
170 lines
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Copyright 2016, 2017 Michele "King_DuckZ" Santullo
This file is part of MyCurry.
MyCurry is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
MyCurry is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with MyCurry. If not, see <>.
#include "grid_raytrace.hpp"
#include "worldgrid.hpp"
#include "vectorwrapper/vectorops.hpp"
#include "tileproperty.hpp"
#include <cassert>
#include <ciso646>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cmath>
#include <cfloat>
#include <algorithm>
#include <cfloat>
namespace curry {
#if !defined(BUILD_TESTING)
namespace {
float inv_length (const vec2f& parVec) {
return 1.0f / std::sqrt(parVec.x() * parVec.x() + parVec.y() * parVec.y());
vec2f abs (const vec2f& parVec) {
return vec2f(std::abs(parVec.x()), std::abs(parVec.y()));
float segment_intersection (const vec2f& parA, const vec2f& parDirA, const vec2f& parB, const vec2f& parDirB) {
const auto& p = parA;
const auto& r = parDirA;
const auto& q = parB;
const auto& s = parDirB;
const auto r_cross_s = cross(r, s);
if (std::abs(r_cross_s) <= FLT_EPSILON) {
if (std::abs(cross(q - p, r)) <= FLT_EPSILON) {
assert(std::abs(dot(r, r)) > FLT_EPSILON);
auto t0 = dot(q - p, r) / dot(r, r);
auto t1 = dot(q - p + s, r) / dot(r, r);
if (dot(s, r) < 0.0f)
std::swap(t0, t1);
assert(t0 <= t1);
if (0.0f <= t0)
return t0;
else if (t1 <= 1.0f)
return t1;
return INFINITY;
else {
return INFINITY;
assert(not (std::abs(r_cross_s) <= FLT_EPSILON));
const auto inv_r_cross_s = 1.0f / r_cross_s;
const auto t = cross(q - p, s) * inv_r_cross_s;
//const auto u = cross(q - p, r) * inv_r_cross_s;
return t;
//if (0.0f <= t and t <= 1.0f and 0.0f <= u and u <= 1.0f)
//return t;
//return INFINITY;
vec2f frac (vec2f parVal) {
return parVal - vec2f(std::floor(parVal.x()), std::floor(parVal.y()));
template <typename T> int sgn (T val) {
return (T(0) < val) - (val < T(0));
#if !defined(BUILD_TESTING)
} //unnamed namespace
void for_each_cell_under_segment (
const vec2f& parFrom,
const vec2f& parTo,
vec2us parObjSize,
const WorldGrid& parWorld,
std::function<bool(vec2us)> parFunc,
bool parInclFirst
) {
const vec2f tile_size = vector_cast<vec2f>(parWorld.tile_size());
//in this simplified case everything should be part of the world grid
assert(parFrom >= vec2f(0.0f));
assert(parTo >= vec2f(0.0f));
assert(parFrom / tile_size <= vector_cast<vec2f>(parWorld.world_size()));
assert(parTo / tile_size <= vector_cast<vec2f>(parWorld.world_size()));
//float t = 0.0f;
const vec2f& u = parFrom;
const vec2f v = parTo - parFrom;
const auto delta = tile_size / abs(v);
const auto fr = frac(u / tile_size);
assert(fr.x() >= 0.0f and fr.x() < 1.0f);
assert(fr.y() >= 0.0f and fr.y() < 1.0f);
const vec2i step(sgn(v.x()), sgn(v.y()));
vec2f max;
if (step.x() > 0)
max.x() = delta.x() * (1.0f - fr.x());
else if (step.x() < 0)
max.x() = delta.x() * fr.x();
max.x() = FLT_MAX;
if (step.y() > 0)
max.y() = delta.y() * (1.0f - fr.y());
else if (step.y() < 0)
max.y() = delta.y() * fr.y();
max.y() = FLT_MAX;
vec2us curr_tile = pixel_to_world_tile(parWorld, u);
const vec2us last_tile = pixel_to_world_tile(parWorld, parTo);
bool& do_callback = parInclFirst;
while (
((do_callback and parFunc(curr_tile)) or not do_callback)
and last_tile != curr_tile
) {
do_callback = true;
if (max.x() < max.y()) {
std::max(static_cast<uint16_t>(curr_tile.x() + step.x()), last_tile.x()) -
std::min(static_cast<uint16_t>(curr_tile.x() + step.x()), last_tile.x()) <
std::max(curr_tile.x(), last_tile.x()) -
std::min(curr_tile.x(), last_tile.x())
max.x() += delta.x();
curr_tile.x() = static_cast<uint16_t>(curr_tile.x() + step.x());
else {
std::max(static_cast<uint16_t>(curr_tile.y() + step.y()), last_tile.y()) -
std::min(static_cast<uint16_t>(curr_tile.y() + step.y()), last_tile.y()) <
std::max(curr_tile.y(), last_tile.y()) -
std::min(curr_tile.y(), last_tile.y())
max.y() += delta.y();
curr_tile.y() = static_cast<uint16_t>(curr_tile.y() + step.y());
} //namespace curry