osSyncPrintf("Presss NA_KEY_D4 %08x\n", sOcarinaABtnMap);
sCurOcarinaBtnVal = 2;
sCurOcarinaBtnIdx = 0;
} else if (D_8016BA18 & sOcarinaCDownBtnMap) {
osSyncPrintf("Presss NA_KEY_F4 %08x\n", sOcarinaCDownBtnMap);
sCurOcarinaBtnVal = 5;
sCurOcarinaBtnIdx = 1;
} else if (D_8016BA18 & 1) {
osSyncPrintf("Presss NA_KEY_A4 %08x\n", 1);
sCurOcarinaBtnVal = 9;
sCurOcarinaBtnIdx = 2;
} else if (D_8016BA18 & 2) {
osSyncPrintf("Presss NA_KEY_B4 %08x\n", 2);
sCurOcarinaBtnVal = 0xB;
sCurOcarinaBtnIdx = 3;
} else if (D_8016BA18 & sOcarinaCUPBtnMap) {
osSyncPrintf("Presss NA_KEY_D5 %08x\n", sOcarinaCUPBtnMap);
sCurOcarinaBtnVal = 0xE;
sCurOcarinaBtnIdx = 4;
if (sCurOcarinaBtnVal != 0xFF && sCurOcarinaBtnPress & 0x10 && D_80131858 != 2) {
sCurOcarinaBtnIdx += 0x80;
if ((sCurOcarinaBtnVal != 0xFF) && (sCurOcarinaBtnPress & 0x2000) && (D_80131858 != 2)) {
sCurOcarinaBtnIdx += 0x40;
if (D_80131858 != 2) {
D_80130F2C = sCurOcaStick.y;
D_80130F24 = Audio_OcaAdjStick(D_80130F2C);
D_80130F34 = (sCurOcaStick.x < 0 ? -sCurOcaStick.x : sCurOcaStick.x) >> 2;
Audio_QueueCmdS8(0x6020D06, D_80130F34);
} else {
D_80130F2C = 0;
D_80130F24 = 1.0f;
if ((sCurOcarinaBtnVal != 0xFF) && (sPrevOcarinaNoteVal != sCurOcarinaBtnVal)) {
Audio_QueueCmdS8(0x6020D07, D_80130F10 - 1);
Audio_QueueCmdS8(0x6020D05, sCurOcarinaBtnVal);
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_OC_OCARINA, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_80130F24, &D_80130F28, &D_801333E8);
} else if ((sPrevOcarinaNoteVal != 0xFF) && (sCurOcarinaBtnVal == 0xFF)) {
void func_800ED848(u8 inputEnabled) {
sOcarinaInpEnabled = inputEnabled;
void func_800ED858(u8 arg0) {
if (D_80130F10 == arg0) {
Audio_SeqCmd8(2, 1, 0xD, arg0);
D_80130F10 = arg0;
if (arg0 == 0) {
sCurOcarinaBtnPress = 0;
sPrevOcarinaBtnPress = 0;
D_8016BA18 = 0;
D_8016BA10 = 0xFFFF;
sPlaybackState = 0;
sStaffPlaybackPos = 0;
sOcarinaInpEnabled = 0;
D_80130F3C = 0;
} else {
sCurOcarinaBtnPress = 0;
D_8016BA10 = sCurOcarinaBtnPress;
void func_800ED93C(s8 songIdx, s8 arg1) {
s32 temp_a0;
s32 temp_a0_2;
u16 temp_t5;
u16 temp_v0;
u16 temp_v0_2;
u16 phi_v0;
if (songIdx == 0) {
sPlaybackState = 0;
if (songIdx < 0xF) {
sPlaybackSong = &sOcarinaSongs[songIdx - 1];
} else {
sPlaybackSong = &sPierresSong;
sPlaybackState = arg1;
sNotePlaybackTimer = 0;
sDisplayedNoteValue = 0xFF;
sPlaybackNotePos = 0;
sStaffPlaybackPos = 0;
while (sPlaybackSong->notes[sPlaybackNotePos].noteIdx == 0xFF) {
void Audio_OcaPlayback(void) {
s32 noteTimerStep;
s32 nextNoteTimerStep;
if (sPlaybackState != 0) {
if (sStaffPlaybackPos == 0) {
noteTimerStep = 3;
} else {
noteTimerStep = D_8016BA04 - D_80130F68;
if (noteTimerStep < sNotePlaybackTimer) {
sNotePlaybackTimer -= noteTimerStep;
} else {
nextNoteTimerStep = noteTimerStep - sNotePlaybackTimer;
sNotePlaybackTimer = 0;
if (sNotePlaybackTimer == 0) {
sNotePlaybackTimer = sPlaybackSong->notes[sPlaybackNotePos].unk_02;
if (sPlaybackNotePos == 1) {
if (sNotePlaybackTimer == 0) {
if (sPlaybackState != 0) {
sPlaybackNotePos = 0;
sStaffPlaybackPos = 0;
sDisplayedNoteValue = 0xFF;
} else {
} else {
sNotePlaybackTimer -= nextNoteTimerStep;
if (sNotePlaybackVolume != sPlaybackSong->notes[sPlaybackNotePos].volume) {
sNotePlaybackVolume = sPlaybackSong->notes[sPlaybackNotePos].volume;
sNormalizedNotePlaybackVolume = sNotePlaybackVolume / 127.0f;
if (sNotePlaybackVibrato != sPlaybackSong->notes[sPlaybackNotePos].vibrato) {
sNotePlaybackVibrato = sPlaybackSong->notes[sPlaybackNotePos].vibrato;
Audio_QueueCmdS8(0x06020D06, sNotePlaybackVibrato);
if (sNotePlaybackTone != sPlaybackSong->notes[sPlaybackNotePos].tone) {
sNotePlaybackTone = sPlaybackSong->notes[sPlaybackNotePos].tone;
sNormalizedNotePlaybackTone = Audio_OcaAdjStick(sNotePlaybackTone);
if ((sPlaybackSong->notes[sPlaybackNotePos].volume == sPlaybackSong->notes[sPlaybackNotePos - 1].volume &&
(sPlaybackSong->notes[sPlaybackNotePos].vibrato ==
sPlaybackSong->notes[sPlaybackNotePos - 1].vibrato) &&
(sPlaybackSong->notes[sPlaybackNotePos].tone == sPlaybackSong->notes[sPlaybackNotePos - 1].tone))) {
sDisplayedNoteValue = 0xFE;
if (sDisplayedNoteValue != sPlaybackSong->notes[sPlaybackNotePos].noteIdx) {
u8 tmp = sPlaybackSong->notes[sPlaybackNotePos].noteIdx;
if (tmp == 0xA) {
sDisplayedNoteValue = tmp + sPlaybackSong->notes[sPlaybackNotePos].semitone;
} else {
sDisplayedNoteValue = tmp;
if (sDisplayedNoteValue != 0xFF) {
Audio_QueueCmdS8(0x6020D07, D_80130F10 - 1);
Audio_QueueCmdS8(0x6020D05, sDisplayedNoteValue & 0x3F);
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_OC_OCARINA, &D_801333D4, 4, &sNormalizedNotePlaybackTone,
&sNormalizedNotePlaybackVolume, &D_801333E8);
} else {
void func_800EDD68(u8 arg0) {
u16 i;
u16 i2;
u16 mad2;
u8 mad;
OcarinaNote* note;
u8 j;
u8 k;
s32 t;
OcarinaSong* song;
if (D_80131858 == 1) {
song = gScarecrowCustomSongPtr;
} else {
song = D_80131BEC;
song->notes[sRecordSongPos].noteIdx = D_80131864;
song->notes[sRecordSongPos].unk_02 = D_8016BA04 - D_80131860;
song->notes[sRecordSongPos].volume = D_80131868;
song->notes[sRecordSongPos].vibrato = D_8013186C;
song->notes[sRecordSongPos].tone = D_80131870;
song->notes[sRecordSongPos].semitone = D_80131874 & 0xC0;
D_80131864 = sCurOcarinaBtnVal;
D_80131868 = D_80130F30;
D_8013186C = D_80130F34;
D_80131870 = D_80130F2C;
D_80131874 = sCurOcarinaBtnIdx;
if ((sRecordSongPos != 107) && (arg0 == 0)) {
i = sRecordSongPos;
mad = 0xFF;
while (i != 0 && mad == 0xFF) {
mad = song->notes[i].noteIdx;
if (1) {}
if (sRecordSongPos != (i + 1)) {
sRecordSongPos = i + 2;
song->notes[sRecordSongPos - 1].unk_02 = 0;
song->notes[sRecordSongPos].unk_02 = 0;
if (D_80131858 == 2) {
if (D_8016BA2E >= 8) {
for (i = 0; i < sRecordSongPos; i++) {
song->notes[i] = song->notes[i + 1];
for (i = 0; i < 0xC; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 9 - gOcarinaSongNotes[i].len; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < gOcarinaSongNotes[i].len && k + j < 8 &&
gOcarinaSongNotes[i].notesIdx[k] == gOcarinaSongNotes[0xC].notesIdx[k + j];
2021-07-28 21:59:52 +00:00
k++) {
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
2021-07-28 21:59:52 +00:00
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
if (k == gOcarinaSongNotes[i].len) {
D_80131858 = 0xFF;
sOcarinaSongs[0xC].notes[1].volume = 0xFF;
i = 1;
while (i < 8) {
if (gOcarinaSongNotes[0xC].notesIdx[0] != gOcarinaSongNotes[0xC].notesIdx[i]) {
i = 9;
} else {
if (i == 8) {
D_80131858 = 0xFF;
sOcarinaSongs[0xC].notes[1].volume = 0xFF;
for (i = 0; i < sRecordSongPos; i++) {
sOcarinaSongs[0xC].notes[i] = sOcarinaSongs[0xD].notes[i];
sOcarinaInpEnabled = 0;
} else {
sOcarinaSongs[0xC].notes[1].volume = 0xFF;
D_80131858 = 0;
// start custom song?
* arg0 = 1, start
* arg0 = 0, finish
* arg0 = 2, also start?
void func_800EE170(u8 arg0) {
if ((u32)arg0 == D_80131858) {
if (arg0 != 0) {
D_80131860 = D_8016BA04;
D_80131864 = 0xFF;
D_80131868 = 0x57;
D_8013186C = 0;
D_80131870 = 0;
D_80131874 = 0;
sRecordSongPos = 0;
sOcarinaInpEnabled = 1;
D_8016BA2E = 0;
D_8016BAA0 = sPierresSong.notes[1];
} else {
if (sRecordSongPos == 0) {
sPierresSong.notes[1] = D_8016BAA0;
} else {
if (D_80131858 == 2) {
D_8016BA2E = 1;
sOcarinaInpEnabled = 0;
D_8016BA2E = 0;
D_80131858 = arg0;
void func_800EE29C(void) {
D_8016BA00.state = D_80131858;
D_8016BA00.pos = D_8016BA2E;
if (D_80131858 == 0xFF) {
D_80131858 = 0;
void func_800EE2D4(void) {
D_8016B9F8.noteIdx = sCurOcarinaBtnIdx & 0x3F;
D_8016B9F8.state = func_800ECAF0();
D_8016B9F8.pos = D_8016BA2E;
void func_800EE318(void) {
if ((sDisplayedNoteValue & 0x3F) < 0x10) {
sDisplayedStaff.noteIdx = Audio_OcaMapNoteValue(sDisplayedNoteValue);
sDisplayedStaff.state = sPlaybackState;
if (sPlaybackSong != &sPierresSong) {
sDisplayedStaff.pos = sStaffPlaybackPos;
} else if (sStaffPlaybackPos == 0) {
sDisplayedStaff.pos = 0;
} else {
sDisplayedStaff.pos = ((sStaffPlaybackPos - 1) % 8) + 1;
OcarinaStaff* func_800EE3C8(void) {
return &D_8016BA00;
OcarinaStaff* func_800EE3D4(void) {
if (D_8016B9F8.state < 0xFE) {
D_80130F3C = 0;
return &D_8016B9F8;
OcarinaStaff* Audio_OcaGetDisplayStaff(void) {
return &sDisplayedStaff;
void func_800EE404(void) {
s32 noteChanged;
if ((D_80131858 != 0) && ((D_8016BA04 - D_80131860) >= 3)) {
noteChanged = false;
if (D_80131864 != sCurOcarinaBtnVal) {
if (sCurOcarinaBtnVal != 0xFF) {
D_8016BA00.noteIdx = sCurOcarinaBtnIdx & 0x3F;
} else if ((D_80131858 == 2) && (D_8016BA2E == 8)) {
if (D_8016BA2E > 8) {
if (D_80131858 == 2) {
// notes played are over 8 and in recording mode.
D_8016BA2E = true;
noteChanged = true;
} else if (D_80131868 != D_80130F30) {
noteChanged = true;
} else if (D_8013186C != D_80130F34) {
noteChanged = true;
} else if (D_80131870 != D_80130F2C) {
noteChanged = true;
if (noteChanged) {
D_80131860 = D_8016BA04;
s32 func_800EE5EC(void);
void func_800EE57C(u8 minigameIdx) {
u8 i;
if (minigameIdx > 2) {
minigameIdx = 2;
sOcaMinigameApndPos = 0;
sOcaMinigameEndPos = sOcaMinigameNoteCnts[minigameIdx];
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
s32 func_800EE5EC(void) {
u32 rnd;
u8 rndNote;
if (sOcaMinigameApndPos == sOcaMinigameEndPos) {
return 1;
rnd = Audio_NextRandom();
rndNote = sOcarinaNoteValues[rnd % 5];
if (sOcarinaSongs[OCA_MEMORYGAME_IDX].notes[sOcaMinigameApndPos - 1].noteIdx == rndNote) {
rndNote = sOcarinaNoteValues[(rnd + 1) % 5];
sOcarinaSongs[OCA_MEMORYGAME_IDX].notes[sOcaMinigameApndPos].noteIdx = rndNote;
sOcarinaSongs[OCA_MEMORYGAME_IDX].notes[sOcaMinigameApndPos].unk_02 = 0x2D;
sOcarinaSongs[OCA_MEMORYGAME_IDX].notes[sOcaMinigameApndPos].volume = 0x50;
sOcarinaSongs[OCA_MEMORYGAME_IDX].notes[sOcaMinigameApndPos].vibrato = 0;
sOcarinaSongs[OCA_MEMORYGAME_IDX].notes[sOcaMinigameApndPos].tone = 0;
sOcarinaSongs[OCA_MEMORYGAME_IDX].notes[sOcaMinigameApndPos].noteIdx = 0xFF;
sOcarinaSongs[OCA_MEMORYGAME_IDX].notes[sOcaMinigameApndPos].unk_02 = 0;
sOcarinaSongs[OCA_MEMORYGAME_IDX].notes[sOcaMinigameApndPos + 1].noteIdx = 0xFF;
sOcarinaSongs[OCA_MEMORYGAME_IDX].notes[sOcaMinigameApndPos + 1].unk_02 = 0;
if (1) {}
return 0;
// input update?
void func_800EE6F4(void) {
D_8016BA04 = gAudioContext.totalTaskCnt;
if (D_80130F10 != 0) {
if (sOcarinaInpEnabled == 1) {
if ((sPlaybackState == 0) && (sOcarinaInpEnabled == 1)) {
if (D_80130F3C != 0) {
if (D_80130F3C & 0x4000) {
} else {
D_80130F68 = D_8016BA04;
if (sPlaybackState == 0) {
if ((D_80130F3C != 0) && (sPrevOcarinaNoteVal != sCurOcarinaBtnVal)) {
D_80131880 = 1;
sPrevOcarinaNoteVal = sCurOcarinaBtnVal;
// matches, but data needs to be migrated.
void func_800EE824(void) {
static u8 D_80131C80 = 0;
static u8 D_80131C84 = 1;
static u16 D_80131C88 = 0x4B0;
switch (D_80131C80) {
case 0:
if (D_80131C88-- == 0) {
if (D_80131C84 < 7) {
} else {
D_80131C80 = 3;
D_80131C88 = 0x4B0;
case 1:
func_800ED93C(0xF, 1);
case 2:
if (Audio_OcaGetDisplayStaff()->state == 0) {
D_80131C80 = 0;
2020-07-20 01:08:50 +00:00
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/code_800EC960/func_800EE824.s")
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
void func_800EE930(void) {
D_8016B9F8.noteIdx = 0xFF;
D_8016B9F8.state = 0xFF;
D_8016B9F8.pos = 0;
sDisplayedStaff.noteIdx = 0xFF;
sDisplayedStaff.state = 0;
sDisplayedStaff.pos = 0;
D_8016BA00.noteIdx = 0xFF;
D_8016BA00.state = 0xFF;
D_8016BA00.pos = 0;
D_80131880 = 0;
// DebugAudio_GetOcaInput
void func_800EE97C(void) {
Input inputs[4];
u32 btn;
PadMgr_RequestPadData(&gPadMgr, &inputs, 0);
btn = inputs[3].cur.button;
D_8016BAB0 = btn & 0xFFFF;
sDebugPadPress = (btn ^ sDebugPadPressRaw) & btn;
sDebugPadPressRaw = btn;
u8* func_800EE9D0(s32 arg0, u8 arg1) {
s32 temp_a1;
s32 temp_v1;
u8* temp_a3;
s32 phi_v0;
s32 phi_t0;
s32 phi_v1;
u8 i;
u32 flg = 1;
for (i = 0; i < arg1; flg *= 2, i++) {
if (arg0 & flg) {
D_8016B9B8[arg1 - i - 1] = 0x31;
} else {
D_8016B9B8[arg1 - i - 1] = 0x30;
D_8016B9B8[arg1] = 0;
return D_8016B9B8;
// Debug Print
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
void func_800EEA50(GfxPrint* printer) {
char digitStr[2] = "1"; // sp98
s32 s0;
s32 k;
u8 i;
u8 j;
u8 songInd;
u8 totalNumLayers;
u8 instOrWave;
u8 inst;
u8 phi_s2_3;
s8 ind;
u8 idx; // v1
u8 bank; // fp
u8 numEnabledNotes; // sp78
#define SETCOL_COMMON(v, r, g, b) \
GfxPrint_SetColor(printer, ((v & 4) >> 2) * (r), ((v & 2) >> 1) * (g), (v & 1) * (b), 255)
#define SETCOL(r, g, b) SETCOL_COMMON(D_80131CA8, r, g, b)
#define SETCOL2(r, g, b) SETCOL_COMMON(D_80131EE4[2], r, g, b)
D_80131C98 = 1;
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 2);
SETCOL(255, 255, 255);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "Audio Debug Mode");
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 3);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "- %s -", D_80131CAC[D_80131CA0]);
numEnabledNotes = 0; // s0
for (i = 0; i < gAudioSessionPresets[D_80133414].maxSimultaneousNotes; i++) { // s6
if (gAudioContext.notes[i].noteSubEu.bitField0.s.enabled == 1) {
if (D_80131F68 < numEnabledNotes) {
D_80131F68 = numEnabledNotes;
if (D_8016B9E0[D_80133414] < numEnabledNotes) {
D_8016B9E0[D_80133414] = numEnabledNotes;
if (D_80131EE4[0] != 0) {
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, D_80131EDC, D_80131EE0);
SETCOL2(0xC8, 0xC8, 0xC8);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "Audio ScrPrt");
ind = sAudioScreenPrintInd; // fp
for (k = 0; k < D_80131EE4[1] + 1; k++) { // s2 (s32 loop)
if (ind == 0) {
if (sAudioScreenPrintOverflow == 1) {
ind = 25 - 1;
} else {
k = D_80131EE4[1] + 1; // "break;"
} else {
if (k != D_80131EE4[1] + 1) {
if ((ind % 5) != 0) {
SETCOL2(0xB4, 0xB4, 0xB4);
} else {
SETCOL2(0x78, 0x78, 0x78);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, D_80131EDC + 2, D_80131EE0 + D_80131EE4[1] + 1 - k);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%s", sAudioScreenPrintBuf[ind].str);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, D_80131EDC + 7, D_80131EE0 + D_80131EE4[1] + 1 - k);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%04X", sAudioScreenPrintBuf[ind].num);
switch (D_80131CA0) {
case 0:
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 4);
SETCOL(255, 6, 6);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "BGM CANCEL:%s", D_80131F54[D_80131E08[5]]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 5);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "SE MUTE:%s", D_80131F54[D_80131C9C]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 18, 4);
SETCOL(255, 255, 255);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "PUSH CONT-4 A-BTN");
bank = (u8)D_80131E08[2];
i = gSoundBanks[bank][0].next; // s6, s3
SETCOL(255, 255, 255);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 6);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "SE HANDLE:%s", D_80131E38[bank]);
while (i != 0xFF) {
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, j + 7);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%02x %04x %02x %08x", i, gSoundBanks[bank][i].unk_28,
gSoundBanks[bank][i].unk_2A, gSoundBanks[bank][i].unk_20);
i = gSoundBanks[bank][i].next;
case 1:
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 2, D_80131CA4 + 4);
SETCOL(127, 255, 127);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "*");
SETCOL(255, 255, 255);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 4);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "Seq 0 : %2x", D_80131E08[0]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 5);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "Seq 1 : %2x", D_80131E08[1]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 6);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "SE HD : %2x %s", D_80131E08[2], D_80131E38[D_80131E08[2]]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 7);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "SE No. :%3x", D_80131E08[3]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 8);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "S-Out : %2x %s", D_80131E08[4], D_80131E88[D_80131E08[4]]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 9);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "BGM Ent: %2x", D_80131E08[5]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 10);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "Spec : %2x", D_80131E08[6]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 11);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "Na Snd : %2x", D_80131E08[7]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 12);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "Cam Wt : %s", D_80131F54[D_80131E08[8]]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 13);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "Lnk Wt : %s", D_80131F54[D_80131E08[9]]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 14);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "SE Ent : %2x", D_80131E08[10]);
case 7:
ind = 0; // fp
for (k = 0; k < 7; k++) { // s2 (s32 loop)
if (k == D_80131EC4) {
SETCOL(255, 127, 127);
} else {
SETCOL(255, 255, 255);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, D_80131EBC + 2, D_80131EC0 + ind + 4);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%s <%d>", D_80131E38[k], D_80131EC8[k]);
for (s0 = 0; s0 < D_80130578[D_801333CC][k]; s0++) {
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, D_80131EBC + 2, D_80131EC0 + ind + 5);
if (D_80131EC8[k] == 1) {
idx = D_8016E1B8[k][s0].unk_4;
if ((idx != 0xFF) && ((gSoundBanks[k][idx].unk_2A == 4) || (gSoundBanks[k][idx].unk_2A == 5))) {
SoundBankEntry* entry = &gSoundBanks[k][idx];
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%2X %5d %5d %5d %02X %04X %04X", idx, (s32)*entry->posX,
(s32)*entry->posY, (s32)*entry->posZ, entry->unk_24, entry->unk_26,
} else {
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "FF ----- ----- ----- -- ---- ----", idx);
} else if (D_80131EC8[k] == 2) {
idx = D_8016E1B8[k][s0].unk_4;
if ((idx != 0xFF) && ((gSoundBanks[k][idx].unk_2A == 4) || (gSoundBanks[k][idx].unk_2A == 5))) {
SoundBankEntry* entry = &gSoundBanks[k][idx];
SequenceChannel* chan = gAudioContext.seqPlayers[2].channels[entry->unk_2E];
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%2X %5d %5d %5d %3d %3d %04X", idx, (s32)*entry->posX,
(s32)*entry->posY, (s32)*entry->posZ, (s32)(chan->volume * 127.1f),
chan->newPan, entry->unk_28);
} else {
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "FF ----- ----- ----- --- --- ----", idx);
} else if (D_80131EC8[k] == 3) {
idx = D_8016E1B8[k][s0].unk_4;
if ((idx != 0xFF) && ((gSoundBanks[k][idx].unk_2A == 4) || (gSoundBanks[k][idx].unk_2A == 5))) {
SoundBankEntry* entry = &gSoundBanks[k][idx];
SequenceChannel* chan = gAudioContext.seqPlayers[2].channels[entry->unk_2E];
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%2X %5d %5d %5d %3d %3d %04X", idx, (s32)*entry->posX,
(s32)*entry->posY, (s32)*entry->posZ, (s32)(chan->freqScale * 100.0f),
chan->reverb, entry->unk_28);
} else {
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "FF ----- ----- ----- --- --- ----", idx);
} else if (D_80131EC8[k] == 4) {
idx = D_8016E1B8[k][s0].unk_4;
if ((idx != 0xFF) && ((gSoundBanks[k][idx].unk_2A == 4) || (gSoundBanks[k][idx].unk_2A == 5))) {
SoundBankEntry* entry = &gSoundBanks[k][idx];
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%2X %04X", idx, entry->unk_28);
} else {
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "FF ----", idx);
if (D_80131EC8[k] != 0) {
case 13:
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 2, D_80131ED0 + 4);
SETCOL(255, 255, 255);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "*");
SETCOL(255, 255, 255);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 4);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "Swicth : %d", D_80131EE4[0]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 5);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "Lines : %d", D_80131EE4[1] + 1);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 6);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "Color : %d", D_80131EE4[2]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 7);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%s : %d", D_80131E38[0], D_80131EE4[3]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 8);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%s : %d", D_80131E38[1], D_80131EE4[4]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 9);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "ENVRONM : %d", D_80131EE4[5]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 10);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%s : %d", D_80131E38[3], D_80131EE4[6]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 11);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%s : %d", D_80131E38[4], D_80131EE4[7]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 12);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%s : %d", D_80131E38[5], D_80131EE4[8]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 13);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%s : %d", D_80131E38[6], D_80131EE4[9]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 14);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "SEQ ENT : %d", D_80131EE4[10]);
case 8:
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 4);
SETCOL(255, 255, 255);
if (D_801333F4 != 0) {
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "SWAP OFF");
if (D_80131F00 == 0) {
SETCOL(255, 255, 255);
} else {
SETCOL(127, 127, 127);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 2, D_80131F04 + 6);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "*");
phi_s2_3 = D_80131F08;
if (D_80131F08 >= 4) {
if (D_80131F00 == 1) {
SETCOL(255, 255, 255);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, phi_s2_3 + 3, 5);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "V");
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { // s3, s6
if (i == D_80131F04) {
if (D_80131F00 == 0) {
SETCOL(192, 192, 192);
} else {
SETCOL(255, 255, 255);
} else if (D_80131F00 == 0) {
SETCOL(144, 144, 144);
} else {
SETCOL(96, 96, 96);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, i + 6);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%04x %04x %s", D_8016E2E0[i], D_8016E2F8[i], D_80131F0C[D_8016E310[i]]);
case 5:
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 4);
SETCOL(255, 255, 255);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "Group Track:%d", D_80131F28);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 5);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "Sub Track :%d", D_80131F2C);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 6);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "TRK NO. ");
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 7);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "ENTRY ");
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 8);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "MUTE ");
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 9);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "OPENNOTE");
totalNumLayers = 0; // s4
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) { // s3, s6
u8 numLayers = 0; // s2
if (i == D_80131F2C) {
SETCOL(255, 255, 255);
} else {
SETCOL(200, 200, 200);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, i + 15, 6);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%1X", i);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, i + 15, 7);
if (gAudioContext.seqPlayers[D_80131F28].channels[i]->enabled) {
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "O");
} else {
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "X");
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, i + 15, 8);
if (gAudioContext.seqPlayers[D_80131F28].channels[i]->stopSomething2) {
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "O");
} else {
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "X");
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, i + 15, 9);
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { // s0
if (gAudioContext.seqPlayers[D_80131F28].channels[i]->layers[j] != NULL) {
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%1X", numLayers);
totalNumLayers += numLayers;
SETCOL(255, 255, 255);
if (D_80131F30[D_80131F28] < totalNumLayers) {
D_80131F30[D_80131F28] = totalNumLayers;
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, i + 16, 9);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%2d,%2d", totalNumLayers, D_80131F30[D_80131F28]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 11);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "VOL ");
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 12);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "E VOL ");
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 13);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "BANK ID ");
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 14);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "PROG ");
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 15);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "PAN ");
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 16);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "PANPOW ");
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 17);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "FXMIX ");
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 18);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "PRIO ");
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 19);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "VIB PIT ");
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 20);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "VIB DEP ");
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 21);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "TUNE ");
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 22);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "TUNE ");
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // s3, s6
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, (i + 5) * 3, 22);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%02X ",
if (gAudioContext.seqPlayers[D_80131F28].channels[D_80131F2C]->enabled) {
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 15, 11);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%d",
(u32)(gAudioContext.seqPlayers[D_80131F28].channels[D_80131F2C]->volume * 127.1) &
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 15, 12);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%d",
(u32)(gAudioContext.seqPlayers[D_80131F28].channels[D_80131F2C]->volumeScale * 127.1) &
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 15, 13);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%X", gAudioContext.seqPlayers[D_80131F28].channels[D_80131F2C]->bankId);
instOrWave = (u8)gAudioContext.seqPlayers[D_80131F28].channels[D_80131F2C]->instOrWave;
if (instOrWave == 0) {
inst = 0x7F;
} else {
inst = instOrWave;
if (instOrWave < 0x80) {
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 15, 14);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%d", inst);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 15, 15);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%d", gAudioContext.seqPlayers[D_80131F28].channels[D_80131F2C]->newPan);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 15, 16);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%d",
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 15, 17);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%d", gAudioContext.seqPlayers[D_80131F28].channels[D_80131F2C]->reverb);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 15, 18);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%d", gAudioContext.seqPlayers[D_80131F28].channels[D_80131F2C]->notePriority);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 15, 19);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%d",
(gAudioContext.seqPlayers[D_80131F28].channels[D_80131F2C]->vibratoRateTarget / 32) &
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 15, 20);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%d",
(gAudioContext.seqPlayers[D_80131F28].channels[D_80131F2C]->vibratoExtentTarget / 8) &
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 15, 21);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%d",
(u32)(gAudioContext.seqPlayers[D_80131F28].channels[D_80131F2C]->freqScale * 100.0f) &
case 3:
SETCOL(255, 255, 255);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 4);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "TOTAL %d", D_8014A6C4.heap);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 5);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "DRIVER %05X / %05X",
gAudioContext.notesAndBuffersPool.cur - gAudioContext.notesAndBuffersPool.start,
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 6);
printer, "AT-SEQ %02X-%02X (%05X-%05X / %05X)", (u8)gAudioContext.seqLoadedPool.temporary.entries[0].id,
gAudioContext.seqLoadedPool.temporary.entries[1].size, gAudioContext.seqLoadedPool.temporary.pool.size);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 7);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "AT-BNK %02X-%02X (%05X-%05X / %05X)",
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 8);
printer, "ST-SEQ %02Xseqs (%05X / %06X)", gAudioContext.seqLoadedPool.persistent.numEntries,
gAudioContext.seqLoadedPool.persistent.pool.cur - gAudioContext.seqLoadedPool.persistent.pool.start,
for (k = 0; k < gAudioContext.seqLoadedPool.persistent.numEntries; k++) { // s2 (s32 loop)
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, (k + 1) * 3, 9);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%02x", gAudioContext.seqLoadedPool.persistent.entries[k].id);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 10);
printer, "ST-BNK %02Xbanks (%05X / %06X)", gAudioContext.bankLoadedPool.persistent.numEntries,
gAudioContext.bankLoadedPool.persistent.pool.cur - gAudioContext.bankLoadedPool.persistent.pool.start,
for (k = 0; k < gAudioContext.bankLoadedPool.persistent.numEntries; k++) { // s2 (s32 loop)
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, (k + 1) * 3, 11);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%02x", gAudioContext.bankLoadedPool.persistent.entries[k].id);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 12);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "E-MEM %05X / %05X", gAudioContext.unk_2D50.cur - gAudioContext.unk_2D50.start,
case 9:
SETCOL(255, 255, 255);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 4);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "BGM No. %02X", D_80131F4C[0]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 5);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "SCENE SET %02X %s", D_80131F4C[1], D_80131F44[D_80131F4C[1]]);
SETCOL(0x64, 255, 0x64);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 2, D_80131F50 + 4);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "*");
SETCOL(255, 255, 255);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 7);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "NEXT SCENE %02X %s", (u8)gAudioContext.seqPlayers[0].unk_158[2],
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 8);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "NOW SCENE %02X %s", (u8)gAudioContext.seqPlayers[0].unk_158[4],
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 9);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "NOW BLOCK %02X", (gAudioContext.seqPlayers[0].unk_158[5] + 1) & 0xFF);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 11);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "PORT");
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 12);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%02X %02X %02X %02X", (u8)gAudioContext.seqPlayers[0].unk_158[0],
(u8)gAudioContext.seqPlayers[0].unk_158[1], (u8)gAudioContext.seqPlayers[0].unk_158[2],
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 13);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%02X %02X %02X %02X", (u8)gAudioContext.seqPlayers[0].unk_158[4],
(u8)gAudioContext.seqPlayers[0].unk_158[5], (u8)gAudioContext.seqPlayers[0].unk_158[6],
case 11:
SETCOL(255, 255, 255);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 4);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "SEQ INFO : %2d %02x %d", sDisplayedStaff.noteIdx, sDisplayedStaff.state,
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 5);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "PLAY INFO : %2d %02x %d", D_8016B9F8.noteIdx, D_8016B9F8.state, D_8016B9F8.pos);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 6);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "8note REC POINTER : %08x", gScarecrowSpawnSongPtr);
songInd = 0; // s2
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { // s0, a0
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { // s3, s6
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, (i + 1) * 3, j + 7);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%02x", gScarecrowSpawnSongPtr[songInd++]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 24);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "OCA:%02x SEQ:%04x PLAY:%02x REC:%02x", D_80130F10, D_80130F3C, sPlaybackState,
case 12:
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 2, D_80131F18 + 4);
SETCOL(127, 255, 127);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "*");
SETCOL(255, 255, 255);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 4);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "SE HD : %02x %s", D_80131F20[0], D_80131E38[D_80131F20[0]]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 5);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "SE No. : %02x", D_80131F20[1]);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 20, 6);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, " : %04x", D_8013331C[D_80131F20[0]][D_80131F20[1]].unk_2);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 6);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "SE SW %s", func_800EE9D0(D_8013331C[D_80131F20[0]][D_80131F20[1]].unk_2, 16));
SETCOL(127, 255, 127);
digitStr[0] = (char)('0' + ((D_8013331C[D_80131F20[0]][D_80131F20[1]].unk_2 >> (15 - D_80131F1C)) & 1));
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, D_80131F1C + 12, 6);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%s", &digitStr);
SETCOL(255, 255, 255);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 7);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "SE PR : %02x", D_8013331C[D_80131F20[0]][D_80131F20[1]].unk_0);
case 14:
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 4);
SETCOL(255, 255, 255);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "env_fx %d code_fx %d SPEC %d", D_80130614, D_80130618, D_80133414);
if (sAudioUpdateTaskEnd == sAudioUpdateTaskStart) {
D_80131C90 = (f32)((sAudioUpdateEndTime - sAudioUpdateStartTime) * 64ULL / 3) / 50000000.0f;
if (D_80131C94 < D_80131C90) {
D_80131C94 = D_80131C90;
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 6);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "SOUND GAME FRAME NOW %f", D_80131C90);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 7);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "SOUND GAME FRAME MAX %f", D_80131C94);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 9);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "SWITCH BGM MODE %d %d %d (FLAG %d)", D_8013061C, D_80130634, D_80130638,
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 10);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "ENEMY DIST %f VOL %3d", D_80130620, D_80130624);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 11);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "GANON DIST VOL %3d", D_8016B8B4);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 12);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "DEMO FLAG %d", D_8013060C);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 12);
if (D_8016BAA8 == 1) {
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "MARON BGM DIST %f", D_8016BAAC);
D_8016BAA8 = 0;
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 23);
if (D_80131F64 != 0) {
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "NATURE FAILED %01x", D_80131F64);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 24);
if (D_8013064C != 0) {
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "SARIA BGM PTR %08x", D_8013064C);
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, 3, 25);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "POLI %d(%d)", D_80131F68, numEnabledNotes);
for (i = 0; i < 11; i++) { // s3, s6
GfxPrint_SetPos(printer, (i + 1) * 3, 26);
GfxPrint_Printf(printer, "%d", D_8016B9E0[i]);
#undef SETCOL
#undef SETCOL2
2020-07-20 01:08:50 +00:00
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/code_800EC960/func_800EEA50.s")
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
2020-07-20 01:08:50 +00:00
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
void func_800F1BDC(void) {
u16 phi_t1 = 1;
if (D_8016BAB0 & 4) {
if (D_80131E20[D_80131CA4] >= 0x10) {
phi_t1 = 0x10;
} else if (D_8016BAB0 & 2) {
if (D_80131E20[D_80131CA4] >= 0x10) {
phi_t1 = 8;
} else {
if (D_8016BAB0 & 8) {
D_80131E08[D_80131CA4] = 0;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DUP)) {
if (D_80131CA4 > 0) {
} else {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
D_80131CA4 = 10;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DDOWN)) {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
if (D_80131CA4 < 10) {
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
} else {
D_80131CA4 = 0;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DLEFT)) {
if (D_80131E08[D_80131CA4] >= phi_t1) {
if (1) {
D_80131E08[D_80131CA4] -= phi_t1;
} else {
D_80131E08[D_80131CA4] += D_80131E20[D_80131CA4] - phi_t1;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DRIGHT)) {
if (D_80131E08[D_80131CA4] + phi_t1 < D_80131E20[D_80131CA4]) {
D_80131E08[D_80131CA4] += phi_t1;
} else {
D_80131E08[D_80131CA4] += phi_t1 - D_80131E20[D_80131CA4];
if (D_80131CA4 == 8) {
if (D_80131E08[D_80131CA4] != 0) {
} else {
if (D_80131CA4 == 9) {
if (D_80131E08[D_80131CA4] != 0) {
} else {
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_A)) {
switch (D_80131CA4) {
case 0:
case 1:
Audio_StartSeq(D_80131CA4, 0, D_80131E08[D_80131CA4]);
case 2:
case 3:
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(((D_80131E08[2] << 0xC) & 0xFFFF) + D_80131E08[3] + SFX_FLAG, &D_801333D4, 4,
&D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8);
case 4:
case 5:
Audio_SeqCmdE01(0, D_80131E08[D_80131CA4]);
case 6:
Audio_SeqCmdF(0, D_80131E08[D_80131CA4]);
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
D_80131EFC = D_80131E08[6];
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
if (gAudioSessionPresets[D_80131EFC].numSequencePlayers - 1 < D_80131F28) {
D_80131F28 = gAudioSessionPresets[D_80131EFC].numSequencePlayers - 1;
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
func_800F7260(D_80131E08[D_80131CA4] * 127);
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_B)) {
switch (D_80131CA4) {
case 0:
case 1:
Audio_SeqCmd1(D_80131CA4, 0);
case 7:
Audio_SeqCmd1(0, 0);
case 2:
case 3:
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_CDOWN)) {
if (D_80131CA4 == 0) {
if (1) {}
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_CRIGHT)) {
if (D_80131CA4 == 0) {
if (1) {}
void func_800F2150(void) {
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_CUP)) {
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_CDOWN)) {
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_CLEFT)) {
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_CRIGHT)) {
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_B)) {
D_80131EBC = 0;
D_80131EC0 = 0;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DUP) && D_80131EC4 > 0) {
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DDOWN) && D_80131EC4 < 6) {
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DLEFT) && D_80131EC8[D_80131EC4] > 0) {
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DRIGHT) && D_80131EC8[D_80131EC4] < 4) {
void func_800F227C(void) {
if (D_80131EE4[0] != 0) {
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_CUP)) {
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_CDOWN)) {
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_CLEFT)) {
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_CRIGHT)) {
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_A)) {
D_80131EDC = 0x1A;
D_80131EE0 = 1;
D_80131EE4[2] = 6;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_B)) {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
sAudioScreenPrintInd = 0;
sAudioScreenPrintOverflow = 0;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DUP)) {
if (D_80131ED0 > 0) {
} else {
D_80131ED0 = 10;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DDOWN)) {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
if (D_80131ED0 < 10) {
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
} else {
D_80131ED0 = 0;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DLEFT)) {
if (D_80131EE4[D_80131ED0] > 0) {
} else {
D_80131EE4[D_80131ED0] = D_80131EF0[D_80131ED0] - 1;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DRIGHT)) {
if (D_80131EE4[D_80131ED0] < D_80131EF0[D_80131ED0] - 1) {
} else {
D_80131EE4[D_80131ED0] = 0;
D_801333F0 = D_80131EE4[3] + (D_80131EE4[4] * 2) + (D_80131EE4[5] * 4) + (D_80131EE4[6] * 8) +
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
(D_80131EE4[7] * 0x10) + (D_80131EE4[8] * 0x20);
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
// regalloc near phi_v1
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
void func_800F2464(void) {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
s16 delta;
u16 val;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
u8 phi_v1;
if (D_80131F00 == 0) {
if ((sDebugPadPress & 0x800) != 0) {
if (D_80131F04 > 0) {
} else {
D_80131F04 = 9;
if ((sDebugPadPress & 0x400) != 0) {
if (D_80131F04 < 9) {
} else {
D_80131F04 = 0;
phi_v1 = 9;
if ((sDebugPadPress & 0x8000) != 0) {
D_80131F00 = 1;
if ((sDebugPadPress & 0x4000) != 0) {
D_8016E2E0[D_80131F04] = 0;
D_8016E2F8[D_80131F04] = 0;
if ((sDebugPadPress & 0x1000) != 0) {
phi_v1 = D_80131F04;
if (phi_v1 != 0) {
} else {
phi_v1 = 9;
D_8016E2E0[D_80131F04] = D_8016E2E0[phi_v1];
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
if (D_80131F08) {}
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
D_8016E2F8[D_80131F04] = D_8016E2F8[phi_v1];
} else {
if ((sDebugPadPress & 0x200) != 0) {
if (D_80131F08 > 0) {
} else {
D_80131F08 = 7;
if ((sDebugPadPress & 0x100) != 0) {
if (D_80131F08 < 7) {
} else {
D_80131F08 = 0;
if (((sDebugPadPress & 0x800) != 0) || ((sDebugPadPress & 0x400) != 0)) {
if ((sDebugPadPress & 0x800) != 0) {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
delta = (D_8016BAB0 & 8) != 0 ? 8 : 1;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
if ((sDebugPadPress & 0x400) != 0) {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
delta = (D_8016BAB0 & 8) != 0 ? -8 : -1;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
if (D_80131F08 < 4) {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
val = D_8016E2E0[D_80131F04] >> (((-D_80131F08) * 4) + 0xC);
val = (val + delta) & 0xF;
D_8016E2E0[D_80131F04] = (D_8016E2E0[D_80131F04] & ((0xF << (((-D_80131F08) * 4) + 0xC)) ^ 0xFFFF)) +
(val << (((-D_80131F08) * 4) + 0xC));
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
} else {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
val = D_8016E2F8[D_80131F04] >> (((-D_80131F08) * 4) + 0x1C);
val = (val + delta) & 0xF;
D_8016E2F8[D_80131F04] = (D_8016E2F8[D_80131F04] & ((0xF << (((-D_80131F08) * 4) + 0x1C)) ^ 0xFFFF)) +
(val << (((-D_80131F08) * 4) + 0x1C));
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
if ((sDebugPadPress & 0x8000) != 0) {
D_80131F00 = 0;
if ((sDebugPadPress & 0x4000) != 0) {
if (D_80131F08 < 4) {
D_8016E2E0[D_80131F04] = 0;
} else {
D_8016E2F8[D_80131F04] = 0;
if ((sDebugPadPress & 2) != 0) {
D_801333F4 ^= 1;
if ((sDebugPadPress & 4) != 0) {
D_8016E310[D_80131F04] ^= 1;
2020-07-20 01:08:50 +00:00
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/code_800EC960/func_800F2464.s")
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
void func_800F27A0(void) {
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DDOWN)) {
if (D_80131F28 != 0) {
} else {
D_80131F28 = gAudioSessionPresets[D_80131EFC].numSequencePlayers - 1;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DUP)) {
if (D_80131F28 < gAudioSessionPresets[D_80131EFC].numSequencePlayers - 1) {
} else {
D_80131F28 = 0;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DLEFT)) {
D_80131F2C = (D_80131F2C - 1) & 0xF;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DRIGHT)) {
D_80131F2C = (D_80131F2C + 1) & 0xF;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_START)) {
D_80131F30[D_80131F28] = 0;
void func_800F28AC(void) {
void func_800F28B4(void) {
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DUP)) {
if (D_80131F50 > 0) {
} else {
D_80131F50 = 1;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DDOWN)) {
if (D_80131F50 <= 0) {
} else {
D_80131F50 = 0;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DLEFT)) {
if (D_80131F50 == 1) {
; // might be a fake match?
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DRIGHT)) {
if (D_80131F50 == 1) {
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_A)) {
Audio_QueueCmdS8(MK_CMD(0x46, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00), D_80131F4C[1]);
Audio_QueueSeqCmd(D_80131F4C[0] | 0x10000);
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_B)) {
void func_800F29FC(void) {
void func_800F2A04(void) {
s32 phi_a2;
u16 sfx;
if (D_8016BAB0 & 2) {
phi_a2 = 8;
} else {
phi_a2 = 1;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DUP)) {
if (D_80131F18 > 0) {
} else {
D_80131F18 = 3;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DDOWN)) {
if (D_80131F18 < 3) {
} else {
D_80131F18 = 0;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DLEFT)) {
if (D_80131F18 < 2) {
if (D_80131F18 == 0) {
if (D_80131F20[D_80131F18] > 0) {
} else {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
D_80131F20[D_80131F18] = D_80131E20[2] - 1;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
} else {
D_80131F20[D_80131F18] -= phi_a2;
D_80131F20[D_80131F18] &= 0x1FF;
} else if (D_80131F18 == 3) {
D_8013331C[D_80131F20[0]][D_80131F20[1]].unk_0 -= phi_a2;
} else {
D_80131F1C = (D_80131F1C - 1) & 0xF;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_DRIGHT)) {
if (D_80131F18 < 2) {
if (D_80131F18 == 0) {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
if (D_80131F20[D_80131F18] < (D_80131E20[2] - 1)) {
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
} else {
D_80131F20[D_80131F18] = 0;
} else {
D_80131F20[D_80131F18] += phi_a2;
D_80131F20[D_80131F18] &= 0x1FF;
} else if (D_80131F18 == 3) {
D_8013331C[D_80131F20[0]][D_80131F20[1]].unk_0 += phi_a2;
} else {
D_80131F1C = (D_80131F1C + 1) & 0xF;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_A)) {
sfx = (u16)(D_80131F20[0] << 0xC) + D_80131F20[1] + SFX_FLAG;
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(sfx, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8);
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_B)) {
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_CDOWN)) {
if (D_80131F18 == 2) {
D_8013331C[D_80131F20[0]][D_80131F20[1]].unk_2 ^= (1 << (0xF - D_80131F1C));
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_CUP)) {
if (D_80131F18 < 2) {
D_80131F20[D_80131F18] = 0;
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
void func_800F2D6C(const s8* str, u16 num) {
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
u8 i = 0;
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
sAudioScreenPrintBuf[sAudioScreenPrintInd].num = num;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
while (str[i] != 0) {
sAudioScreenPrintBuf[sAudioScreenPrintInd].str[i] = str[i];
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
while (i < 5) {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
sAudioScreenPrintBuf[sAudioScreenPrintInd].str[i] = 0;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
if (sAudioScreenPrintInd < 25 - 1) {
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
} else {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
sAudioScreenPrintInd = 0;
sAudioScreenPrintOverflow = 1;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
void func_800F1BDC(void);
void func_800F2150(void);
void func_800F227C(void);
void func_800F2464(void);
void func_800F27A0(void);
void func_800F28AC(void);
void func_800F2A04(void);
void func_800F2E28(void) {
if (D_80131C98 != 0) {
if (D_80131C9C != 0) {
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_L)) {
// goto next page.
if (D_80131CA0 < 0xE) {
} else {
D_80131CA0 = 0;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_R)) {
// goto previous page
if (D_80131CA0 > 0) {
} else {
D_80131CA0 = 0xE;
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_Z)) {
// change text color
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
D_80131CA8 &= 7;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
switch (D_80131CA0) {
case 0:
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_A)) {
D_80131E08[5] ^= 0x1;
Audio_SeqCmdE01(0, D_80131E08[5]);
if (func_800FA0B4(0) != 1) {
Audio_SeqCmd1(0, 0);
Audio_SeqCmd1(1, 0);
Audio_SeqCmd1(3, 0);
if (CHECK_BTN_ANY(sDebugPadPress, BTN_B)) {
D_80131C9C ^= 0x1;
if (D_80131C9C == 0) {
case 1:
case 7:
case 13:
case 8:
case 5:
case 3:
case 9:
case 11:
case 12:
case 14:
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
D_8013340C = D_80131EE4[10];
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
void func_800F50CC(void);
void func_800F4A70(void);
void func_800F5CF8(void);
2021-08-19 22:10:51 +00:00
void func_800F3054(void) {
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
if (func_800FAD34() == 0) {
sAudioUpdateTaskStart = gAudioContext.totalTaskCnt;
sAudioUpdateStartTime = osGetTime();
if (D_80133414 == 7) {
sAudioUpdateTaskEnd = gAudioContext.totalTaskCnt;
sAudioUpdateEndTime = osGetTime();
void func_800F3138(UNK_TYPE arg0) {
void func_800F3140(UNK_TYPE arg0, UNK_TYPE arg1) {
void func_800F314C(s8 arg0) {
Audio_QueueCmdS32(0x82000000 | (((u8)arg0 & 0xFF) << 8), 1);
f32 func_800F3188(u8 bankIdx, u8 entryIdx) {
SoundBankEntry* bankEntry;
f32 temp_f14;
f32 temp_f2;
f32 phi_f0;
f32 ret;
bankEntry = &gSoundBanks[bankIdx][entryIdx];
if (bankEntry->unk_26 & 0x2000) {
return 1.0f;
if (bankEntry->unk_1C > 10000.0f) {
ret = 0.0f;
} else {
switch (bankEntry->unk_26 & 3) {
case 1:
phi_f0 = 666.6667f;
case 2:
phi_f0 = 952.381f;
case 3:
phi_f0 = 3846.154f;
phi_f0 = 500.0f;
temp_f14 = phi_f0 / 5.0f;
if (bankEntry->unk_1C < temp_f14) {
ret = 1.0f;
} else if (bankEntry->unk_1C < phi_f0) {
ret = ((((phi_f0 - temp_f14) - (bankEntry->unk_1C - temp_f14)) / (phi_f0 - temp_f14)) * 0.19f) + 0.81f;
} else {
ret = (1.0f - ((bankEntry->unk_1C - phi_f0) / (10000.0f - phi_f0))) * 0.81f;
ret = SQ(ret);
return ret;
s8 func_800F32F0(u8 arg0, u8 arg1, u8 arg2) {
SoundBankEntry* temp_a3;
SequenceChannel* temp_a1;
s32 phi_a1;
s8 phi_v0 = 0;
s32 phi_v1 = 0;
SequenceChannel* none = &gAudioContext.sequenceChannelNone;
temp_a3 = &gSoundBanks[arg0][arg1];
if (!(temp_a3->unk_26 & 0x1000)) {
if (temp_a3->unk_1C < 2500.0f) {
phi_v0 = *temp_a3->posZ > 0.0f ? (temp_a3->unk_1C / 2500.0f) * 70.0f : (temp_a3->unk_1C / 2500.0f) * 91.0f;
} else {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
phi_v0 = 70;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
temp_a1 = gAudioContext.seqPlayers[2].channels[arg2];
if (none != temp_a1) {
phi_v1 = temp_a1->soundScriptIO[1];
if (temp_a1->soundScriptIO[1] < 0) {
phi_v1 = 0;
phi_a1 = *temp_a3->unk_18 + phi_v0 + phi_v1;
if ((arg0 != 5) || !((temp_a3->unk_28 & 0x1FF) < 2)) {
phi_a1 += D_80130614 + D_80130618 + D_80130610;
if (phi_a1 >= 0x80) {
phi_a1 = 0x7F;
return phi_a1;
s8 func_800F3468(f32 arg0, f32 arg1, u8 arg2) {
f32 temp_f14;
f32 temp_f2;
f32 phi_f12;
f32 phi_f2;
f32 phi_f2_2;
f32 phi_f12_2;
f32 phi_f0;
f32 phi_f0_2;
if (arg0 < 0) {
phi_f12 = -arg0;
} else {
phi_f12 = arg0;
if (arg1 < 0) {
phi_f2 = -arg1;
} else {
phi_f2 = arg1;
if (phi_f12 > 8000.0f) {
phi_f12 = 8000.0f;
if (phi_f2 > 8000.0f) {
phi_f2 = 8000.0f;
if ((arg0 == 0.0f) && (arg1 == 0.0f)) {
phi_f0 = 0.5f;
} else if (phi_f2 <= phi_f12) {
phi_f0 = (16000.0f - phi_f12) / (3.3f * (16000.0f - phi_f2));
if (arg0 >= 0.0f) {
phi_f0 = 1.0f - phi_f0;
} else {
phi_f0 = (arg0 / (5.0769234f * phi_f2)) + 0.5f;
if (phi_f2 < 50.0f) {
if (phi_f12 < 50.0f) {
phi_f0 = ((phi_f0 - 0.5f) * SQ(phi_f12 / 50.0f)) + 0.5f;
return (phi_f0 * 127.0f) + 0.5f;
f32 func_800F35EC(u8 bankIdx, u8 entryIdx) {
s32 phi_v0 = 0;
SoundBankEntry* entry = &gSoundBanks[bankIdx][entryIdx];
f32 unk1C;
f32 freq = 1.0f;
if (entry->unk_26 & 0x4000) {
freq = 1.0f - ((gAudioContext.audioRandom & 0xF) / 192.0f);
switch (bankIdx) {
if (D_80130644 != 0) {
phi_v0 = 1;
case BANK_ENV:
if (D_80130648 != 0) {
phi_v0 = 1;
if (phi_v0 == 1) {
if (!(entry->unk_26 & 0x800)) {
freq *= (1.0293 - ((gAudioContext.audioRandom & 0xF) / 144.0f));
unk1C = entry->unk_1C;
if (!(entry->unk_26 & 0x2000)) {
if (!(entry->unk_26 & 0x8000)) {
if (unk1C >= 10000.0f) {
freq += 0.2f;
} else {
freq += (0.2f * (unk1C / 10000.0f));
if (entry->unk_26 & 0xC0) {
freq += (entry->unk_2F / 192.0f);
return freq;
u8 func_800F37B8(f32 arg0, SoundBankEntry* arg1, s8 arg2) {
s8 phi_v0;
u8 phi_v1;
f32 phi_f0;
f32 phi_f12;
if (*arg1->posZ < arg0) {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
phi_v0 = arg2 < 65 ? arg2 : 0x7F - arg2;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
if (phi_v0 < 30) {
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
phi_v1 = 0;
} else {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
phi_v1 = (((phi_v0 & 0xFFFF) * 10) - 300) / 34;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
if (phi_v1 != 0) {
phi_v1 = 0x10 - phi_v1;
} else {
phi_v1 = 0;
if (phi_v1 == 0) {
if (arg1->unk_26 & 0x200) {
phi_v1 = 0xF;
switch (arg1->unk_26 & 3) {
case 1:
phi_f0 = 12.0f;
case 2:
phi_f0 = 9.0f;
case 3:
phi_f0 = 6.0f;
phi_f0 = 15.0f;
if (arg1->unk_1C > 1923.077f) {
phi_f12 = 1923.077f;
} else {
phi_f12 = arg1->unk_1C;
return (phi_v1 * 0x10) + (u8)((phi_f0 * phi_f12) / 1923.077f);
s8 func_800F3990(f32 arg0, u16 arg1) {
s8 ret = 0;
if (arg0 >= 0.0f) {
if (arg0 > 625.0f) {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
ret = 127;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
} else {
ret = (arg0 / 625.0f) * 126.0f;
return ret | 1;
void func_800F3A08(u8 bankIdx, u8 entryIdx, u8 channelIdx) {
f32 sp44;
s8 phi_a1;
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
s8 reverb;
f32 freqScale;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
s8 sp3B;
u8 sp3A;
u8 sp39;
s8 sp38;
f32 sp34;
u8 sp33;
SoundBankEntry* temp_a3;
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
reverb = 0;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
sp3B = 0x40;
sp3A = 0;
sp39 = 0;
sp38 = 0;
sp33 = 0;
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
freqScale = 1.0f;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
sp44 = 1.0f;
temp_a3 = &gSoundBanks[bankIdx][entryIdx];
switch (bankIdx) {
case BANK_ENV:
if (D_80130604 == 2) {
sp38 = func_800F3990(*temp_a3->posY, temp_a3->unk_26);
temp_a3->unk_1C = sqrtf(temp_a3->unk_1C);
sp44 = func_800F3188(bankIdx, entryIdx) * *temp_a3->unk_14;
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
reverb = func_800F32F0(bankIdx, entryIdx, channelIdx);
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
sp3B = func_800F3468(*temp_a3->posX, *temp_a3->posZ, temp_a3->unk_C);
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
freqScale = func_800F35EC(bankIdx, entryIdx) * *temp_a3->unk_10;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
if (D_80130604 == 2) {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
sp34 = D_801305C4[(temp_a3->unk_26 & 0x400) >> 10];
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
if (!(temp_a3->unk_26 & 0x800)) {
if (*temp_a3->posZ < sp34) {
sp3A = 0x10;
if ((D_8016B8B8[channelIdx].unk_0A ^ sp3A) & 0x10) {
if (sp3B < 0x40) {
sp3A = D_8016B8B8[channelIdx].unk_0A ^ 0x14;
} else {
sp3A = D_8016B8B8[channelIdx].unk_0A ^ 0x18;
} else {
sp3A = D_8016B8B8[channelIdx].unk_0A;
if (D_8013063C != 0) {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
if ((bankIdx == BANK_ITEM) || (bankIdx == BANK_PLAYER) || (bankIdx == BANK_VOICE)) {
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
sp33 = D_8013063C;
if ((sp33 | D_80130640) != 0) {
sp39 = (sp33 | D_80130640);
} else if (D_80130604 != 2) {
} else if (temp_a3->unk_26 & 0x2000) {
} else {
sp39 = func_800F37B8(sp34, temp_a3, sp3B);
if (D_8016B8B8[channelIdx].unk_00 != sp44) {
phi_a1 = (u8)(sp44 * 127.0f);
D_8016B8B8[channelIdx].unk_00 = sp44;
} else {
phi_a1 = -1;
Audio_QueueCmdS8(0x6020000 | (channelIdx << 8) | 2, phi_a1);
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
if (reverb != D_8016B8B8[channelIdx].unk_08) {
Audio_QueueCmdS8(0x5020000 | (channelIdx << 8), reverb);
D_8016B8B8[channelIdx].unk_08 = reverb;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
if (freqScale != D_8016B8B8[channelIdx].unk_04) {
Audio_QueueCmdF32(0x4020000 | (channelIdx << 8), freqScale);
D_8016B8B8[channelIdx].unk_04 = freqScale;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
if (sp3A != D_8016B8B8[channelIdx].unk_0A) {
Audio_QueueCmdS8(0xE020000 | (channelIdx << 8), sp3A | 0x10);
D_8016B8B8[channelIdx].unk_0A = sp3A;
if (sp39 != D_8016B8B8[channelIdx].unk_0B) {
Audio_QueueCmdS8(0x6020000 | (channelIdx << 8) | 3, sp39);
D_8016B8B8[channelIdx].unk_0B = sp39;
if (sp38 != D_8016B8B8[channelIdx].unk_0C) {
Audio_QueueCmdS8(0xC020000 | (channelIdx << 8), 0x10);
Audio_QueueCmdU16(0xD020000 | (channelIdx << 8), ((u16)(sp38) << 8) + 0xFF);
D_8016B8B8[channelIdx].unk_0C = sp38;
if (sp3B != D_8016B8B8[channelIdx].unk_09) {
Audio_QueueCmdS8(0x3020000 | (channelIdx << 8), sp3B);
D_8016B8B8[channelIdx].unk_09 = sp3B;
void func_800F3ED4(void) {
u8 i;
unk_s1* t;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
t = &D_8016B8B8[i];
t->unk_00 = 1.0f;
t->unk_04 = 1.0f;
t->unk_08 = 0;
t->unk_09 = 0x40;
t->unk_0A = 0;
t->unk_0B = 0xFF;
t->unk_0C = 0xFF;
D_8016B8B8[0xD].unk_0C = 0;
D_8013061C = 0;
D_80130618 = 0;
void func_800F3F3C(u8 arg0) {
if (D_8016E264[0] != 1) {
Audio_StartSeq(3, 0, 0x6D);
Audio_SeqCmd8(3, 0, 0, arg0);
f32 func_800F3F84(f32 arg0) {
f32 ret = 1.0f;
if (arg0 > 6.0f) {
D_8016B7A8 = 1.0f;
D_8016B7B0 = 1.1f;
} else {
ret = arg0 / 6.0f;
D_8016B7A8 = (ret * 0.22500002f) + 0.775f;
D_8016B7B0 = (ret * 0.2f) + 0.9f;
return ret;
void func_800F4010(Vec3f* arg0, u16 arg1, f32 arg2) {
f32 sp24;
f32 phi_f0;
u8 phi_v0;
u16 phi_a0;
D_80131C8C = arg2;
sp24 = func_800F3F84(arg2);
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(arg1, arg0, 4, &D_8016B7B0, &D_8016B7A8, &D_801333E8);
if ((arg1 & 0xF0) == 0xB0) {
phi_f0 = 0.3f;
phi_v0 = 1;
sp24 = 1.0f;
} else {
phi_f0 = 1.1f;
phi_v0 = gAudioContext.audioRandom % 2;
if ((phi_f0 < arg2) && (phi_v0 != 0)) {
if ((arg1 & 0x80) != 0) {
phi_a0 = 0x867;
} else {
phi_a0 = 0x866;
D_8016B7AC = (sp24 * 0.7) + 0.3;
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(phi_a0, arg0, 4U, &D_8016B7B0, &D_8016B7AC, &D_801333E8);
void func_800F4138(Vec3f* pos, u16 sfxId, f32 arg2) {
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(sfxId, pos, 4U, &D_8016B7B0, &D_8016B7A8, &D_801333E8);
void func_800F4190(Vec3f* pos, u16 sfxId) {
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(sfxId, pos, 4, &D_801305B0, &D_801333E0, &D_801305B4);
void func_800F41E0(Vec3f* pos, u16 baseSfx, u8 arg2) {
u8 offset = Audio_NextRandom() % arg2;
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(baseSfx + offset, pos, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8);
void func_800F4254(Vec3f* pos, u8 level) {
level &= 3;
if (level != sPrevChargeLevel) {
D_801305F4 = D_801305E4[level];
switch (level) {
case 1:
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_PL_SWORD_CHARGE, pos, 4, &D_801305F4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8);
case 2:
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_PL_SWORD_CHARGE, pos, 4, &D_801305F4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8);
sPrevChargeLevel = level;
if (level != 0) {
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(NA_SE_IT_SWORD_CHARGE - SFX_FLAG, pos, 4, &D_801305F4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8);
void func_800F436C(Vec3f* pos, u16 sfxId, f32 arg2) {
if (arg2 < 0.75f) {
D_8016B7D8 = ((arg2 / 0.75f) * 0.25f) + 0.5f;
} else {
D_8016B7D8 = arg2;
if (D_8016B7D8 > 0.5f) {
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(sfxId, pos, 4, &D_8016B7D8, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8);
void func_800F4414(Vec3f* pos, u16 sfxId, f32 arg2) {
if (D_801305B8 == 0) {
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(sfxId, pos, 4, &D_8016B7D8, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8);
if (arg2 > 2.0f) {
arg2 = 2.0f;
D_801305B8 = (s8)((D_801305C0 - D_801305BC) * (1.0f - arg2)) + D_801305C0;
void func_800F44EC(s8 arg0, s8 arg1) {
D_801305B8 = 1;
D_801305BC = arg1;
D_801305C0 = arg0;
void func_800F4524(Vec3f* arg0, u16 arg1, s8 arg2) {
D_8016B7DC = arg2;
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(arg1, arg0, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_8016B7DC);
void func_800F4578(Vec3f* arg0, u16 arg1, f32 arg2) {
D_8016B7E0 = arg2;
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(arg1, arg0, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_8016B7E0, &D_801333E8);
void func_800F45D0(f32 arg0) {
func_800F4414(&D_801333D4, NA_SE_IT_FISHING_REEL_SLOW - SFX_FLAG, arg0);
func_800F436C(&D_801333D4, 0, (0.15f * arg0) + 1.4f);
void func_800F4634(Vec3f* pos, f32 arg1) {
if (func_800F8FF4(0x2006) == 0) {
D_8016B7B8.unk_00 = arg1;
} else if (arg1 != D_8016B7B8.unk_00) {
D_8016B7B8.unk_04 = arg1;
D_8016B7B8.unk_0C = 0x28;
D_8016B7B8.unk_08 = (D_8016B7B8.unk_04 - D_8016B7B8.unk_00) / 40.0f;
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(0x2006, pos, 4, &D_8016B7B8, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8);
void func_800F46E0(Vec3f* pos, f32 arg0) {
if (func_800F8FF4(0x2007) == 0) {
D_8016B7C8.unk_00 = arg0;
} else if (arg0 != D_8016B7C8.unk_00) {
D_8016B7C8.unk_04 = arg0;
D_8016B7C8.unk_0C = 0x28;
D_8016B7C8.unk_08 = (D_8016B7C8.unk_04 - D_8016B7C8.unk_00) / 40.0f;
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(0x2007, pos, 4, &D_8016B7C8, &D_8016B7C8, &D_801333E8);
void func_800F4784(unk_s2* arg0) {
if (arg0->unk_0C != 0) {
if (arg0->unk_0C != 0) {
arg0->unk_00 = arg0->unk_00 + arg0->unk_08;
} else {
arg0->unk_00 = arg0->unk_04;
void func_800F47BC(void) {
Audio_SetVolScale(0, 1, 0, 0xA);
Audio_SetVolScale(3, 1, 0, 0xA);
void func_800F47FC(void) {
Audio_SetVolScale(0, 1, 0x7F, 3);
Audio_SetVolScale(3, 1, 0x7F, 3);
void func_800F483C(u8 arg0, u8 arg1) {
Audio_SetVolScale(0, 0, arg0, arg1);
void func_800F4870(u8 arg0) {
s8 phi_s1;
u8 i;
phi_s1 = 0;
if (arg0 == 0) {
phi_s1 = 0x7F;
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
Audio_QueueCmdS8(_SHIFTL(0x07, 24, 8) | _SHIFTL(0x00, 16, 8) | _SHIFTL(i, 8, 8) | _SHIFTL(0, 0, 8), phi_s1);
if (arg0 == 7) {
D_80130600 = 2;
} else {
func_800F491C(D_801305F8[arg0 & 7]);
s32 func_800F491C(u8 arg0) {
u8 phi_v0;
u16 phi_v0_2;
SequenceChannel* none = &gAudioContext.sequenceChannelNone;
u8 i;
if (D_8016B8B4 != arg0) {
Audio_SetVolScale(0, 0, arg0, 2);
if (arg0 < 0x40) {
phi_v0 = 0x10;
} else {
phi_v0 = ((((arg0 - 0x40) >> 2) + 1) << 4);
Audio_SeqCmd8(0, 4, 15, phi_v0);
for (i = 0; i < 0x10; i++) {
if (none != gAudioContext.seqPlayers[0].channels[i]) {
if ((u8)gAudioContext.seqPlayers[0].channels[i]->soundScriptIO[5] != 0xFF) {
// this looks like some kind of macro?
phi_v0_2 = ((u16)gAudioContext.seqPlayers[0].channels[i]->soundScriptIO[5] - arg0) + 0x7F;
if (phi_v0_2 >= 0x80) {
phi_v0_2 = 0x7F;
Audio_QueueCmdS8(_SHIFTL(5, 24, 8) | _SHIFTL(0, 16, 8) | _SHIFTL(i, 8, 8) | _SHIFTL(0, 0, 8),
D_8016B8B4 = arg0;
return -1;
void func_800F4A54(u8 arg0) {
D_8016B8B0 = arg0;
D_8016B8B2 = 1;
void func_800F4A70(void) {
if (D_8016B8B2 == 1) {
if (D_8016B8B1 != D_8016B8B0) {
Audio_SetVolScale(0, 0, D_8016B8B0, 0xA);
D_8016B8B1 = D_8016B8B0;
D_8016B8B3 = 1;
D_8016B8B2 = 0;
} else if (D_8016B8B3 == 1 && D_80130608 == 0) {
Audio_SetVolScale(0, 0, 0x7F, 0xA);
D_8016B8B1 = 0x7F;
D_8016B8B3 = 0;
if (D_80130600 != 0) {
if (D_80130600 == 0) {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
Morpha (ovl_Boss_Mo) (#438)
* Darkmeiro decompilation
Bg_Gnd_Darkmeiro decompiled, matched, and documented.
* give this a shot
* fix conflict
* one more try
* it begins
* more functions
* another match
* starting documentation
* the big function works. also two more matches
* small fix
* data cleanup
* removed .s
* match with player
* inching closer to matching
* two more matches. almost there
* cleanup: part 1 of infinity
* named a bunch of stuff
* Naming particle fields
* terminal commas
* terminal commas
* small enum fix
* added description of droplet widths
* merge
* updating
* Gfx
* vt
* xml
* bgcheck
* more on objects
* unused stuff
* git subrepo pull --force tools/ZAPD
subdir: "tools/ZAPD"
merged: "44f5d7cb9"
origin: "https://github.com/zeldaret/ZAPD.git"
branch: "master"
commit: "44f5d7cb9"
version: "0.4.3"
origin: "https://github.com/ingydotnet/git-subrepo.git"
commit: "2f68596"
* git subrepo pull --force tools/ZAPD
subdir: "tools/ZAPD"
merged: "6f874af4a"
origin: "https://github.com/zeldaret/ZAPD.git"
branch: "master"
commit: "6f874af4a"
version: "0.4.3"
origin: "https://github.com/ingydotnet/git-subrepo.git"
commit: "2f68596"
* object names
* fixes
* git subrepo pull --force tools/ZAPD
subdir: "tools/ZAPD"
merged: "6f874af4a"
origin: "https://github.com/zeldaret/ZAPD.git"
branch: "master"
commit: "6f874af4a"
version: "0.4.3"
origin: "https://github.com/ingydotnet/git-subrepo.git"
commit: "2f68596"
* git subrepo pull --force tools/ZAPD
subdir: "tools/ZAPD"
merged: "0305ec2c2"
origin: "https://github.com/zeldaret/ZAPD.git"
branch: "master"
commit: "0305ec2c2"
version: "0.4.3"
origin: "https://github.com/ingydotnet/git-subrepo.git"
commit: "2f68596"
* ZAPD works
* .s
* merge
* starting work
* more stuff
* builds OK
* first pass
* PR fixes (Louis)
* Bg_toki_hikari all functions matching (#781)
* starting toki_hikari
* func_808BA018 matched and some work on other func
* init and draw matched, one to go
* matched final function, removed ASM, updated spec
* adding suggested changes
* Volvagia (ovl_Boss_Fd) and related actors (#352)
* Darkmeiro decompilation
Bg_Gnd_Darkmeiro decompiled, matched, and documented.
* Lots of functions matched. Some big ones are close.
* Five left unmatched, one close.
* Merged data and decompiled the giant function into something readable. Its branch structure has yet to be matched.
* Three unmatched, one essentially matched, the rest matched.
* More fixes.
* Documented more of the structure and cleaned up a bit.
* BossFd2, BgVbSima, and EnVbBall matched and documented
* Also removed unneeded .s files
* And need to name EnVbBall's functions
* give this a shot
* fix conflict
* one more try
* removing darkmeiro changes
* and again
* now OK from make clean
* minor cleanup
* One more matching function for BossFd
* which means it doesn't need its .s
* splitting
* splitting
* splitting
* forgot some .s
* fancy new names
* fancy new names
* trying again
* sneaky .s files
* sound effects and some hex to decimal conversions
* Sound effects and static variable cleanup
* format.sh and clean up static variables
* sfx and formatting
* ZAP and cleanup
* small cleanup
* cleanup and ZAP
* looking at the giant function again
* looking at the giant function again
* Only the big function left.
* Those .s files aren't mine, officer
* float literals might be fixed. regalloc still a nightmare
* almost done with the big function
* should make now
* not much of a change
* all functions match. rodata somehow doesn't.
* forgot some things
* lots of cleanup
* and a little more
* small error
* large cleanup. Also BossFd has function names and inlined variable declarations
* still more cleanup
* the quest for 0.1f continues
* forgot to put NON_MATCHING back in
* Data structures fully documented. Still more cleanup.
* DECR now works with BossFd2
* should match now
* cleanup
* small cleanup
* cleanup and names
* tiny thing
* particles and headers and stuff
* now with more enums
* merge
* test
* end test
* update
* cleanup
* object 2
* object 1
* doc object_fd2
* git subrepo pull --force tools/ZAPD
subdir: "tools/ZAPD"
merged: "6f874af4a"
origin: "https://github.com/zeldaret/ZAPD.git"
branch: "master"
commit: "6f874af4a"
version: "0.4.3"
origin: "https://github.com/ingydotnet/git-subrepo.git"
commit: "2f68596"
* formatting
* .s
* merge actor
* vertex arrays
* a little more
* formatting
* merge opd
* fixed damage check
* cleanup
* fixes
* effect struct
* review
Co-authored-by: petrie911 <pmontag@DESKTOP-LG8A167.localdomain>
Co-authored-by: fig02 <fig02srl@gmail.com>
* fix mistake in z_bg_hidan_hamstep (#771)
if you're just going to close this pr just wait a week and review it then.
* ovl_En_River_Sound 1 non-matching (#786)
* ovl_En_River_Sound
* Implement review suggestions, run through clang-format
* Responding to PR comments
* Use CHECK_QUEST_ITEM, run through clang-tidy.
* EnTp, 1 nonmatching, and object_tp (#782)
* Data imported, 8 easy functions matched
* Init only remaining nonmatching, data in
* some renaming & fiddling with Init, still nonmatching
* fix colours
* Init still not matching
* Decompile object_tp
* renames
* Rename func_80B20DE0
* Horrible new idea
* Known equivalent, docs next
* Another attempt
* Finished naming in object_tp
* Named functions, more enums
* DrawBridge -> Drawbridge
* skulltulla -> Skulltula
* Name almost all struct variables
* Named most of the temps
* delete asm
* spec
* Missed data file, whoops
* Review
* More review changes
* cleanup en_dha (#787)
* Set __FILE__ in asm_processor (#793)
* Set __FILE__ in asm_processor
* bss fix
* Update to upstream version
Co-authored-by: zelda2774 <zelda2774@invalid>
* ovl_Efc_Erupc OK (#773)
* a few good dead Gfx_TwoTexScrolls
* EfcErupc OK, mostly documented
* review
* remove fake match
Co-authored-by: Fig02 <fig02srl@gmail.com>
* z_bg_mizu_movebg and object_mizu_objects (#747)
* OK a few functions
* BgMizuMovebg_Draw OK, make tweaks to bg_mizu_bwall
* migrate data
* create mizu_objects, defines for water temple water level
* clean up some code
* implement most suggestions
* review
* review2
* formatting
Co-authored-by: Fig02 <fig02srl@gmail.com>
* Document BodyBreak (en_part, body part spawner) (#797)
* done
* status defines
* whoops
* comment wording
* size calc change
* elseif
* Improve the format in z_map_mark_data.c and cleanup mapmark.py (#798)
* Cleanup mapmark.py script
* Rename map mark defines
* Remove unused entries from map_mark_data
* `assert` macro OK (#755)
* create assert macro and replace a bunch of __assert
Signed-off-by: angie <angheloalf95@gmail.com>
* Another bunch of assert
Signed-off-by: angie <angheloalf95@gmail.com>
* more assert
Signed-off-by: angie <angheloalf95@gmail.com>
* assert(false)
Signed-off-by: angie <angheloalf95@gmail.com>
* last assert used in matching code
Signed-off-by: angie <angheloalf95@gmail.com>
* the non-matchings
Signed-off-by: angie <angheloalf95@gmail.com>
* typo
Signed-off-by: angie <angheloalf95@gmail.com>
* format
Signed-off-by: angie <angheloalf95@gmail.com>
* change macro to uppercase
Signed-off-by: angie <angheloalf95@gmail.com>
* Apply suggestions from code review
Co-authored-by: Roman971 <32455037+Roman971@users.noreply.github.com>
* Change ASSERT(false) to ASSERT(0)
Co-authored-by: Roman971 <32455037+Roman971@users.noreply.github.com>
* General object cleanup (#799)
* Object cleanup
* Fix running man
* fix mm symbols
* Updated to use latest version of ZAPD (#777)
* Updated config file
* Added missing files
* Temporarily removed asm_processor changes.
* git subrepo pull --force tools/ZAPD
subdir: "tools/ZAPD"
merged: "96ffc1e62"
origin: "https://github.com/zeldaret/ZAPD.git"
branch: "master"
commit: "96ffc1e62"
version: "0.4.3"
origin: "???"
commit: "???"
* git subrepo pull --force tools/ZAPD
subdir: "tools/ZAPD"
merged: "179af7d11"
origin: "https://github.com/zeldaret/ZAPD.git"
branch: "master"
commit: "179af7d11"
version: "0.4.3"
origin: "???"
commit: "???"
* Cleanup and fixes.
* git subrepo pull --force tools/ZAPD
subdir: "tools/ZAPD"
merged: "50ad2fe78"
origin: "https://github.com/zeldaret/ZAPD.git"
branch: "master"
commit: "50ad2fe78"
version: "0.4.3"
origin: "???"
commit: "???"
* Makefile fix
* git subrepo pull --force tools/ZAPD
subdir: "tools/ZAPD"
merged: "b9120803e"
origin: "https://github.com/zeldaret/ZAPD.git"
branch: "master"
commit: "b9120803e"
version: "0.4.3"
origin: "???"
commit: "???"
Co-authored-by: Jack Walker <7463599+Jack-Walker@users.noreply.github.com>
* Decompile `object_zo` :dolphin: (#794)
* Initial xml
* most of in-code references
* Add limbs and evrything else
* Functions used by EnRiverSound
* Fix forearm and use void* for textures
* Run formatter
* Change Hints in scene's XMLs (#800)
* Remove blobhint
* Add segments and offsets, and remove most hints
* Change PathHint to Path
* Add missing final new lines in scenes xmls
* finished object_skb (#790)
* finished object_skb
* neglected the limbs and dlists, so I added them
* adding the textures
* fixing some names
* ....forgot to change the c file....
* hopefully fixed formatting issue
* EnFish, OK and documented (#795)
* Matching
* Some naming
* spec
* Name another function
* Name animations, clarify use of GI_MAX and GI_NONE
* Documented bottle range functions
* Simplify squared distance function in EnIceHono, actor descriptions
* Functions for dropped fish
* More naming
* Change 65535.5f to (0xFFFF + 0.5f)
* Change 65535.5f to (0xFFFF + 0.5f)
* name phases
* Named other types, Docile functions
* Naming complete
* delete asm
* format, remove outdated comment
* Fix a few DrawFlexOpa arguments
* Review changes
* Change back to original playSound
* Function comments per review
* Update asm-processor and add make dependencies for global asm and early includes (#801)
* Update asm-processor to latest master
* Add make dependencies for global asm and early includes
* Update asm-processor to latest master
* Decompile the pause menu aka. ovl_kaleido_scope (+ minor changes) (#803)
* Decompile ovl_kaleido_scope + minor cleanups
* Add a common header for ovl_kaleido_scope
* Start cleaning up and documenting kaleido_scope (+ some interface docs)
* Improve and fix some kaleido_scope non matchings
* Match KaleidoSetup_Init
* Extract icon_item_fra/ger_static files
* Add more documentation and matches to kaleido_scope
* Improve the z_kaleido_collect.c non matching
* Rename z_kaleido_8081EFF0.c to z_kaleido_prompt.c
* Update most kaleido variables to be static
* Improve GS flag macros
* Improve z_lmap_mark.c and extract z_lmap_mark_data.c with a script
* Various minor fixes and improvements
* Minor fixes and review changes
* Review changes part 2
* Rename gSetTileCustom to gDPSetTileCustom
* Review changes part 3
* Delete `-j` from `make setup` and document use of `-jN` and `-j` in readme (#804)
* Add nproc to make setup
* Add cross-platform nproc equivalents
* Scrap that, just ditch -j in makefile altogether
* Clarified thread advice
* ViMode progress (#802)
* ViMode OK
* Fix variable name in regconvert tool
* ViMode: fix formatting
* Add nonmatching impl for ViMode_Configure, respond to PR
- Fixed struct field naming (unkXX -> unk_XX)
- ViMode_Configure args are not flags for top/left etc; seem to be for
video mode
- Used @Random06457's implementation of `ViMode_LogPrint`
* Use plain LOG_ADDRESS in ViMode_LogPrint
* Incorporate PR feedback from Roman971
* Add scene macros (#792)
* add scene macros
* light renaming
* update params names
* Remove extra spaces
* More review changes by fig
* remove MM cmd ids
* more review changes
* last minute edit
* I keep confusing both lights commands
* Review changes
* Yet another cutscene change
* Unused02 is unused
* Add UNK_09 macro and other minor fixes (#813)
(cherry picked from commit d3a6d4d2e1794f3b12f22d7808d65f24ef4c220a)
* Match BossFd_Fly (ovl_Boss_Fd OK) (#807)
* Simplify PNGs rules in the makefile (#814)
* simplify rules
* update `-eh`
* Add every unreserved object in an automated way (#805)
* it's crashing
* fix stuff
* fix xmls
* problematic objects
* fix tabs
* Fix suffixes
* add missing new lines
* Add comments to the problematic objects
* Find and replace fixes
* Add Fig's objects
* I forgot to add a Name in a cutscene, so I'm adding it here
* Update object decomp tutorial a little bit
* Update problematic objects
* Update docs/tutorial/object_decomp.md
Co-authored-by: EllipticEllipsis <73679967+EllipticEllipsis@users.noreply.github.com>
* Change comments
* comment out a few blobs
* dammit tluts
* Change a bunch of objects
* update the last bunch
* update comments on oA11 and oB2
* Ninja-edit to fix compatibility with ZAPD's PR 142
Co-authored-by: EllipticEllipsis <73679967+EllipticEllipsis@users.noreply.github.com>
* Add clean assets (#785)
* makefile change
* also delete
* Add cleantools
* rename cleanassets and assetclean
* add rules to PHONY in makefile
* Remove toolsclean
* object_hata OK (#806)
* everything except limbs
* spec
* object_hata OK
* Replace symbols, unused data, enums, some cleanup
* Fix compiler warnings in EnRiverSound
* Address Roman's review
* Correct limbs name
* Changed unk_192 to timer, as well as add missing trailing comma for formating (#817)
* Remove some unused duplicated C files (#818)
* Removes qemu from the README.md (#819)
* Removes qemu from the README.md
* Increments the step references in other parts of the README.md
* Update README.md
Co-authored-by: Anghelo Carvajal <anghelo.carvajal.14@sansano.usm.cl>
* Update README.md
Co-authored-by: Anghelo Carvajal <anghelo.carvajal.14@sansano.usm.cl>
* Update README.md
Co-authored-by: Anghelo Carvajal <anghelo.carvajal.14@sansano.usm.cl>
* Update README.md
Co-authored-by: Anghelo Carvajal <anghelo.carvajal.14@sansano.usm.cl>
Co-authored-by: Anghelo Carvajal <anghelo.carvajal.14@sansano.usm.cl>
* Match EnSkb_PostLimbDraw (obl_en_skb OK) (#821)
* Small bgcheck documentation pass (#816)
* implement some documentation
* remove unnecessary comments related to decomp
* eliminate comment function prototypes
* Add `actorfixer.py` ~~and `graphovl.py`~~; and a few improvements to `extract_assets.py` (#783)
* Only process touched files and abort the extraction if one file wasn't extracted properly
Signed-off-by: angie <angheloalf95@gmail.com>
* add actorfixer and graphovl
Signed-off-by: angie <angheloalf95@gmail.com>
* Re set execution permisions to diff.py
Signed-off-by: angie <angheloalf95@gmail.com>
* Add graphs/ to gitignore
Signed-off-by: angie <angheloalf95@gmail.com>
* Add looners flag to graphovl
Signed-off-by: angie <angheloalf95@gmail.com>
* Parse macros
Signed-off-by: angie <angheloalf95@gmail.com>
* cleanup
Signed-off-by: angie <angheloalf95@gmail.com>
* Add enum parser to graphovl
Signed-off-by: angie <angheloalf95@gmail.com>
* Remove redundant code
Signed-off-by: angie <angheloalf95@gmail.com>
* cleanup
Signed-off-by: angie <angheloalf95@gmail.com>
* Custom colors to graphovl!
* Select multiples styles for graphovl
* Add solarized light style
* Add renames of #796
* Add unaccounted warning flag
* remove graphovl
* git subrepo clone https://github.com/AngheloAlf/graphovl.git tools/graphovl
subdir: "tools/graphovl"
merged: "577e71592"
origin: "https://github.com/AngheloAlf/graphovl.git"
branch: "master"
commit: "577e71592"
version: "0.4.3"
origin: "???"
commit: "???"
* remove graphovl
* Add `graphovl/` to gitignore
* Label a bug in Door_Shutter (#810)
* comment
* Update src/overlays/actors/ovl_Door_Shutter/z_door_shutter.c
Co-authored-by: EllipticEllipsis <73679967+EllipticEllipsis@users.noreply.github.com>
* Update src/overlays/actors/ovl_Door_Shutter/z_door_shutter.c
Co-authored-by: EllipticEllipsis <73679967+EllipticEllipsis@users.noreply.github.com>
* Update src/overlays/actors/ovl_Door_Shutter/z_door_shutter.c
Co-authored-by: pixel-stuck <mathmcclintic@gmail.com>
* change message
* typo
* repeated myself
* extra space lmao
* change wording again
* Update src/overlays/actors/ovl_Door_Shutter/z_door_shutter.c
* indent
Co-authored-by: EllipticEllipsis <73679967+EllipticEllipsis@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: pixel-stuck <mathmcclintic@gmail.com>
* en_weather_tag Quick documentation pass (#808)
* Quick documentation pass
* Fill out the En_Weather_Tag enum
* move the enum into the header
* implement roman's suggestion
* object_sa OK (#789)
* object_sa OK
* PR fixes (AngheloAlf)
* PR fixes (Roman)
* Improve z_jpeg documentation (#825)
* Improve z_jpeg documentation
* JpegWork::data is probably better than address
* Rename Jpeg_SendTask to Jpeg_ScheduleDecoderTask
* Rename njpegUCode to gJpegUCode
* Rename GetU16 to GetUnalignedU16 and improve docs
* Decompile a bunch of objects (#603)
* Mostly done but shifted
* still messed up
* Almost OK
* Done
* Merge master and format
* Cleanup
* Cleanup 2
* Start object MB dont merge yet
* Object_MB OK
* Object_ydan_objects OK
* General 'ydan' actor cleanup
* Forgot some small things
* Object_EC OK
* add .gitkeep and run format
* Object_sd OK but no textures cause of a zap issue
* PR fixes
* Fix object_sd
* fix ydan
* delete .gitkeep files
* OBJECT_BOX as far as it can go with current ZAP
* Fix undefined_syms
* Start child link object
* Push progress, dont merge yet
* Object_mori_objects OK
* Fixed?
* Fix conflicts again
* Seems like i missed some textures
* Extract data for BgBombwall
* More field
* ZAP YEP 2.0
* Object_Box OK
* Object_SD ok. Ready to merge
* remove ASM and merge master
* remove ASM
* remove files wrongfully added to docs/
* Almost done
* Change comment in z_player_lib.c
* forgot some DLists in player_lib.c
* Fix conflict, run format
* Same as before but this time with Tex and TLUT
* Last few things
* fix object_GR and add limbs to object_sd
* Nane -> Name
* gChildDekuShieldMtx is now a matrix and not a blob
* PR fixes (Fig)
* add a space for comment in z_player_lib.c
* re push and new lines
* PR fixes (AngheloAlf)
* PR fixes (Roman)
* Fix Heishi2
* PR fixes (Fig)
* Replace spacing in a file
* PR fixes (Roman)
* Track XML extraction time (#826)
* extracted-assets.json
* delete `.extracted-assets.json` in distclean
* Move `rm .extracted-assets.json` to `assetclean`
* Outname -> OutName for OBJECT_LINK_CHILD (#827)
* Outname -> OutName
* ANother child fix
* TLUT -> tlut
* Change nanoseconds to seconds in extract_assets.py (#829)
* Match 2 more functions in z_eff_blure.c (#831)
* Match ViMode_Configure (z_vimode.c OK) (#830)
* warnings fixed (#835)
* ZAPD update: libpng, zroom improvements and others (#811)
* git subrepo pull --force tools/ZAPD
subdir: "tools/ZAPD"
merged: "769f5702a"
origin: "https://github.com/zeldaret/ZAPD.git"
branch: "master"
commit: "769f5702a"
version: "0.4.3"
origin: "???"
commit: "???"
* Add `libpng` to readme
* Remove `-ifp` since it doesn't exists anymore in ZAPD
* Remove extra print I added
* Add UNK_09 macro and other minor fixes
* Simplify PNG rules
* simplify gitignore
* Update README.md
Co-authored-by: Roman971 <32455037+Roman971@users.noreply.github.com>
* Update dockerfile
* basic instructions for cygwin and mac
* git subrepo pull --force tools/ZAPD
subdir: "tools/ZAPD"
merged: "86160be69"
origin: "https://github.com/zeldaret/ZAPD.git"
branch: "master"
commit: "86160be69"
version: "0.4.3"
origin: "???"
commit: "???"
* Change nanoseconds to seconds in extract_assets.py
Co-authored-by: Roman971 <32455037+Roman971@users.noreply.github.com>
* "Decompile" more objects. (#784)
* Object_hakach_objects OK and fix a warning in z_play.c
* Object Warp1 OK
* Object_spot16_obj OK
* object_cs Skeleton and limbs OK
* Limbs are broken
* Limbs OK
* Object_CS OK
* Object_jya_door OK
* fix errors and add new lines
* PR fixes (AngheloAlf)
* PR fixes (EllipticEllipsis)
* PR fixes (Fig)
* Rename Spot16 and Jya
* GraveYard -> Graveyard
* PR fixes
* -s
* PR fixes
* Object_RU1, Object_MA1, and warp pad objects Decompiled (#828)
* Ruto limbs
* RutoLimb enum
* the enum doesn't go in en_door
* Limb DLists
* Name almost all textures and clean up EnRu1.c
* remove padding
* Name all but 1 animation and remove undefined syms
* Object MA limbs OK
* (MA1)Most textures
* Small renames in EnMa1.c
* Object MA1 OK
* add base object for Mjin
* Mjin OK
* Update object_ma1.xml
* PR fixes (Fig)
* PR fixes
* Missed one
* Update assets/xml/objects/object_ru1.xml
Co-authored-by: Roman971 <32455037+Roman971@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Roman971 <32455037+Roman971@users.noreply.github.com>
* En_River_Sound OK (#833)
* match en_river_sound
* remove asm
* some docs
* more docs
* saria song
* review stuff
* z_sram OK (#834)
* match z_sram
* format and remove unused asm, also make some data static
* review comments
* another change
* Match Jpeg_Decode (z_jpeg.c OK) (#839)
* Match EnDaiku_UpdateText (En_Daiku OK) (#841)
* Match 1 of the 2 remaining functions in Bg_Mizu_Movebg (#840)
* Improve Audio_SequencePlayerProcessSequence (#844)
Co-authored-by: zelda2774 <zelda2774@invalid>
* Fix and rename nes_font_static (#753)
* renames
* change digits and control pad names
* Add codepoints, rename blank char 0x7F
* BgGndFiremeiro OK and documented (#850)
* OK, data imported
* Name everything
* Delete asm
* Add struct `LegacyLimb` and rename `AnimationHeader2` for `object_human` (#849)
* Add LegacyLimb and rename AnimationHeader2
* Simplify SkelAnime_GetFrameDataLegacy
* Minor fixes
* Move LegacyLimb with the rest of the limbs
* EnVali OK and documented, object_vali and object_bl completely analysed and documented (#845)
* OK
* Some naming
* Name more, correct typo in Biri, extract skel
* just Draws need names, fix typos in bili and warp1
* Decompile object_vali and add symbols
* Few more names
* Bari naming done
* object_bl completed, symbols added
* Label object_bl
* Formatter
* delete asm
* review changes
* review changes
* review
* Interface improvements (#822)
* Add symbols, does NOT build OK
* parameter OK with syms
* Use `static` more and inline arrays
* wip docs
* Start on Interface_Draw, NOT OK yet
* rename variables since interface dev is weird
* nonmatching for now
* kaleido
* Update src/code/z_parameter.c
Co-authored-by: louist103 <35883445+louist103@users.noreply.github.com>
* Make most texture rectangles use shifts
* fix symbols for all interface things
* done with interface_draw for now
* Update z_parameter.c
* format files
* fix wrong function calls
* fix bss
* improvements in matching
* remove button enum for now
* (void)0 to fix warning
* make conditional look nicer
* fix
* fix wrong combiner
* Update src/overlays/actors/ovl_kaleido_scope/z_lmap_mark.c
Co-authored-by: Roman971 <32455037+Roman971@users.noreply.github.com>
* format
* remove "HUD" naming
* review suggestions
Co-authored-by: louist103 <35883445+louist103@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Roman971 <32455037+Roman971@users.noreply.github.com>
* Migrate .bss for fault drawer and .data for item00 (#823)
* Item00 and fault drawer
* Test
* Test2
* test3
* test4
* remove .data file for item00
* revert hex
* PR fixes (Roman) and run clang-format version 10
* Fault_drawer was swapped ...again)
* Decompile and label EnEiyer (#852)
* En_Eiyer OK
* Label EnEiyer
* Style fixes
* Rename colCyl -> collider
* Format
* Review changes
* Match Camera_PrintSettings (z_camera OK) (#853)
* Match Camera_PrintSettings
* rm asm
* Match Math3D_LineSegMakePerpLineSeg (#854)
* Match Math3D_LineSegMakePerpLineSeg
Also renamed to Math3D_LineVsLineClosestTwoPoints
* Fix UB
* Some actor.c docs (in preparation for en_test) (#820)
* renames
* format
* format functions.h
* clean
* arg name
* remove asm
* Decompile obj_bean (magic bean and soft soil). 2 NON_MATCHINGs (#846)
* did a bunch
* Do a bunch more
* all functions in C
* Macros for draw and collision part of state flags
* Done for now
* remove ASM
* PR fixes (Elliptic)
* all angles are hex and take away bad names
* PR fixes (Roman)
* PR fixes
* PR fixes (Fig)
* restore map mark
* Fix the other messed with files
* Decompile some more objects (#848)
* Object_FU limbs and skel OK
* limbs OK
* Object_FU textures OK
* Object_FU face textures OK
* Symbols in en_fu.c
* en_fu.c limb enum
* Remove Object_fu from undefined_syms, move textures to draw, and small cleanup
* Object_bird OK
* Object_Bird OK, added cutscene for shot sun, and song of storms
* Rainbow Bridge CS
* Great fairy CS
* Cutscene -> Cs
* remove '&' from Cutscenes
* Cleanup object_bird
* Update z_en_fu.c
* Update z_en_fu.h
* Update z_en_fu.c
* Update z_en_fu.h
* Update z_en_fu.h
* DC intro CS
* Zeldas lullaby CS
* Nabooru Knuckle CS
* Owl Lake Hylia CS
* Sun song CS
* Undefined sym in Boss Dodongo
* Missed a few more
* DC tex name
* Windmill man limbs
* z_En_Ossan and dependencies (#824)
* fix colliderinit typo
* fix initchain
* reloc
* progress
* progress
* Pick off a few easy functions, reduce number of warnings
* more tough OKs
* Getting closer to all OK, fix en_girla header
* some hard OKs, 7 to go
* two funcs remaining
* func_80AC7094 OK!
* Fix warnings, begin documentation
* get most of object_ossan documented, document some of en_ossan
* improve en_girla function names
* more EnOssan documentation
* more documentation
* en_tana basically complete, en_girla vars all named, en_ossan documentation improvements
* delete TIME ITSELF
* object_oF1d_map OK
* more names, fixed a poition typo
* Nearly all en_ossan functions named, all variables named
* format.sh
* forgot to delete data
* implement pr changes
* EnOssan OK! implement most of Roman's suggestions
* ugh
* implement figs suggestions
* implement roman's suggestion
* Can't tell my left from my other left
Co-authored-by: fig02 <fig02srl@gmail.com>
* Some progress on z_vr_box.c (#838)
* z_vr_box.c progress
* Rename dpList to dlistBuf and SKYBOX_CLEAR_SKY to SKYBOX_NORMAL_SKY
* Fix
* renamed dlistBuf to dListBuf and split large string further
* Change PreRenderContext to just be PreRender (#862)
* Decompile Fishing and document object_fish (#856)
* Start decompiling Fishing
* Decompile more functions in Fishing
* Decompile a few more functions in Fishing
* Decompile func_80B6E9E0 and func_80B7825C (non matching)
* Minor Fishing cleanups
* Migrate fishing bss to C and match 3 functions
* Decompile and match Fishing_Update
* Migrate fishing data to C and minor cleanups
* Fix the object_fish xml and use its symbols in Fishing
* Partially document Fishing and object_fish
* Add more documentation/cleanups to Fishing and object_fish
* Use object_fish symbols in Demo_Ec and fix naming
* Minor fixes to Fishing docs
* Apply review suggestions for Fishing
* Apply 2 more review suggestions for Fishing
* Apply some review suggestions for Fishing
* Extract all "place name" title cards (#858)
* Forest and shadow temple
* fire temple
* Water temple
* Spirit temple
* Deku tree
* jabu jabu
* DC
* Inside Ganons castle
* Castle courtyard
* great fairy's fountain
* chamber of sages
* shooting gallery
* Temple of time
* market
* back alley
* kokir shop
* goron shop
* zora shop
* House of skulltula
* bazarr
* potion shop
* gravekeepers hut
* lakeside lab
* hyrule field
* kak
* graveyard
* zoras river
* kokiri forest
* lake hylia
* zoras domain
* zoras fountain
* gerudo valley
* lost woods
* the rest of them
* cleanup
* final cleanup
* PR fixes (Zel)
* (Re) fix case
* segment 0
* Fix map name static conflict
* Comment about ZAPD
* number 0
* Update place_title_cards.xml
* Update spec
* Fix all xmls to explicitly use offsets (#859)
* Forest and shadow temple
* fire temple
* Water temple
* Spirit temple
* Deku tree
* jabu jabu
* DC
* Inside Ganons castle
* Castle courtyard
* great fairy's fountain
* chamber of sages
* shooting gallery
* Temple of time
* market
* back alley
* kokir shop
* goron shop
* zora shop
* House of skulltula
* bazarr
* potion shop
* gravekeepers hut
* lakeside lab
* hyrule field
* kak
* graveyard
* zoras river
* kokiri forest
* lake hylia
* zoras domain
* zoras fountain
* gerudo valley
* lost woods
* the rest of them
* cleanup
* final cleanup
* PR fixes (Zel)
* Fra -> FRA and cleanup map_name_static
* map_name_static
* SHould be it
* Done done done done
* vector
* remove another pr
* ?
* EnDekubaba OK and documented, object_dekubaba documented (#864)
* 13 functions left, data imported
* 2 left
* 1 left
* OK
* Begin naming
* sfx rename
* spec
* Begin naming, add LINK_IS_CHILD to EnDu
* Fix spelling of its/it's
* Document most of object_dekubaba, import symbols
* Document draw functions, begin on actionfuncs
* New actor function names, some float constants
* Name almost everything
* Delete asm
* Name size, format
* Review changes
* Review changes
* Brackets, format
* Fix Sheik typo (#867)
* db_camera (#842)
* Decompile shrink_window.c
* progress
* progress
* makefile
* progress
* match 8 functions
* 1 more match
* match 2 functions
* decompile func_800B9638
* fix flow
* migrate .bss
* doc
* name some stuff
* fixes
* comment fix
* remove scene .c files
* old z_camera .s files
* revert z_camera change
* revert unwanted z_camera change
* fixes
* remove unused files, run clang-format and fix non-matching
* fix clang-format causing non-matching
* remove newline + old comment in func_800B3BD4
* make db_camera global variables static
* add s prefix to startic variables
* change magic constants
* rename "unk_50"
* Match func_800B3BD4 and Match DbCamera_UpdateDemoControl (-bss)
* Lots of progress on update
* Mainly cleanup
* run format.sh + remove unused asm
* replace chevrons with add quotes
* remove useless cast + use correct empty argument function declaration
Co-authored-by: engineer124 <engineer124engineer124@gmail.com>
* Match Interface_Draw (z_parameter OK) (#876)
* Interface_Draw down to permuter score = 175
* Fix typo
* Matched Interface_Draw!
* clean-up
* Another touch-up
* a little more cleanup
* No more direct gGameInfo->data access
* Audio WIP (#836)
* being code_800EC960
* wip
* wip
* more audio progress
* migrate data in code_800E11F0
* wip
* make ok
* remove asm
* wip
* move some variables outside of gAudioContext to the AudioContext structure due to the size used in func_800E3094
* more progress
* wip
* wip
* split code_800E11F0
* migrate rodata in code_800E11F0
* match functions that couldn't because of data issues
* move code_800E4FE0 asm files
* wip
* more wip
* fix global functions, and forward declarations
* wip
* wip
* wip
* ocarina wip
* match a couple functions
* some progress
* separate some bss
* match func_800EDA3C
* some matching
* more matches
* migrate audio rodata
* some matches
* more matchess
* start on synthesis
* work on synthesis
* fix function declaration
* Merge branch 'master' into audio
* match a few more functions
* wip
* wip
* more matching, rename Audio_SetBGM to Audio_QueueSeqCmd
* name several audio functions, and audiocontext members
* more naming, rename code_800E11F0 to audio_load, code_800DAAC0 to audio_synthesis
* audio wip
* match a few more functions.
* wip
* add missing NON_MATCHING directive
* wip
* some matching, data reogranization
* match cursed function
* wip
* wip
* formatting
* remove prefix from struct memebers
* missed function rename
* review
Co-authored-by: fig02 <fig02srl@gmail.com>
* ZAPD update: Gotta go fast! (#877)
* copy over the xml
* Rename anims
* A bunch of renames
* minor extract_assets fixes
* git subrepo pull --force tools/ZAPD
subdir: "tools/ZAPD"
merged: "820678b4e"
origin: "https://github.com/zeldaret/ZAPD.git"
branch: "master"
commit: "820678b4e"
version: "0.4.3"
origin: "???"
commit: "???"
* Change rgb5a1 to rgba16
* eye and eyebrows
* some dlists
* git subrepo pull --force tools/ZAPD
subdir: "tools/ZAPD"
merged: "6be9af65d"
origin: "https://github.com/zeldaret/ZAPD.git"
branch: "master"
commit: "6be9af65d"
version: "0.4.3"
origin: "???"
commit: "???"
* Dancing Couple (ovl_En_Tg) (#866)
* Match EnTg_Destroy
* Match EnTg_Init
* Matching EnTg_Update
* Match func_80B18360
Moving both 'return phi;'s into a single return at the end of the function causes the assembly to not match.
* Probably equivalent, non-matching func_80B183F8
* Matching EnTg_Draw
* Matching update function
* Matching func_80B18778
* All functions decompiled
* Move data to C code
* All functions matched excepted weird switch/case
* Last matching function
* Remove unused ASM
* Name obvious symbols
* Clang format
* Name text-related functions and variables
* Describe actor as Dancing Couple
See https://github.com/zeldaret/oot/pull/866#discussion_r664726581
* Use named constants
* Name drawing constants
* Use THIS macro for void*
* Name the function that sets environment color
* Add comments to parts of code that aren't clear
* Rename timesSpokenTo to nextDialogue, treat isTalking as boolean
* z_en_ko OK (#869)
* .data OK
* Progress
* push some old stuff
* Finish a chain
* Progress
* Progress
* Run mathfixer.py
* Progress
* match one more
* Up to date
* Match func_80A97610
* func_80A96FD0
* most of the way through the mega switch
* small formatting thing. still stuck on the switch
* start a big switch function
* a little closer
* done with matching for now starting objects
* func_80A97738 OK!
* func_80A995CC OK!
* func_80A99864 OK!
* en_ko OK!
* Code clean-up pass
* more EnKo cleanups, object_fa and object_kw1 textures documented
* complete object_km1, more EnKo documentation
* More documentation
* delete asm
* Clean-up rebase issues
* bleh
* Implement Dragorn's suggestions
* fix spec, implement fig's suggestions
* whoops (ill leave it for the docs tho lol)
* whoops again
* i made an ouchie
* smile
* last one for real
Co-authored-by: Louis <35883445+louist103@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: fig02 <fig02srl@gmail.com>
* z_en_bigokuta OK (#878)
* start
* Did some more
* Progress
* More
* Chip away a little
* im done
* func_809BEBBC OK!
* get rid of graphovl
* revert random changes
* Big Okuta OK!
* more clean-ups
* implement dragorn's suggestions
* implement fig and louist's suggestions
Co-authored-by: Louis <35883445+louist103@users.noreply.github.com>
* z_obj_mure OK (#875)
* almost matching init, matching data
* more matchings, some non-matching progress
* finishing up SpawnActor, fixing .data types
* first decompile pass done, few non matchings
* cleanup/update matchings and remove asm
* format code
* pick up some OKs
* 1 non_matching left, some documentation
* z_obj_mure OK... but at what cost?
* implement suggested changes, some more documentation
* Implement Fig's suggestions
* review
Co-authored-by: Sam Lyon <sam.c.lyon@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: fig02 <fig02srl@gmail.com>
* convert remaining RGB5a1 to RGBA16 (#879)
* Stalfos (en_test) OK and object_sk2 documented (#868)
* fix colliderinit typo
* migrate data
* init has 1 problem
* progress
* progress
* builds now
* progress
* progress
* lots of funcs matched
* many functions, fix warnings
* 1 left
* done
* docs progress
* remove graphovl
* missed some
* change some funcs
* some more
* another
* format
* more docs
* cleanups1
* limbs, DLs, textures
* limbs named (thanks elliptic)
* more docs
* Name animations, import symbols
* Named sections of xml
* more docs
* rename limbs and use flag macros
* name
* review1 and use limb enum
* review2
* agro -> aggro
* review3
* review4
* review5
Co-authored-by: Elliptic Ellipsis <elliptic.ellipsis@gmail.com>
* Use a temp symbol for RomStart/RomEnd symbols, makes the map show the right value for actual RomStart/RomEnd symbols (#880)
* builds OK
* first pass
* PR fixes (Louis)
* fixes
* a little more
* format
* dragorn's stuff
* more cleanup, merge, and format
* now with work buffers
* forgot sfx
* update and draw
Co-authored-by: petrie911 <pmontag@DESKTOP-LG8A167.localdomain>
Co-authored-by: Louis <35883445+louist103@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Parker Burnett <burnettparker@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: fig02 <fig02srl@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Zelllll <56516451+Zelllll@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: glankk <glankk@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: EllipticEllipsis <73679967+EllipticEllipsis@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: zelda2774 <69368340+zelda2774@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: zelda2774 <zelda2774@invalid>
Co-authored-by: mzxrules <mzxrules@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Roman971 <32455037+Roman971@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Anghelo Carvajal <angheloalf95@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Nicholas Estelami <NEstelami@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Jack Walker <7463599+Jack-Walker@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Zach Banks <zjbanks@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Derek Hensley <hensley.derek58@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Kenix3 <kenixwhisperwind@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Anghelo Carvajal <anghelo.carvajal.14@sansano.usm.cl>
Co-authored-by: pixel-stuck <mathmcclintic@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Vijfhoek <me@vijf.life>
Co-authored-by: Synray <31429825+Synray@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: engineer124 <47598039+engineer124@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Tharo <17233964+Thar0@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Random <28494085+Random06457@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: engineer124 <engineer124engineer124@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: krimtonz <33664508+krimtonz@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: Aly Cerruti <aprime2003@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Sam Lyon <sam.c.lyon@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Elliptic Ellipsis <elliptic.ellipsis@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Dragorn421 <Dragorn421@users.noreply.github.com>
2021-08-08 19:26:56 +00:00
void func_800F4B58(Vec3f* arg0, s16 arg1, u8* arg2) {
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(arg1, arg0, 4, &gNoteFrequencies[arg2[D_801305CC] + 39], &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8);
if (D_801305CC < 15) {
void func_800F4BE8(void) {
D_801305CC = 0;
void func_800F4BF4(Vec3f* arg0, u16 arg1, s8 arg2) {
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(arg1, arg0, 4, &gNoteFrequencies[arg2 + 39], &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8);
void func_800F4C58(Vec3f* arg0, u16 sfxId, u8 arg2) {
u8 phi_s1 = 0;
u8 i;
u8 bank;
bank = SFX_BANK_SHIFT(sfxId);
for (i = 0; i < bank; i++) {
phi_s1 += D_80130578[D_801333CC][i];
for (i = 0; i < D_80130578[D_801333CC][bank]; i++) {
if ((D_8016E1B8[bank][i].unk_4 != 0xFF) && (sfxId == gSoundBanks[bank][D_8016E1B8[bank][i].unk_4].unk_28)) {
Audio_QueueCmdS8(_SHIFTL(6, 24, 8) | _SHIFTL(2, 16, 8) | _SHIFTL(phi_s1, 8, 8) | _SHIFTL(6, 0, 8), arg2);
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(sfxId, arg0, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8);
void func_800F4E30(Vec3f* arg0, f32 arg1) {
Vec3f* temp_v0;
f32 temp_f0;
f32 temp_f2;
s32 temp_s0;
Vec3f* phi_v0;
f32 phi_f0;
s32 phi_v0_2;
f32 phi_f22;
s32 phi_s0;
s8 phi_s4;
u8 i;
if (D_8013064C == NULL) {
D_8013064C = arg0;
D_80130650 = arg1;
} else if (arg0 != D_8013064C) {
if (arg1 < D_80130650) {
D_8013064C = arg0;
D_80130650 = arg1;
} else {
D_80130650 = arg1;
if (D_8013064C->x > 100.0f) {
phi_s4 = 0x7F;
} else if (D_8013064C->x < -100.0f) {
phi_s4 = 0;
} else {
phi_s4 = ((D_8013064C->x / 100.0f) * 64.0f) + 64.0f;
if (D_80130650 > 400.0f) {
phi_f22 = 0.1f;
} else if (D_80130650 < 120.0f) {
phi_f22 = 1.0f;
} else {
phi_f22 = ((1.0f - ((D_80130650 - 120.0f) / 280.0f)) * 0.9f) + 0.1f;
for (i = 0; i < 0x10; i++) {
if (i != 9) {
Audio_SeqCmd6(0, 2, i, (127.0f * phi_f22));
Audio_QueueCmdS8(0x03000000 | ((u8)((u32)i) << 8), phi_s4);
void func_800F50CC(void) {
if (D_8013064C != NULL) {
D_8013064C = NULL;
void* func_800F50EC(Vec3f* arg0) {
if (D_8013064C == arg0) {
D_8013064C = NULL;
// matches, but need to migrate data.
void func_800F510C(s8 arg0) {
u8 phi_v1;
u8 phi_a2;
u16 phi_a1;
u8 sp40[2] = { 0, 3 };
u8 i;
u8 j;
if ((func_800FA0B4(1) == 0xFFFF) && (func_800FA0B4(3) != 0x2F)) {
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
if (i == 0) {
phi_v1 = arg0;
} else {
phi_v1 = 0x7F - arg0;
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
if (phi_v1 > 100) {
phi_a2 = 11;
} else if (phi_v1 < 20) {
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
phi_a2 = 2;
} else {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
phi_a2 = ((phi_v1 - 20) / 10) + 2;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
phi_a1 = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 0x10; j++) {
if (gAudioContext.seqPlayers[sp40[i]].channels[j]->notePriority < phi_a2) {
phi_a1 += (1 << j);
Audio_SeqCmdA(sp40[i], phi_a1);
void func_800F510C(s8);
2020-07-20 01:08:50 +00:00
#pragma GLOBAL_ASM("asm/non_matchings/code/code_800EC960/func_800F510C.s")
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
void func_800F52A0(Vec3f* arg0, u16 arg1, u16 arg2) {
f32 phi_f2;
f32 phi_f14;
u8 phi_a2;
f32 temp_f0;
if (D_8016B9F3 != 0) {
phi_f14 = sqrtf(SQ(arg0->z) + SQ(arg0->x));
if (D_8013064C == NULL) {
D_8013064C = arg0;
func_800F5E18(3, arg1, 0, 7, 2);
} else {
temp_f0 = sqrtf(SQ(D_8013064C->z) + SQ(D_8013064C->x));
if (phi_f14 < temp_f0) {
D_8013064C = arg0;
} else {
phi_f14 = temp_f0;
if (arg0->y < 0.0f) {
phi_f2 = -arg0->y;
} else {
phi_f2 = arg0->y;
if ((arg2 / 15.0f) < phi_f2) {
phi_a2 = 0;
} else if (phi_f14 < arg2) {
phi_a2 = (1.0f - (phi_f14 / arg2)) * 127.0f;
} else {
phi_a2 = 0;
if (arg1 != 0x28) {
Audio_SetVolScale(3, 3, phi_a2, 0);
Audio_SetVolScale(0, 3, (0x7F - phi_a2), 0);
void func_800F5504(void) {
D_8013064C = NULL;
void func_800F5510(u16 arg0) {
func_800F5E18(0, arg0, 0, 0, 1);
void func_800F5550(u16 arg0) {
u8 sp27 = 0;
u16 nv;
if (func_800FA0B4(0) != 0x4C) {
if (func_800FA0B4(3) == 0x2F) {
func_800F9474(3, 0);
Audio_QueueCmdS32(0xF8000000, 0);
if ((D_80130658[D_80130630] & 0x20) && D_80130658[(arg0 & 0xFF) & 0xFF] & 0x10) {
if ((D_8013062C & 0x3F) != 0) {
sp27 = 0x1E;
func_800F5E18(0, arg0, sp27, 7, D_8013062C);
D_8013062C = 0;
} else {
nv = (D_80130658[(arg0 & 0xFF) & 0xFF] & 0x40) ? 1 : 0xFF;
func_800F5E18(0, arg0, 0, 7, nv);
if (!(D_80130658[arg0] & 0x20)) {
D_8013062C = 0xC0;
D_80130630 = arg0 & 0xFF;
void func_800F56A8(void) {
u16 temp_v0;
u8 bvar;
temp_v0 = func_800FA0B4(0);
bvar = temp_v0 & 0xFF;
if ((temp_v0 != 0xFFFF) && ((D_80130658[bvar] & 0x10) != 0)) {
if (D_8013062C != 0xC0) {
D_8013062C = gAudioContext.seqPlayers->unk_158[3];
} else {
D_8013062C = 0;
void func_800F5718(void) {
if (func_800FA0B4(0) != 0x4C) {
Audio_StartSeq(0, 0, 0x4C);
void func_800F574C(f32 arg0, u8 arg2) {
if (arg0 == 1.0f) {
Audio_SeqCmdB40(0, arg2, 0);
} else {
Audio_SeqCmdC(1, 0x30, arg2, arg0 * 100.0f);
Audio_SeqCmdC(1, 0xA0, arg2, arg0 * 100.0f);
void func_800F5918(void) {
if (func_800FA0B4(0) == 0x6C && func_800FA11C(0, 0xF0000000)) {
Audio_SeqCmdB(0, 5, 0, 0xD2);
void func_800F595C(u16 arg0) {
u8 arg0b = arg0 & 0xFF;
if (D_80130658[arg0b] & 2) {
} else if (D_80130658[arg0b] & 4) {
Audio_StartSeq(1, 0, arg0);
} else {
func_800F5E18(0, arg0, 0, 7, -1);
Audio_SeqCmd1(1, 0);
void func_800F59E8(u16 arg0) {
u8 arg0b = arg0 & 0xFF;
if (D_80130658[arg0b] & 2) {
Audio_SeqCmd1(1, 0);
} else if (D_80130658[arg0b] & 4) {
Audio_SeqCmd1(1, 0);
} else {
Audio_SeqCmd1(0, 0);
s32 func_800F5A58(u8 arg0) {
u8 phi_a1 = 0;
if (D_80130658[arg0 & 0xFF] & 2) {
phi_a1 = 1;
} else if (D_80130658[arg0 & 0xFF] & 4) {
phi_a1 = 1;
if (arg0 == (u8)func_800FA0B4(phi_a1)) {
return 1;
} else {
return 0;
void func_800F5ACC(u16 arg0) {
u16 temp_v0;
temp_v0 = func_800FA0B4(0);
if ((temp_v0 & 0xFF) != 0x2E && (temp_v0 & 0xFF) != 0x62 && temp_v0 != arg0) {
if (temp_v0 != 0xFFFF) {
D_80130628 = temp_v0;
} else {
osSyncPrintf("Middle Boss BGM Start not stack \n");
Audio_StartSeq(0, 0, arg0);
void func_800F5B58(void) {
if ((func_800FA0B4(0) != 0xFFFF) && (D_80130628 != 0xFFFF) && (D_80130658[func_800FA0B4(0) & 0xFF] & 8)) {
if (D_80130628 == 0xFFFF) {
Audio_SeqCmd1(0, 0);
} else {
Audio_StartSeq(0, 0, D_80130628);
D_80130628 = 0xFFFF;
void func_800F5BF0(u8 arg0) {
u16 temp_v0;
temp_v0 = func_800FA0B4(0);
if (temp_v0 != 1) {
D_80130628 = temp_v0;
void func_800F5C2C(void) {
if (D_80130628 != 0xFFFF) {
Audio_StartSeq(0, 0, D_80130628);
D_80130628 = 0xFFFF;
void func_800F5C64(u16 arg0) {
u16 sp26;
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
u32 sp20;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
u8* sp1C;
u8* sp18;
sp26 = func_800FA0B4(1);
sp1C = func_800E5E84(sp26 & 0xFF, &sp20);
sp18 = func_800E5E84(arg0 & 0xFF, &sp20);
if ((sp26 == 0xFFFF) || (*sp1C == *sp18)) {
D_8016B9F4 = 1;
} else {
D_8016B9F4 = 5;
Audio_SeqCmd1(1, 0);
D_8016B9F6 = arg0;
void func_800F5CF8(void) {
u16 sp26;
u16 sp24;
u16 sp22;
if (D_8016B9F4 != 0) {
if (D_8016B9F4 == 0) {
Audio_QueueCmdS32(0xE3000000, 0);
Audio_QueueCmdS32(0xE3000000, 1);
sp26 = func_800FA0B4(1);
sp22 = func_800FA0B4(3);
if (sp26 == 0xFFFF) {
Audio_SetVolScale(0, 1, 0, 5);
Audio_SetVolScale(3, 1, 0, 5);
Audio_SeqCmdC(1, 0x80, 1, 0xA);
Audio_SeqCmdC(1, 0x83, 1, 0xA);
Audio_SeqCmdC(1, 0x90, 0, 0);
if (sp22 != 0x2F) {
Audio_SeqCmdC(1, 0x93, 0, 0);
Audio_StartSeq(1, 1, D_8016B9F6);
Audio_SeqCmdA(0, 0xFFFF);
if (sp22 != 0x2F) {
Audio_SeqCmdA(3, 0xFFFF);
void func_800F5E18(u8 seqIdx, u16 seqId, u8 fadeTimer, s8 arg3, s8 arg4) {
Audio_SeqCmd7(seqIdx, arg3, arg4);
Audio_StartSeq(seqIdx, fadeTimer, seqId);
void func_800F5E90(u8 arg0) {
s32 phi_t0;
u16 phi_t1;
u8 phi_a3;
D_80130654 = arg0;
if (D_80130628 == 0xFFFF) {
if (D_8013060C != 0) {
arg0 = 3;
phi_t1 = D_8016E750[0].unk_254;
if (phi_t1 == 2 && func_800FA0B4(3) == 0x81A) {
arg0 = 3;
phi_a3 = phi_t1 & 0xFF;
if ((phi_t1 == 0xFFFF) || ((D_80130658[phi_a3] & 1) != 0) || ((D_8013061C & 0x7F) == 1)) {
if (arg0 != (D_8013061C & 0x7F)) {
if (arg0 == 1) {
if (D_8016E750[3].volScales[1] - D_80130624 < 0) {
phi_t0 = -(D_8016E750[3].volScales[1] - D_80130624);
} else {
phi_t0 = D_8016E750[3].volScales[1] - D_80130624;
Audio_SetVolScale(3, 3, D_80130624, phi_t0);
Audio_StartSeq(3, 10, 0x81A);
if (phi_t1 != 1) {
Audio_SetVolScale(0, 3, (0x7F - D_80130624) & 0xFF, 0xA);
} else {
if ((D_8013061C & 0x7F) == 1) {
Audio_SeqCmd1(3, 10);
if (arg0 == 3) {
phi_a3 = 0;
} else {
phi_a3 = 10;
Audio_SetVolScale(0, 3, 0x7F, phi_a3);
D_8013061C = arg0 + 0x80;
} else {
if (arg0 == 0) {
if (D_8013061C == 2) {
D_80130638 = 0;
D_80130634 = 0;
} else {
if (arg0 == 2 && D_80130634 < 0x1E && D_80130638 >= 0x15) {
arg0 = 0;
D_8013061C = arg0;
Audio_SeqCmd7(0, 2, arg0);
void func_800F6114(f32 arg0) {
f32 phi_f0;
if (D_8013061C == 0x81) {
if (arg0 != D_80130620) {
if (arg0 < 150.0f) {
phi_f0 = 0.0f;
} else if (arg0 > 500.0f) {
phi_f0 = 350.0f;
} else {
phi_f0 = arg0 - 150.0f;
D_80130624 = ((350.0f - phi_f0) * 127.0f) / 350.0f;
Audio_SetVolScale(3, 3, D_80130624, 0xA);
if (D_8016E750[0].unk_254 != 1) {
Audio_SetVolScale(0, 3, (0x7F - D_80130624), 0xA);
if (D_8016E750[0].unk_254 != 1) {
D_80130620 = arg0;
void func_800F6268(f32 arg0, u16 arg1) {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
s8 pad;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
s8 phi_v1;
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
s16 temp_a0;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
D_8016BAA8 = 1;
D_8016BAAC = arg0;
if (D_8016B9F2 == 0) {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
temp_a0 = (s8)(func_800FA0B4(0) & 0xFF);
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
if (temp_a0 == (arg1 & 0xFF)) {
if ((arg1 & 0xFF) == 0x2F) {
if (arg0 > 2000.0f) {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
phi_v1 = 127;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
} else if (arg0 < 200.0f) {
phi_v1 = 0;
} else {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
phi_v1 = (s8)(((arg0 - 200.0f) * 127.0f) / 1800.0f);
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
Audio_SeqCmd6(0, 3, 0, 127 - phi_v1);
Audio_SeqCmd6(0, 3, 1, 127 - phi_v1);
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
Audio_SeqCmd6(0, 3, 13, phi_v1);
if (D_8016B9D8[0] == 0) {
} else if ((temp_a0 == 1) && ((arg1 & 0xFF) == 0x2F)) {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
temp_a0 = (s8)(func_800FA0B4(3) & 0xFF);
if ((temp_a0 != (arg1 & 0xFF)) && (D_8016B9D8[0] < 10)) {
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
func_800F5E18(3, 0x2F, 0, 0, 0);
Audio_SeqCmdA(3, 0xFFFC);
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
D_8016B9D8[0] = 10;
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
if (arg0 > 2000.0f) {
phi_v1 = 127;
} else if (arg0 < 200.0f) {
phi_v1 = 0;
} else {
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
phi_v1 = (s8)(((arg0 - 200.0f) * 127.0f) / 1800.0f);
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
Audio_SeqCmd6(3, 3, 0, 127 - phi_v1);
Audio_SeqCmd6(3, 3, 1, 127 - phi_v1);
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
if (D_8016B9D8[0] < 10) {
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
void func_800F64E0(u8 arg0) {
D_80130608 = arg0;
if (arg0 != 0) {
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(0x4800, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8);
Audio_QueueCmdS32(0xF1000000, 0);
} else {
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(0x4801, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8);
Audio_QueueCmdS32(0xF2000000, 0);
void func_800F6584(u8 arg0) {
u8 seqIdx;
u16 sp34;
D_8016B9F2 = arg0;
if ((func_800FA0B4(0) & 0xFF) == 0x2F) {
seqIdx = 0;
sp34 = 0;
} else if ((func_800FA0B4(3) & 0xFF) == 0x2F) {
seqIdx = 3;
sp34 = 0xFFFC;
} else {
if (arg0 != 0) {
Audio_SeqCmd6(seqIdx, 1, 0, 0);
Audio_SeqCmd6(seqIdx, 1, 1, 0);
if (seqIdx == 3) {
Audio_SeqCmdA(seqIdx, sp34 | 3);
} else {
if (seqIdx == 3) {
func_800F5E18(3, 0x2F, 0, 0, 0);
Audio_SeqCmd6(seqIdx, 1, 0, 0x7F);
Audio_SeqCmd6(seqIdx, 1, 1, 0x7F);
if (seqIdx == 3) {
Audio_SeqCmdA(seqIdx, sp34);
void func_800F66C0(s8 arg0) {
D_80130614 = arg0 & 0x7F;
void func_800F66DC(s8 arg0) {
if (arg0 != 0) {
D_80130618 = arg0 & 0x7F;
void func_800F6700(s8 arg0) {
s8 sp1F;
switch (arg0) {
case 0:
sp1F = 0;
D_80130604 = 0;
case 1:
sp1F = 3;
D_80130604 = 3;
case 2:
sp1F = 1;
D_80130604 = 1;
case 3:
sp1F = 0;
D_80130604 = 2;
Audio_SeqCmdE0(0, sp1F);
void func_800F67A0(u8 arg0) {
if (D_8013063C != arg0) {
if (arg0 == 0) {
} else if (D_8013063C == 0) {
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(0x86B, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8);
D_8013063C = arg0;
D_80130644 = arg0;
void func_800F6828(u8 arg0) {
u32 t;
u8 i;
D_80130648 = arg0;
D_80130640 = arg0;
if (D_8016E750[0].unk_254 == 1) {
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
t = i;
Audio_QueueCmdS8(((t & 0xFF) << 8) | 0x6000000 | 6, arg0);
void func_800F68BC(s8 arg0) {
D_8013060C = arg0;
void func_800F68D4(u16 arg0, Vec3f* arg1, u8 arg2, u32* arg3, u32* arg4, u32* arg5) {
if (D_8013060C == 0) {
Audio_PlaySoundGeneral(arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5);
void func_800F691C(u16 arg0) {
func_800F68D4(arg0, &D_801333D4, 4, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E0, &D_801333E8);
void func_800F6964(u16 arg0) {
s32 phi_v1;
u8 i;
Audio_SeqCmd1(0, (arg0 * 3) / 2);
Audio_SeqCmd1(1, (arg0 * 3) / 2);
for (i = 0; i < 0x10; i++) {
phi_v1 = 0;
switch (i) {
case 0xB:
case 0xC:
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
if (D_80133414 == 10) {
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
phi_v1 = 1;
case 0xD:
phi_v1 = 1;
if (!phi_v1) {
Audio_SeqCmd6(2, arg0 >> 1, i, 0);
Audio_SeqCmd1(3, (arg0 * 3) / 2);
void func_800F6AB0(u16 arg0) {
Audio_SeqCmd1(0, arg0);
Audio_SeqCmd1(1, arg0);
Audio_SeqCmd1(3, arg0);
Audio_SetVolScale(0, 3, 0x7F, 0);
Audio_SetVolScale(0, 1, 0x7F, 0);
void func_800F6B3C(void) {
func_800F9280(2, 0, 0xFF, 5);
void Audio_DisableAllSeq(void) {
Audio_DisableSeq(0, 0);
Audio_DisableSeq(1, 0);
Audio_DisableSeq(2, 0);
Audio_DisableSeq(3, 0);
s8 func_800F6BB8(void) {
return func_800E6680();
void func_800F6BDC(void) {
while (true) {
if (!func_800F6BB8()) {
void Audio_PreNMI(void) {
void func_800F6C34(void) {
D_8013061C = 0;
D_8016B7A8 = 1.0f;
D_8016B7B0 = 1.0f;
D_8013063C = 0;
D_80130640 = 0;
D_80130644 = 0;
D_80130648 = 0;
D_8016B7B8.unk_0C = 0;
D_8016B7C8.unk_0C = 0;
D_8016B7B8.unk_00 = 1.0f;
D_8016B7C8.unk_00 = 1.0f;
D_8016B7D8 = 1.0f;
D_8016B8B0 = 0x7F;
D_8016B8B1 = 0x7F;
D_8016B8B2 = 0;
D_8016B8B3 = 0;
D_8016B8B4 = 0xFF;
D_8016B9D8[0] = 0;
D_80130610 = D_801306C8[D_80133414];
D_80130608 = 0;
D_80130628 = 0xFFFF;
Audio_QueueCmdS8(0x46000000, -1);
D_8013064C = NULL;
D_8016B9F4 = 0;
D_8016B9F3 = 1;
D_8016B9F2 = 0;
void func_800F6D58(u8 arg0, u8 arg1, u8 arg2) {
u8 t;
u8 temp_a0;
u8 i;
if ((D_8016E750[0].unk_254 != 1) && func_800FA11C(1, 0xF00000FF)) {
D_80131F64 = 1;
if (((arg0 << 8) + arg1) == 0x101) {
if (func_800FA0B4(3) != 0x2F) {
*D_8016B9D8 = 0;
t = arg0 >> 4;
temp_a0 = arg0 & 0xF;
if (t == 0) {
t = arg0 & 0xF;
for (i = t; i <= temp_a0; i++) {
Audio_SeqCmd8(0, arg1, i, arg2);
void func_800F6E7C(u16 arg0, u16 arg1) {
u8 i;
u32 t;
if (func_800FA0B4(0) == 0x4C) {
Audio_SeqCmd7(0, 0, 1);
Audio_SeqCmd7(0, 4, arg0 >> 8);
Audio_SeqCmd7(0, 5, arg0 & 0xFF);
Audio_SetVolScale(0, 0, 0x7F, 1);
i = 0;
if (D_80133408 != 0) {
i = 1;
Audio_SeqCmdE01(0, 0);
Audio_StartSeq(0, 0, 1);
if (i != 0) {
Audio_SeqCmdE01(0, 1);
for (i = 0; i < 0x10; i++) {
if (!(arg1 & (1 << i)) && (arg0 & (1 << i))) {
Audio_SeqCmd8(0, 1, i, 1);
void func_800F6FB4(u8 arg0) {
u8 i = 0;
u8 b0;
u8 b1;
u8 b2;
if ((D_8016E750[0].unk_254 == 0xFFFF) || ((D_80130658[((u8)D_8016E750[0].unk_254) & 0xFFFF] & 0x80) == 0)) {
func_800F6E7C(D_801306DC[arg0].unk_00, D_801306DC[arg0].unk_02);
2021-08-12 19:37:37 +00:00
while ((D_801306DC[arg0].unk_04[i] != 0xFF) && (i < 100)) {
// Probably a fake match, using Audio_SeqCmd8 doesn't work.
2021-07-27 23:44:58 +00:00
b0 = D_801306DC[arg0].unk_04[i++];
b1 = D_801306DC[arg0].unk_04[i++];
b2 = D_801306DC[arg0].unk_04[i++];
Audio_QueueSeqCmd(0x80000000 | (b1 << 0x10) | (b0 << 8) | b2);
Audio_SeqCmd8(0, 0x07, 0xD, D_80130604);
void func_800F70F8(void) {
Audio_ContextInit(0, 0);
void func_800F711C(void) {
func_800F9280(2, 0, 0x70, 0xA);
void func_800F7170(void) {
func_800F9280(2, 0, 0x70, 1);
Audio_QueueCmdS32(0xF2000000, 1);
Audio_QueueCmdS32(0xF8000000, 0);
void func_800F71BC(s32 arg0) {
D_80133418 = 1;
void func_800F7208(void) {
Audio_QueueCmdS32(0xF2000000, 1);
func_800F9280(2, 0, 0x70, 1);