2022-05-20 07:27:54 +01:00
#ifndef Z64_CURVE_H
#define Z64_CURVE_H
2022-11-13 07:16:01 +00:00
#include "ultra64/ultratypes.h"
2022-05-20 07:27:54 +01:00
#include "z64math.h"
2022-05-21 14:23:43 -04:00
struct PlayState;
2022-05-20 07:27:54 +01:00
2024-08-12 00:07:48 -07:00
typedef struct CurveInterpKnot {
2022-05-20 07:27:54 +01:00
/* 0x0 */ u16 flags; // Only the bottom two bits are used, although others are set in objects
/* 0x2 */ s16 abscissa; // knot input value
/* 0x4 */ s16 leftGradient; // left derivative at the point
/* 0x6 */ s16 rightGradient; // right derivative at the point
/* 0x8 */ f32 ordinate; // output value
} CurveInterpKnot; // size = 0xC
2024-08-12 00:07:48 -07:00
typedef struct CurveAnimationHeader {
2022-05-20 07:27:54 +01:00
/* 0x0 */ u8* knotCounts;
/* 0x4 */ CurveInterpKnot* interpolationData;
/* 0x8 */ s16* constantData;
/* 0xC */ s16 unk_0C; // Set but not used, always 1 in objects
/* 0xE */ s16 frameCount; // Not used, inferred from use in objects
} CurveAnimationHeader; // size = 0x10
2024-08-12 00:07:48 -07:00
typedef struct SkelCurveLimb {
2022-05-20 07:27:54 +01:00
/* 0x0 */ u8 child;
/* 0x1 */ u8 sibling;
/* 0x4 */ Gfx* dList[2];
} SkelCurveLimb; // size = 0xC
2024-08-12 00:07:48 -07:00
typedef struct CurveSkeletonHeader {
2022-05-20 07:27:54 +01:00
/* 0x0 */ SkelCurveLimb** limbs;
/* 0x4 */ u8 limbCount;
} CurveSkeletonHeader; // size = 0x8
2024-08-12 00:07:48 -07:00
typedef struct SkelCurve {
2022-05-20 07:27:54 +01:00
/* 0x00 */ u8 limbCount;
/* 0x04 */ SkelCurveLimb** skeleton;
/* 0x08 */ CurveAnimationHeader* animation;
/* 0x0C */ f32 unk_0C; // set but not used
/* 0x10 */ f32 endFrame;
/* 0x14 */ f32 playSpeed;
/* 0x18 */ f32 curFrame;
/* 0x1C */ s16 (*jointTable)[9];
} SkelCurve; // size = 0x20
2022-05-21 14:23:43 -04:00
typedef s32 (*OverrideCurveLimbDraw)(struct PlayState* play, SkelCurve* skelCuve, s32 limbIndex, void* thisx);
typedef void (*PostCurveLimbDraw)(struct PlayState* play, SkelCurve* skelCuve, s32 limbIndex, void* thisx);
2022-05-20 07:27:54 +01:00
2022-06-07 06:34:28 +02:00
f32 Curve_Interpolate(f32 x, CurveInterpKnot* knots, s32 knotCount);
2022-05-20 07:27:54 +01:00
void SkelCurve_Clear(SkelCurve* skelCurve);
2022-06-07 06:34:28 +02:00
s32 SkelCurve_Init(struct PlayState* play, SkelCurve* skelCurve, CurveSkeletonHeader* skeletonHeaderSeg,
CurveAnimationHeader* animation);
2022-05-21 14:23:43 -04:00
void SkelCurve_Destroy(struct PlayState* play, SkelCurve* skelCurve);
2022-06-07 06:34:28 +02:00
void SkelCurve_SetAnim(SkelCurve* skelCurve, CurveAnimationHeader* animation, f32 arg2, f32 endFrame, f32 curFrame,
f32 playSpeed);
2022-05-21 14:23:43 -04:00
s32 SkelCurve_Update(struct PlayState* play, SkelCurve* skelCurve);
2022-06-07 06:34:28 +02:00
void SkelCurve_Draw(Actor* actor, struct PlayState* play, SkelCurve* skelCurve, OverrideCurveLimbDraw overrideLimbDraw,
PostCurveLimbDraw postLimbDraw, s32 lod, void* data);
2022-05-20 07:27:54 +01:00