2020-03-17 00:31:30 -04:00
PROJECT_DIR := $( dir $( realpath $( firstword $( MAKEFILE_LIST) ) ) )
#### Tools ####
i f e q ( $( shell type mips -linux -gnu -ld >/dev /null 2>/dev /null ; echo $ $ ?) , 0 )
MIPS_BINUTILS_PREFIX := mips-linux-gnu-
e l s e
e n d i f
# check that either QEMU_IRIX is set or qemu-irix package installed
i f n d e f Q E M U _ I R I X
QEMU_IRIX := $( shell which qemu-irix)
ifeq ( , $( QEMU_IRIX) )
$( error Please install qemu-irix package or set QEMU_IRIX env var to the full qemu-irix binary path)
e n d i f
CC := $( QEMU_IRIX) -L tools/ido7.1_compiler tools/ido7.1_compiler/usr/bin/cc
CC_OLD := $( QEMU_IRIX) -L tools/ido5.3_compiler tools/ido5.3_compiler/usr/bin/cc
2020-03-23 23:15:45 +01:00
# Check code syntax with host compiler
2020-04-18 04:50:41 -04:00
CC_CHECK := gcc -fno-builtin -fsyntax-only -fsigned-char -std= gnu90 -Wall -Wextra -Wno-format-security -Wno-unknown-pragmas -D _LANGUAGE_C -D NON_MATCHING -Iinclude -Isrc -include stdarg.h
2020-03-17 00:31:30 -04:00
CPP := cpp
MKLDSCRIPT := tools/mkldscript
ELF2ROM := tools/elf2rom
ZAP2 := tools/ZAP2/ZAP2.out
2020-04-18 04:50:41 -04:00
ASFLAGS := -march= vr4300 -32 -Iinclude
2020-03-17 00:31:30 -04:00
# we support Microsoft extensions such as anonymous structs, which the compiler does support but warns for their usage. Surpress the warnings with -woff.
2020-04-18 04:50:41 -04:00
CFLAGS := -mips2 -G 0 -non_shared -Xfullwarn -Xcpluscomm -Iinclude -Isrc -Wab,-r4300_mul -woff 649,838
2020-03-17 00:31:30 -04:00
i f e q ( $( shell getconf LONG_BIT ) , 3 2 )
# Work around memory allocation bug in QEMU
export QEMU_GUEST_BASE := 1
e l s e
# Ensure that gcc treats the code as 32-bit
CC_CHECK += -m32
e n d i f
#### Files ####
# ROM image
ROM := zelda_ocarina_mq_dbg.z64
ELF := $( ROM:.z64= .elf)
# description of ROM segments
SPEC := spec
# baserom files
i n c l u d e b a s e r o m _ f i l e s . m k
SRC_DIRS := src src/libultra_boot_O1 src/libultra_boot_O2 src/libultra_code src/boot src/code src/buffers
ASM_DIRS := asm data data/overlays data/overlays/actors data/overlays/effects data/overlays/gamestates asm/overlays asm/overlays/actors
i n c l u d e o v e r l a y s . m k
i n c l u d e o v e r l a y s _ a s m . m k
i n c l u d e t e x t u r e s . m k
i n c l u d e s c e n e s . m k
# source code
C_FILES := $( foreach dir,$( SRC_DIRS) $( TEXTURE_BIN_DIRS) $( SCENE_DIRS) ,$( wildcard $( dir) /*.c) )
S_FILES := $( foreach dir,$( ASM_DIRS) ,$( wildcard $( dir) /*.s) )
#TEXTURE_FILES := $(foreach dir,$(TEXTURE_DIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.xml))
O_FILES := $( foreach f,$( S_FILES:.s= .o) ,build/$f ) \
$( foreach f,$( C_FILES:.c= .o) ,build/$f ) \
$( foreach f,$( BASEROM_FILES) ,build/$f .o)
# $(foreach f,$(TEXTURE_FILES:.xml=.o),build/$f)
#TEXTURE_FILES_RGBA32 := $(foreach dir,$(TEXTURE_BIN_DIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.rgba32.png))
#TEXTURE_FILES_RGBA16 := $(foreach dir,$(TEXTURE_BIN_DIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.rgb5a1.png))
#TEXTURE_FILES_GRAY4 := $(foreach dir,$(TEXTURE_BIN_DIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.i4.png))
#TEXTURE_FILES_GRAY8 := $(foreach dir,$(TEXTURE_BIN_DIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.i8.png))
#TEXTURE_FILES_GRAYA4 := $(foreach dir,$(TEXTURE_BIN_DIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.ia4.png))
#TEXTURE_FILES_GRAYA8 := $(foreach dir,$(TEXTURE_BIN_DIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.ia8.png))
#TEXTURE_FILES_GRAYA16 := $(foreach dir,$(TEXTURE_BIN_DIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.ia16.png))
#TEXTURE_FILES_CI4 := $(foreach dir,$(TEXTURE_BIN_DIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.ci4.png))
#TEXTURE_FILES_CI8 := $(foreach dir,$(TEXTURE_BIN_DIRS),$(wildcard $(dir)/*.ci8.png))
#TEXTURE_FILES_OUT := $(foreach f,$(TEXTURE_FILES_RGBA32:.rgba32.png=.rgba32),build/$f) \
# $(foreach f,$(TEXTURE_FILES_RGBA16:.rgb5a1.png=.rgb5a1),build/$f) \
# $(foreach f,$(TEXTURE_FILES_GRAY4:.i4.png=.i4),build/$f) \
# $(foreach f,$(TEXTURE_FILES_GRAY8:.i8.png=.i8),build/$f) \
# $(foreach f,$(TEXTURE_FILES_GRAYA4:.ia4.png=.ia4),build/$f) \
# $(foreach f,$(TEXTURE_FILES_GRAYA8:.ia8.png=.ia8),build/$f) \
# $(foreach f,$(TEXTURE_FILES_GRAYA16:.ia16.png=.ia16),build/$f) \
# $(foreach f,$(TEXTURE_FILES_CI4:.ci4.png=.ci4),build/$f) \
# $(foreach f,$(TEXTURE_FILES_CI8:.ci8.png=.ci8),build/$f) \
# create build directories
$( shell mkdir -p build /baserom )
$( foreach dir ,$ ( SRC_DIRS ) $ ( ASM_DIRS ) $ ( TEXTURE_DIRS ) $ ( TEXTURE_BIN_DIRS ) $ ( SCENE_DIRS ) ,$ ( shell mkdir -p build /$ ( dir ) ) )
build/src/libultra_boot_O1/%.o : OPTIMIZATION := -O 1
build/src/libultra_boot_O2/%.o : OPTIMIZATION := -O 2
build/src/code/fault.o : CFLAGS += -trapuv
build/src/code/fault.o : OPTIMIZATION := -O 2 -g 3
build/src/code/fault_drawer.o : CFLAGS += -trapuv
build/src/code/fault_drawer.o : OPTIMIZATION := -O 2 -g 3
2020-04-23 01:59:25 -07:00
build/src/code/code_801068B0.o : OPTIMIZATION := -g
build/src/code/code_80106860.o : OPTIMIZATION := -g
build/src/code/code_801067F0.o : OPTIMIZATION := -g
2020-03-17 00:31:30 -04:00
2020-04-16 20:08:23 +02:00
2020-03-17 00:31:30 -04:00
#### Main Targets ###
compare : $( ROM )
@md5sum $( ROM)
@md5sum -c checksum.md5
$(ROM) : $( ELF )
$( ELF2ROM) -cic 6105 $< $@
$(ELF) : $( TEXTURE_FILES_OUT ) $( O_FILES ) build /ldscript .txt build /undefined_syms .txt
$( LD) -T build/undefined_syms.txt -T build/ldscript.txt --no-check-sections --accept-unknown-input-arch --emit-relocs -Map build/z64.map -o $@
build/ldscript.txt : $( SPEC )
$( CPP) -P $< > build/spec
$( MKLDSCRIPT) build/spec $@
build/undefined_syms.txt : undefined_syms .txt
$( CPP) -P $< > build/undefined_syms.txt
clean :
$( RM) $( ROM) $( ELF) -r build
2020-03-28 17:34:57 -04:00
setup :
2020-04-05 15:18:43 -04:00
git submodule update --init --recursive
2020-03-27 22:30:19 -04:00
make -C tools
python3 fixbaserom.py
python3 extract_baserom.py
python3 extract_assets.py
2020-03-17 00:31:30 -04:00
#### Various Recipes ####
build/baserom/%.o : baserom /%
$( OBJCOPY) -I binary -O elf32-big $< $@
build/asm/%.o : asm /%.s
$( AS) $( ASFLAGS) $^ -o $@
build/data/%.o : data /%.s
2020-04-21 17:26:20 -04:00
iconv --from UTF-8 --to EUC-JP $^ | $( AS) $( ASFLAGS) -o $@
2020-03-17 00:31:30 -04:00
#build/assets/%.o: assets/%.s
# $(AS) $(ASFLAGS) $^ -o $@
# $(OBJCOPY) -O binary $@ $@.bin
#build/assets/%.c: assets/%.xml
# cp $(<:.c=.xml) $@
build/scenes/%.o : scenes /%.c
$( CC) -c $( CFLAGS) $( OPTIMIZATION) -o $@ $^
$( OBJCOPY) -O binary $@ $@ .bin
build/assets/%.o : assets /%.c
$( CC) -c $( CFLAGS) $( OPTIMIZATION) -o $@ $^
# $(CC_CHECK) $^
$( OBJCOPY) -O binary $@ $@ .bin
build/src/overlays/%.o : src /overlays /%.c
$( CC) -c $( CFLAGS) $( OPTIMIZATION) -o $@ $^
$( CC_CHECK) $^
$( ZAP2) bovl $@ $^ $( @:.o= _reloc.s)
$( AS) $( ASFLAGS) $( @:.o= _reloc.s) -o $( @:.o= _reloc.o)
@$( OBJDUMP) -d $@ > $( @:.o= .s)
build/asm/overlays/%.o : asm /overlays /%.s
2020-04-21 17:26:20 -04:00
iconv --from UTF-8 --to EUC-JP $^ | $( AS) $( ASFLAGS) -o $@
2020-03-17 00:31:30 -04:00
build/src/%.o : src /%.c
$( CC) -c $( CFLAGS) $( OPTIMIZATION) -o $@ $^
$( CC_CHECK) $^
@$( OBJDUMP) -d $@ > $( @:.o= .s)
2020-04-14 10:17:25 -07:00
# This line is redundant because of the asm_processor line below, but keeping it here because
# it is one of the directories that has to be compiled with CC_OLD.
# build/src/libultra_code/%.o: CC := $(CC_OLD)
2020-03-17 00:31:30 -04:00
build/src/libultra_boot_O1/%.o : CC := $( CC_OLD )
build/src/libultra_boot_O2/%.o : CC := $( CC_OLD )
build/src/boot/%.o : CC := python 3 tools /asm_processor /build .py $( CC ) -- $( AS ) $( ASFLAGS ) --
build/src/code/%.o : CC := python 3 tools /asm_processor /build .py $( CC ) -- $( AS ) $( ASFLAGS ) --
2020-04-14 10:17:25 -07:00
build/src/libultra_code/%.o : CC := python 3 tools /asm_processor /build .py $( CC_OLD ) -- $( AS ) $( ASFLAGS ) --
2020-03-17 00:31:30 -04:00
build/src/overlays/actors/%.o : CC := python 3 tools /asm_processor /build .py $( CC ) -- $( AS ) $( ASFLAGS ) --
build/src/overlays/effects/%.o : CC := python 3 tools /asm_processor /build .py $( CC ) -- $( AS ) $( ASFLAGS ) --
build/src/overlays/gamestates/%.o : CC := python 3 tools /asm_processor /build .py $( CC ) -- $( AS ) $( ASFLAGS ) --
2020-04-16 20:08:23 +02:00
build/src/code/jpegutils.o : CC := python 3 tools /asm_processor /build .py $( CC_OLD ) -- $( AS ) $( ASFLAGS ) --
2020-03-17 00:31:30 -04:00
#build/assets/textures/%.o: assets/textures/%.zdata
# $(OBJCOPY) -I binary -O elf32-big $< $@
#textures/%.zdata: textures/%
# $(ZAP2) $<.xml b
#build/assets/%.s: assets/%.xml
# $(ZAP2) e rgba32 $< $@
#build/assets/%.c: assets/%.xml
# cp $(<:.c=.xml) $@
#build/assets/%.rgba32: assets/%.rgba32.png
# $(ZAP2) btex rgba32 $< $@
#build/assets/%.rgb5a1: assets/%.rgb5a1.png
# $(ZAP2) btex rgb5a1 $< $@
#build/assets/%.i4: assets/%.i4.png
# $(ZAP2) btex i4 $< $@
#build/assets/%.i8: assets/%.i8.png
# $(ZAP2) btex i8 $< $@
#build/assets/%.ia4: assets/%.ia4.png
# $(ZAP2) btex ia4 $< $@
#build/assets/%.ia8: assets/%.ia8.png
# $(ZAP2) btex ia8 $< $@
#build/assets/%.ci4: assets/%.ci4.png
# $(ZAP2) btex ci4 $< $@
#build/assets/%.ci8: assets/%.ci8.png
# $(ZAP2) btex ci8 $< $@