- ACTION_MENU* not sent
- allow using the game UI with keyboard only
- allow mapping ACTION_MENU to controller inputs
- fix joystick axis (-) not working due to typo
- Support joystick hotplugging
- Support axes as buttons (means xbox360 shoulder triggers can be used as buttons)
- Show pretty joystick axis & button names if possible
- Tabify input actions UI
- Add 'mouse' column to input actions UI
- Allow to configure form hotkeys
- Allow ALL keys, get rid of internal key remapping
- SDL2: Use scancodes instead of keycodes since they are layout independent
- Allow extra mouse buttons (if present)
- Remove "lmbd" & "lmbu" actions in favor of "PrimaryAction" & "SecondaryAction"
Makes the configuration less redundant and doesn't send each action twice,
which happened if both were set to the same key.
- Fix Regressions from prev commits (menu not opening on Esc)
Still has a few minor bugs/issues that need to be fixed,
but pushing this now before the commit gets too large again.
Started working on a tiny input/ActionMapper refactor,
then everything fell apart and i ended up doing this.
I'm sorry.
Pretty much untested because input mapping is broken right now,
will fix that next.
- HTTP networking support, mods can be downloaded via the builtin downloader.
All network activity runs in a seperate thread, which is started
as soon as any network activity is requested.
- The master server is hard-coded to fg.wzff.de/aqmods/ if not specified otherwise;
this setting can be overridden in the config file.
- The mod selector screen is now a grid-view for much better navigation;
also works with joystick.
- VFS code is functionally similar to the old molebox-packed release
for win32. The game could also have its data shipped in a Zip file
or any other kind of archive.
- It is still possible to build without VFS support, but then the mod
downloader and soft-patching will not be available.
The full commit history can be found here:
The most important commit messages follow:
This replaces all std::ifstream with InStream, and fopen(), ... with vfopen(), ...
Some code is #ifdef'd for better performance and less memory-copying.
VFILE is defined to whatever type of file is in use:
- FILE if BBGE_BUILD_VFS is not defined
- tttvfs::VFSFile if it is.
Other changes:
- [un]packFile() is now unused and obsolete. That code has not been adjusted to use VFILE.
- glpng can now load from a memory buffer.
- TinyXML uses the VFS for reading operations now.
- The rather clunky binary stream loading of glfont2 got replaced with ByteBuffer,
which gets its data in one block (necessary to use the VFS without implementing
a somewhat STL-compliant std::ifstream replacement.)
Implement loading mods from zip files.
Implement soft-patching game data files. (Replacing textures/audio/... on the fly)
Misc bits:
- Extended GUI focus handling a bit
- Fixed weirdness in texture loading... not sure but this seems more correct to me.
Actually, considering that the texture will have its native size after restarting the game,
the lines removed with this commit seem pretty useless.