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synced 2025-02-03 18:14:26 +00:00
Document Target_Update [Target Docs 4/?] (#2123)
* document Target_Update * add comments * try CLAMP (dbg is ok but ci will check retail)
This commit is contained in:
5 changed files with 147 additions and 120 deletions
@ -571,31 +571,30 @@ typedef enum NaviEnemy {
} NaviEnemy;
// A set of 4 triangles which appear as a ring around an actor when the player Z-Targets it
// A set of 4 triangles which appear as a ring around an actor when locked-on
typedef struct LockOnReticle {
/* 0x00 */ Vec3f pos;
/* 0x0C */ f32 radius; // distance towards the center of the locked on actor
/* 0x0C */ f32 radius; // distance towards the center of the locked-on actor
/* 0x10 */ Color_RGB8 color;
} LockOnReticle; // size = 0x14
typedef struct TargetContext {
/* 0x00 */ Vec3f naviRefPos; // possibly wrong
/* 0x0C */ Vec3f lockOnPos;
/* 0x18 */ Color_RGBAf naviInner;
/* 0x28 */ Color_RGBAf naviOuter;
/* 0x38 */ Actor* arrowPointedActor;
/* 0x3C */ Actor* lockOnActor;
/* 0x40 */ f32 unk_40;
/* 0x44 */ f32 reticleRadius;
/* 0x48 */ s16 reticleFadeAlphaControl;
/* 0x4A */ u8 activeCategory;
/* 0x4B */ u8 reticleSpinCounter;
/* 0x4C */ s8 curReticle; // indexes lockOnReticles[]
/* 0x4D */ char unk_4D[0x03];
/* 0x50 */ LockOnReticle lockOnReticles[3];
/* 0x8C */ Actor* unk_8C;
/* 0x90 */ Actor* bgmEnemy; // The nearest enemy to player with the right flags that will trigger NA_BGM_ENEMY
/* 0x94 */ Actor* arrowHoverActor;
/* 0x00 */ Vec3f naviHoverPos; // Navi's current hover position
/* 0x0C */ Vec3f reticlePos; // Main reticle pos which each `LockOnReticle` instance can reference
/* 0x18 */ Color_RGBAf naviInnerColor; // Navi inner color, based on actor category
/* 0x28 */ Color_RGBAf naviOuterColor; // Navi outer color, based on actor category
/* 0x38 */ Actor* naviHoverActor; // The actor that Navi hovers over
/* 0x3C */ Actor* reticleActor; // Actor to draw a reticle over
/* 0x40 */ f32 naviMoveProgressFactor; // Controls Navi so she can smootly transition to an actor
/* 0x44 */ f32 reticleRadius; // Main reticle radius value which each `LockOnReticle` instance can reference
/* 0x48 */ s16 reticleFadeAlphaControl; // Set and fade the reticle alpha; Non-zero values control if it should draw
/* 0x4A */ u8 naviHoverActorCategory; // Category of the actor Navi is currently hovering over
/* 0x4B */ u8 reticleSpinCounter; // Counts up when a reticle is active, used for the spinning animation
/* 0x4C */ s8 curReticle; // Indexes lockOnReticles[]
/* 0x50 */ LockOnReticle lockOnReticles[3]; // Multiple reticles are used for a motion-blur effect
/* 0x8C */ Actor* forcedLockOnActor; // Forces lock-on to this actor when set (never used in practice)
/* 0x90 */ Actor* bgmEnemy; // The nearest actor which can trigger enemy background music
/* 0x94 */ Actor* arrowHoverActor; // Actor to draw an arrow over
} TargetContext; // size = 0x98
typedef struct TitleCardContext {
@ -275,9 +275,9 @@ void Target_InitReticle(TargetContext* targetCtx, s32 actorCategory, PlayState*
TargetColor* reticleColor = &sTargetColorList[actorCategory];
s32 i;
Math_Vec3f_Copy(&targetCtx->lockOnPos, &play->view.eye);
Math_Vec3f_Copy(&targetCtx->reticlePos, &play->view.eye);
targetCtx->reticleRadius = 500.0f;
targetCtx->reticleRadius = 500.0f; // radius starts wide to zoom in on the actor
targetCtx->reticleFadeAlphaControl = 256;
reticle = &targetCtx->lockOnReticles[0];
@ -294,34 +294,36 @@ void Target_InitReticle(TargetContext* targetCtx, s32 actorCategory, PlayState*
void Target_SetNaviState(TargetContext* targetCtx, Actor* actor, s32 actorCategory, PlayState* play) {
TargetColor* targetColor = &sTargetColorList[actorCategory];
targetCtx->naviRefPos.x = actor->focus.pos.x;
targetCtx->naviRefPos.y = actor->focus.pos.y + (actor->targetArrowOffset * actor->scale.y);
targetCtx->naviRefPos.z = actor->focus.pos.z;
targetCtx->naviHoverPos.x = actor->focus.pos.x;
targetCtx->naviHoverPos.y = actor->focus.pos.y + (actor->targetArrowOffset * actor->scale.y);
targetCtx->naviHoverPos.z = actor->focus.pos.z;
targetCtx->naviInner.r = targetColor->inner.r;
targetCtx->naviInner.g = targetColor->inner.g;
targetCtx->naviInner.b = targetColor->inner.b;
targetCtx->naviInner.a = targetColor->inner.a;
targetCtx->naviInnerColor.r = targetColor->inner.r;
targetCtx->naviInnerColor.g = targetColor->inner.g;
targetCtx->naviInnerColor.b = targetColor->inner.b;
targetCtx->naviInnerColor.a = targetColor->inner.a;
targetCtx->naviOuter.r = targetColor->outer.r;
targetCtx->naviOuter.g = targetColor->outer.g;
targetCtx->naviOuter.b = targetColor->outer.b;
targetCtx->naviOuter.a = targetColor->outer.a;
targetCtx->naviOuterColor.r = targetColor->outer.r;
targetCtx->naviOuterColor.g = targetColor->outer.g;
targetCtx->naviOuterColor.b = targetColor->outer.b;
targetCtx->naviOuterColor.a = targetColor->outer.a;
void Target_Init(TargetContext* targetCtx, Actor* actor, PlayState* play) {
targetCtx->arrowPointedActor = targetCtx->lockOnActor = targetCtx->unk_8C = targetCtx->bgmEnemy = NULL;
targetCtx->naviHoverActor = targetCtx->reticleActor = targetCtx->forcedLockOnActor = targetCtx->bgmEnemy = NULL;
targetCtx->reticleSpinCounter = 0;
targetCtx->curReticle = 0;
targetCtx->unk_40 = 0.0f;
targetCtx->naviMoveProgressFactor = 0.0f;
Target_SetNaviState(targetCtx, actor, actor->category, play);
Target_InitReticle(targetCtx, actor->category, play);
void Target_Draw(TargetContext* targetCtx, PlayState* play) {
Actor* actor = targetCtx->lockOnActor;
Actor* actor; // used for both the reticle and arrow
actor = targetCtx->reticleActor;
OPEN_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx, "../z_actor.c", 2029);
@ -351,7 +353,7 @@ void Target_Draw(TargetContext* targetCtx, PlayState* play) {
if (actor != NULL) {
Math_Vec3f_Copy(&targetCtx->lockOnPos, &actor->focus.pos);
Math_Vec3f_Copy(&targetCtx->reticlePos, &actor->focus.pos);
projectdPosScale = (500.0f - targetCtx->reticleRadius) / 420.0f;
} else {
// Not locked on, start fading out
@ -366,7 +368,7 @@ void Target_Draw(TargetContext* targetCtx, PlayState* play) {
alpha = targetCtx->reticleFadeAlphaControl;
Actor_ProjectPos(play, &targetCtx->lockOnPos, &projectedPos, &invW);
Actor_ProjectPos(play, &targetCtx->reticlePos, &projectedPos, &invW);
projectedPos.x = ((SCREEN_WIDTH / 2) * (projectedPos.x * invW)) * projectdPosScale;
projectedPos.x = CLAMP(projectedPos.x, -SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_WIDTH);
@ -447,101 +449,128 @@ void Target_Draw(TargetContext* targetCtx, PlayState* play) {
CLOSE_DISPS(play->state.gfxCtx, "../z_actor.c", 2158);
void func_8002C7BC(TargetContext* targetCtx, Player* player, Actor* actorArg, PlayState* play) {
void Target_Update(TargetContext* targetCtx, Player* player, Actor* curLockOnActor, PlayState* play) {
s32 pad;
Actor* unkActor;
s32 actorCategory;
Actor* actor;
s32 category;
Vec3f projectedFocusPos;
f32 cappedInvWDest;
unkActor = NULL;
actor = NULL;
if ((player->unk_664 != NULL) &&
(player->controlStickDirections[player->controlStickDataIndex] == PLAYER_STICK_DIR_BACKWARD)) {
// Holding backward on the control stick prevents an arrow appearing over the next targetable actor.
// This helps escape a targeting loop when using Switch Targeting, but note that this still works for
// Hold Targeting as well.
targetCtx->arrowHoverActor = NULL;
} else {
Target_FindTargetableActor(play, &play->actorCtx, &unkActor, player);
targetCtx->arrowHoverActor = unkActor;
// Find the next targetable actor and draw an arrow over it
Target_FindTargetableActor(play, &play->actorCtx, &actor, player);
targetCtx->arrowHoverActor = actor;
if (targetCtx->unk_8C != NULL) {
unkActor = targetCtx->unk_8C;
targetCtx->unk_8C = NULL;
} else if (actorArg != NULL) {
unkActor = actorArg;
if (targetCtx->forcedLockOnActor != NULL) {
// This lock-on actor takes precedence over anything else
// (this feature is never used in practice)
actor = targetCtx->forcedLockOnActor;
targetCtx->forcedLockOnActor = NULL;
} else if (curLockOnActor != NULL) {
// Stay locked-on to the same actor
actor = curLockOnActor;
if (unkActor != NULL) {
actorCategory = unkActor->category;
if (actor != NULL) {
category = actor->category;
} else {
actorCategory = player->actor.category;
category = player->actor.category;
if ((unkActor != targetCtx->arrowPointedActor) || (actorCategory != targetCtx->activeCategory)) {
targetCtx->arrowPointedActor = unkActor;
targetCtx->activeCategory = actorCategory;
targetCtx->unk_40 = 1.0f;
if ((actor != targetCtx->naviHoverActor) || (category != targetCtx->naviHoverActorCategory)) {
// Set Navi to hover over a new actor
targetCtx->naviHoverActor = actor;
targetCtx->naviHoverActorCategory = category;
targetCtx->naviMoveProgressFactor = 1.0f;
if (unkActor == NULL) {
unkActor = &player->actor;
if (actor == NULL) {
// Setting the actor to Player will make Navi return to him
actor = &player->actor;
if (Math_StepToF(&targetCtx->unk_40, 0.0f, 0.25f) == 0) {
f32 temp1 = 0.25f / targetCtx->unk_40;
f32 temp2 = unkActor->world.pos.x - targetCtx->naviRefPos.x;
f32 temp3 =
(unkActor->world.pos.y + (unkActor->targetArrowOffset * unkActor->scale.y)) - targetCtx->naviRefPos.y;
f32 temp4 = unkActor->world.pos.z - targetCtx->naviRefPos.z;
if (!Math_StepToF(&targetCtx->naviMoveProgressFactor, 0.0f, 0.25f)) {
f32 moveScale = 0.25f / targetCtx->naviMoveProgressFactor;
f32 x = actor->world.pos.x - targetCtx->naviHoverPos.x;
f32 y = (actor->world.pos.y + (actor->targetArrowOffset * actor->scale.y)) - targetCtx->naviHoverPos.y;
f32 z = actor->world.pos.z - targetCtx->naviHoverPos.z;
targetCtx->naviRefPos.x += temp2 * temp1;
targetCtx->naviRefPos.y += temp3 * temp1;
targetCtx->naviRefPos.z += temp4 * temp1;
targetCtx->naviHoverPos.x += x * moveScale;
targetCtx->naviHoverPos.y += y * moveScale;
targetCtx->naviHoverPos.z += z * moveScale;
} else {
Target_SetNaviState(targetCtx, unkActor, actorCategory, play);
// Set Navi pos and color after reaching destination
Target_SetNaviState(targetCtx, actor, category, play);
if ((actorArg != NULL) && (targetCtx->reticleSpinCounter == 0)) {
Actor_ProjectPos(play, &actorArg->focus.pos, &projectedFocusPos, &cappedInvWDest);
// Release lock-on if the actor is off screen.
// The camera is always moving toward the locked-on actor, so it seems difficult
// to move the actor off screen, if its even possible.
if ((curLockOnActor != NULL) && (targetCtx->reticleSpinCounter == 0)) {
Actor_ProjectPos(play, &curLockOnActor->focus.pos, &projectedFocusPos, &cappedInvWDest);
if (((projectedFocusPos.z <= 0.0f) || (1.0f <= fabsf(projectedFocusPos.x * cappedInvWDest))) ||
(1.0f <= fabsf(projectedFocusPos.y * cappedInvWDest))) {
actorArg = NULL;
curLockOnActor = NULL;
if (actorArg != NULL) {
if (actorArg != targetCtx->lockOnActor) {
if (curLockOnActor != NULL) {
if (curLockOnActor != targetCtx->reticleActor) {
s32 lockOnSfxId;
Target_InitReticle(targetCtx, actorArg->category, play);
targetCtx->lockOnActor = actorArg;
// Set up a new lock-on
Target_InitReticle(targetCtx, curLockOnActor->category, play);
targetCtx->reticleActor = curLockOnActor;
if (actorArg->id == ACTOR_EN_BOOM) {
if (curLockOnActor->id == ACTOR_EN_BOOM) {
// Don't draw the reticle when locked onto the boomerang.
// Note that it isn't possible to lock onto the boomerang, so this code doesn't do anything.
// This implies that the boomerang camera lock may have been implemented with Z-Targeting at one point,
// but was eventually implemented as its own camera mode instead.
targetCtx->reticleFadeAlphaControl = 0;
lockOnSfxId = CHECK_FLAG_ALL(actorArg->flags, ACTOR_FLAG_0 | ACTOR_FLAG_2) ? NA_SE_SY_LOCK_ON
lockOnSfxId = CHECK_FLAG_ALL(curLockOnActor->flags, ACTOR_FLAG_0 | ACTOR_FLAG_2) ? NA_SE_SY_LOCK_ON
targetCtx->lockOnPos.x = actorArg->world.pos.x;
targetCtx->lockOnPos.y = actorArg->world.pos.y - (actorArg->shape.yOffset * actorArg->scale.y);
targetCtx->lockOnPos.z = actorArg->world.pos.z;
// Update reticle
targetCtx->reticlePos.x = curLockOnActor->world.pos.x;
targetCtx->reticlePos.y =
curLockOnActor->world.pos.y - (curLockOnActor->shape.yOffset * curLockOnActor->scale.y);
targetCtx->reticlePos.z = curLockOnActor->world.pos.z;
if (targetCtx->reticleSpinCounter == 0) {
f32 temp5 = (500.0f - targetCtx->reticleRadius) * 3.0f;
f32 temp6 = (temp5 < 30.0f) ? 30.0f : ((100.0f < temp5) ? 100.0f : temp5);
f32 step = (500.0f - targetCtx->reticleRadius) * 3.0f;
f32 reticleZoomStep = CLAMP(step, 30.0f, 100.0f);
if (Math_StepToF(&targetCtx->reticleRadius, 80.0f, temp6) != 0) {
if (Math_StepToF(&targetCtx->reticleRadius, 80.0f, reticleZoomStep)) {
// Non-zero counter indicates the reticle is done zooming in
} else {
// Finished zooming in, spin the reticle around the lock-on actor
// 0x80 is or'd to avoid a value of zero.
// This rotation value gets multiplied by 0x200, which multiplied by 0x80 gives a full turn (0x10000)
targetCtx->reticleSpinCounter = (targetCtx->reticleSpinCounter + 3) | 0x80;
targetCtx->reticleRadius = 120.0f;
} else {
targetCtx->lockOnActor = NULL;
// Expand the reticle radius quickly as the lock-on is released
targetCtx->reticleActor = NULL;
Math_StepToF(&targetCtx->reticleRadius, 500.0f, 80.0f);
@ -2339,13 +2368,14 @@ void Actor_UpdateAll(PlayState* play, ActorContext* actorCtx) {
if ((actor == NULL) || (player->unk_66C < 5)) {
actor = NULL;
if (actorCtx->targetCtx.reticleSpinCounter != 0) {
actorCtx->targetCtx.reticleSpinCounter = 0;
func_8002C7BC(&actorCtx->targetCtx, player, actor, play);
Target_Update(&actorCtx->targetCtx, player, actor, play);
TitleCard_Update(play, &actorCtx->titleCtx);
DynaPoly_UpdateBgActorTransforms(play, &play->colCtx.dyna);
@ -3085,12 +3115,12 @@ Actor* Actor_Delete(ActorContext* actorCtx, Actor* actor, PlayState* play) {
Camera_RequestMode(Play_GetCamera(play, Play_GetActiveCamId(play)), CAM_MODE_NORMAL);
if (actor == actorCtx->targetCtx.arrowPointedActor) {
actorCtx->targetCtx.arrowPointedActor = NULL;
if (actor == actorCtx->targetCtx.naviHoverActor) {
actorCtx->targetCtx.naviHoverActor = NULL;
if (actor == actorCtx->targetCtx.unk_8C) {
actorCtx->targetCtx.unk_8C = NULL;
if (actor == actorCtx->targetCtx.forcedLockOnActor) {
actorCtx->targetCtx.forcedLockOnActor = NULL;
if (actor == actorCtx->targetCtx.bgmEnemy) {
@ -838,7 +838,7 @@ void func_80A03CF8(EnElf* this, PlayState* play) {
Vec3f nextPos;
Vec3f prevPos;
Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play);
Actor* arrowPointedActor;
Actor* naviHoverActor;
f32 xScale;
f32 distFromPlayerHat;
@ -935,11 +935,11 @@ void func_80A03CF8(EnElf* this, PlayState* play) {
func_80A029A8(this, 1);
nextPos = play->actorCtx.targetCtx.naviRefPos;
nextPos = play->actorCtx.targetCtx.naviHoverPos;
nextPos.y += (1500.0f * this->actor.scale.y);
arrowPointedActor = play->actorCtx.targetCtx.arrowPointedActor;
naviHoverActor = play->actorCtx.targetCtx.naviHoverActor;
if (arrowPointedActor != NULL) {
if (naviHoverActor != NULL) {
func_80A03148(this, &nextPos, 0.0f, 20.0f, 0.2f);
if (this->actor.speed >= 5.0f) {
@ -1000,12 +1000,12 @@ void EnElf_ChangeColor(Color_RGBAf* dest, Color_RGBAf* newColor, Color_RGBAf* cu
void func_80A04414(EnElf* this, PlayState* play) {
Actor* arrowPointedActor = play->actorCtx.targetCtx.arrowPointedActor;
Actor* naviHoverActor = play->actorCtx.targetCtx.naviHoverActor;
Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play);
f32 transitionRate;
u16 sfxId;
if (play->actorCtx.targetCtx.unk_40 != 0.0f) {
if (play->actorCtx.targetCtx.naviMoveProgressFactor != 0.0f) {
this->unk_2C6 = 0;
this->unk_29C = 1.0f;
@ -1015,34 +1015,34 @@ void func_80A04414(EnElf* this, PlayState* play) {
} else {
if (this->unk_2C6 == 0) {
if ((arrowPointedActor == NULL) ||
(Math_Vec3f_DistXYZ(&this->actor.world.pos, &play->actorCtx.targetCtx.naviRefPos) < 50.0f)) {
if ((naviHoverActor == NULL) ||
(Math_Vec3f_DistXYZ(&this->actor.world.pos, &play->actorCtx.targetCtx.naviHoverPos) < 50.0f)) {
this->unk_2C6 = 1;
} else if (this->unk_29C != 0.0f) {
if (Math_StepToF(&this->unk_29C, 0.0f, 0.25f) != 0) {
this->innerColor = play->actorCtx.targetCtx.naviInner;
this->outerColor = play->actorCtx.targetCtx.naviOuter;
this->innerColor = play->actorCtx.targetCtx.naviInnerColor;
this->outerColor = play->actorCtx.targetCtx.naviOuterColor;
} else {
transitionRate = 0.25f / this->unk_29C;
EnElf_ChangeColor(&this->innerColor, &play->actorCtx.targetCtx.naviInner, &this->innerColor,
EnElf_ChangeColor(&this->innerColor, &play->actorCtx.targetCtx.naviInnerColor, &this->innerColor,
EnElf_ChangeColor(&this->outerColor, &play->actorCtx.targetCtx.naviOuter, &this->outerColor,
EnElf_ChangeColor(&this->outerColor, &play->actorCtx.targetCtx.naviOuterColor, &this->outerColor,
if (this->fairyFlags & 1) {
if ((arrowPointedActor == NULL) || (player->unk_664 == NULL)) {
if ((naviHoverActor == NULL) || (player->unk_664 == NULL)) {
this->fairyFlags ^= 1;
} else {
if ((arrowPointedActor != NULL) && (player->unk_664 != NULL)) {
if (arrowPointedActor->category == ACTORCAT_NPC) {
if ((naviHoverActor != NULL) && (player->unk_664 != NULL)) {
if (naviHoverActor->category == ACTORCAT_NPC) {
} else {
sfxId = (arrowPointedActor->category == ACTORCAT_ENEMY) ? NA_SE_VO_NAVY_ENEMY : NA_SE_VO_NAVY_HEAR;
sfxId = (naviHoverActor->category == ACTORCAT_ENEMY) ? NA_SE_VO_NAVY_ENEMY : NA_SE_VO_NAVY_HEAR;
if (this->unk_2C7 == 0) {
@ -1056,7 +1056,7 @@ void func_80A04414(EnElf* this, PlayState* play) {
void func_80A0461C(EnElf* this, PlayState* play) {
s32 temp;
Actor* arrowPointedActor;
Actor* naviHoverActor;
Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play);
if (play->csCtx.state != CS_STATE_IDLE) {
@ -1081,7 +1081,7 @@ void func_80A0461C(EnElf* this, PlayState* play) {
} else {
arrowPointedActor = play->actorCtx.targetCtx.arrowPointedActor;
naviHoverActor = play->actorCtx.targetCtx.naviHoverActor;
// `R_SCENE_CAM_TYPE` is not a bit field, but this conditional checks for a specific bit.
// This `& 0x10` check will pass for either `SCENE_CAM_TYPE_FIXED_SHOP_VIEWPOINT`, `SCENE_CAM_TYPE_FIXED`, or
@ -1092,8 +1092,8 @@ void func_80A0461C(EnElf* this, PlayState* play) {
((R_SCENE_CAM_TYPE & 0x10) && Play_CheckViewpoint(play, VIEWPOINT_PIVOT))) {
temp = 12;
this->unk_2C0 = 100;
} else if (arrowPointedActor == NULL || arrowPointedActor->category == ACTORCAT_NPC) {
if (arrowPointedActor != NULL) {
} else if (naviHoverActor == NULL || naviHoverActor->category == ACTORCAT_NPC) {
if (naviHoverActor != NULL) {
this->unk_2C0 = 100;
player->stateFlags2 |= PLAYER_STATE2_20;
temp = 0;
@ -1219,20 +1219,18 @@ void func_80A04D90(EnElf* this, PlayState* play) {
void func_80A04DE4(EnElf* this, PlayState* play) {
Vec3f headCopy;
Player* player = GET_PLAYER(play);
Vec3f naviRefPos;
Vec3f pos;
if (this->fairyFlags & 0x10) {
naviRefPos = play->actorCtx.targetCtx.naviRefPos;
pos = play->actorCtx.targetCtx.naviHoverPos;
if ((player->unk_664 == NULL) || (&player->actor == player->unk_664) || (&this->actor == player->unk_664)) {
naviRefPos.x =
player->bodyPartsPos[PLAYER_BODYPART_HEAD].x + (Math_SinS(player->actor.shape.rot.y) * 20.0f);
naviRefPos.y = player->bodyPartsPos[PLAYER_BODYPART_HEAD].y + 5.0f;
naviRefPos.z =
player->bodyPartsPos[PLAYER_BODYPART_HEAD].z + (Math_CosS(player->actor.shape.rot.y) * 20.0f);
pos.x = player->bodyPartsPos[PLAYER_BODYPART_HEAD].x + (Math_SinS(player->actor.shape.rot.y) * 20.0f);
pos.y = player->bodyPartsPos[PLAYER_BODYPART_HEAD].y + 5.0f;
pos.z = player->bodyPartsPos[PLAYER_BODYPART_HEAD].z + (Math_CosS(player->actor.shape.rot.y) * 20.0f);
this->actor.focus.pos = naviRefPos;
this->actor.focus.pos = pos;
this->fairyFlags &= ~0x10;
@ -3578,7 +3578,7 @@ void func_80836BEC(Player* this, PlayState* play) {
CHECK_BTN_ALL(sControlInput->press.button, BTN_Z)) {
if (this->actor.category == ACTORCAT_PLAYER) {
actorToTarget = play->actorCtx.targetCtx.arrowPointedActor;
actorToTarget = play->actorCtx.targetCtx.naviHoverActor;
} else {
actorToTarget = &GET_PLAYER(play)->actor;
@ -10360,7 +10360,7 @@ void Player_UpdateInterface(PlayState* play, Player* this) {
doAction = DO_ACTION_JUMP;
} else if ((this->heldItemAction >= PLAYER_IA_SWORD_MASTER) ||
((this->stateFlags2 & PLAYER_STATE2_20) &&
(play->actorCtx.targetCtx.arrowPointedActor == NULL))) {
(play->actorCtx.targetCtx.naviHoverActor == NULL))) {
@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ Target_InitReticle = 0x8001FE7C; // type:func
Target_SetNaviState = 0x8001FF44; // type:func
Target_Init = 0x800200A8; // type:func
Target_Draw = 0x8002010C; // type:func
func_8002C7BC = 0x80020748; // type:func
Target_Update = 0x80020748; // type:func
Flags_GetSwitch = 0x80020ADC; // type:func
Flags_SetSwitch = 0x80020B10; // type:func
Flags_UnsetSwitch = 0x80020B50; // type:func
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